Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1757: .Arrogant guys are not cute

Bae Shengye?

Bae... Oh, come to think of it, it's the evil capitalist.

She didn't know his name, but the little handsome guy had said that his name was Pei Chenyue and the same surname was Pei, so it must be him.

Besides, only that man would talk to people in such a high-pitched tone.

Because she really didn't like it, her tone became cold, "What's the matter, Mr. Pei."

"Thank you very much for saving my son today. After thinking about it, I still don’t like owing favors to others. I wanted to send you a copy.

Ten million cheques, but I was afraid that Police Officer Han would be honest and honest, and disdain to accept this thank you gift, so I decided to call

Well, thank you sincerely. "Pei Shengye said casually.

Although I am thanking others, I still can't get rid of the high indifference and looseness in my tone.

10 million! ! !

Then he didn't give it after one thought?

Han Qianyu was choked by the beer, "Mr. Pei, where did you analyze that I would disdain your thank-you fee? You

Too arbitrary, you are considering your first plan, I think it is very feasible! "

Pei Shengye curled his lips mockingly on the other end of the phone, "What I decide will not change."

"Ha—" Han Qianyu laughed dryly, "Goodbye!"

After she finished speaking, she hung up without waiting for him to speak.

Picking up the beer, she took a sip.

"Who made you angry?" Xia Qing handed her the peeled lobster.

Han Qianyu told him what happened this morning, "You should be stingy when you say it. You have to say it like that.

Nice, said I won't accept it. Whoever I say not to accept, this is clearly to stimulate me. "

Xia Qing just laughed when he heard it, "Little miser, you just want 10 million from others!"

"I don't deny that money is tempting, but I am most angry with his sinister face."

"Okay, okay, don't be angry, the Bae Shengye you said is a rich man, 10 million is really for him

It's a drop in the bucket, maybe people really respect you. "

"I hehe, you would say that because you haven't contacted him before, and my impression of him is mean and arrogant.

Such people will test the feelings of others, and I don't believe it. "

"Don't get angry, such a person is not in the same world as us, and you will never meet him again."


Han Qianyu picked up the lobster and put it in his mouth.

Winson Manor.

Two handsome boys, one large and one small, in father and son dressing gowns lie on the deck chairs in the roof garden.

"I won, starting tomorrow, no candy is allowed!" Pei Shengye stretched out his arms proudly, resting his head on the back.

"Don't you think Xiaoyu is a very honest and lovely woman?" Yueyue was not convinced.

Pei Shengye glanced at his son faintly, "Smelly brat, you can die of this heart, she - absolutely not!"

"Huh, smelly dad, if I get kidnapped again, I might be torn up. Then, you will never see me again.

"Yueyue," said Yueyue, with a pitifully narrowed mouth, "Do you not want Yueyue to have a baby brother with another woman?

Brother? "


Pei Shengye always said the same thing, except for this kid.

He relaxed, "Okay, Dad will contact tomorrow, but there is one thing to say, if she can’t get through, there will be more

Excellent, you can't talk to Dad anymore. "

"Long live Dad!" Xiaoyu must be the best!


Who said you won't meet again?

Who said this! ! !

Early in the morning, Han Qianyu saw that a certain capitalist came to the police station alone like a private visit from the leader's WeChat account, and entered

Secretary's Office.

He also forced all the police flowers in the bureau to become idiots.

With a little restraint, began to gossip.

"Have you seen it? The man just now claimed to be the fifth king of diamonds that no woman in the city took."

"He doesn't like women at all."

"I have illegitimate children, don't you like women?"

"In other words, who is the woman who gave birth to him? Why not find him?"

"How do you know that you didn't look for it? Maybe it did. He only wants children, and mothers who don't want children? The rich are more cruel."

"Hey~~~~ The rich are as deep as the sea!"

Han Qianyu was holding a teacup, and couldn't help standing on the periphery to listen.

She couldn't help but tsk in her heart, she really committed a lot of evil!

After a while, the chief came and ordered everyone to gather for a meeting, and there were female criminal police inspected in the entire bureau.

What is this for?

Han Qianyu wondered in his heart, is it related to the arrival of Pei Shengye?

But didn't all the kidnappers confessed to their accomplices, and they were also caught, so what else could happen?

In the meeting room.

Han Qianyu discovered that even female detectives from other branches had also arrived. One of them was Jin Nasha, her classmate at the police academy.

I heard that the branch office over there became a beauty police flower.

Jin Nasha also saw her.

The two said hello from a distance.

"It’s an issue to gather everyone here today. Yesterday the young master of the Pei Group in our city was kidnapped.

