Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1758: .Keep your evil eyes away!

"Xiaoyu!" Yueyue broke free from Pei Shengye's hand and ran happily.

Pei Shengye's expression became colder.

Quite appetizing in my heart.

I don't understand why my son likes this Han Qianyu so much, is it just because she saved him?

Pei Shengye paced down and came to Han Qianyu, her tall figure enveloped her, with a pair of unpredictable eyes

Looking at her, "Detective Han, we meet again!"

"Yes, I met again, I hope Mr. Pei can cooperate with my work." Han Qianyu answered formulaically.

Looking down at Yueyue, she immediately put on a gentle expression, "Yueyue, auntie will protect you personally during this time.

You