Comrade Han Qianyu of the bureau found out in time that he had subdued the gangster and saved the hostage. For this reason, Pei Shengye, president of the Pei Group

I also expressed my deep gratitude. "

After the police station, Han Qianyu became the focus of everyone.

She smiled back with embarrassment, and thought to herself, could this be the commendation meeting?

Thinking of this, the director said, "Although this gangster has been caught, Pei is always afraid that someone will follow suit, so he

I hope we can send a policeman to protect the young master for a period of time. Considering that the child is still young, the policewoman

I was more careful, so I called everyone in and chose one of you. "

It turned out that Pei Shengye came to apply for protection.

Doesn't he have a lot of bodyguards, why need police protection?

But Yueyue wasn't exactly kidnapped under the eyelids of the bodyguard, there are still loopholes in this defense!

Thinking of lovely Yueyue, she wanted to protect him.

But thinking of Pei Shengye's sinister face, she didn't want to go.

"As for me, I recommended Han Qianyu to him, but Pei always thinks that our ability in Han Qianyu is doubtful. He

It is proposed that in a game of reaction ability and fighting, whoever wins. "The director said again without hurries.

The five words of suspicion and ability pierced her brain.

I want her to come all the way, regardless of shooting, fighting, physical fitness, it is the best in Quanyou.

After being assigned here, in just one year, he has solved numerous crimes and received numerous commendations. He actually felt

She is incapable.

Han Qianyu squeezed his fists, Pei Shengye, I will let you see if I have the ability.


The trials are on the second day.

Pei Shengye also came.

Standing with several bureau chiefs, in a delicately tailored blue suit with a strong aura,

A handsome face that upsides all sentient beings is very cold.

There is an unattainable sense of alienation.

A group of policewomen looked at the Yushu Linfeng in the distance, handsome and distinguished men, all smiles sweetly.

It's like the emperor chooses his concubine.

Originally this kind of drudgery of keeping the hostages was kept away from everyone, but this time, the female policemen of the various bureaus all wanted to hold them.

Begging to go with the thigh of the chief executive, it's all drunk, not drinking.

Fortunately, the police station is not a vegetable market. Everything must be disciplined. Otherwise, it might be what the competition will look like.

Han Qianyu didn't watch Pei Shengye, nor smile at him.

But she showed the energy of working hard.

She was originally the strongest policewoman in the city. She was honed in the devil training of the instructor’s father since she was a child. Many men

The detective is not her opponent.

In the morning of the competition, she successfully knocked out all the opponents.

This is what everyone expected, but it is also unexpected.

Because she seemed to have no interest in Pei Shengye before, and she didn’t even look at her directly. Which one is more serious than

After the match, she will be so serious.

Soon everyone was talking behind the scenes that it was fake and high-ranking, but in fact, they had been very moved by Pei Shengye and wanted to accept it.

Near him.

In fact, Han Qianyu didn’t think so much, she just wanted to be strong, and no one could tolerate anyone questioning her ability as a police officer.

That's it.

Pei Shengye calmly saw the end of the game.

His expression has not fluctuated from beginning to end, and the old foxes in the police station who are trying to figure out his psychology have not seen it.

This is what happened.

After the game was over, Tan Ju called Han Qianyu to the office, "I knew you could win, and this time the task will be handed in.

I'm here, don't shame me. "

"Guaranteed to complete the task." Han Qianyu replied.

Coming out of the secretary's office, she took a long breath.

I was still wondering whether to go before, this would have to go.

These years, it has been too hard, and even to prove that one is capable, there is a price to pay.

She comforted herself, just go, she is not a person who puts her personal likes and dislikes in her work, the lovely Yueyue needs her.

at dusk.

Han Qianyu simply packed a few clothes and drove to Winson Manor to begin her protection mission.

Accompanied by the sunset, the natural wind blowing outside the window, the good air makes people intoxicated.

After entering the manor, she was even more shocked by the luxurious and dreamy scene in front of her.

Only father and son, do they need to live in such a big place?

After the car stopped at the door, she got off the car, and a middle-aged man came down to help her with luggage at the door.

"Sergeant Han, I am the housekeeper in the manor. You call me Lao Cai and say it's Uncle Cai."

"Okay, Uncle Cai."

Han Qian said in a relaxed and generous manner, and was not cautious.

Walking into this mansion like a castle, she looked around, and her inner feelings were summed up in one word, how!

On the stairs, Pei Shengye led Yueyue down.

"Yueyue!" Han Qianyu greeted Yueyue kindly, but regarded Pei Shengye as air.

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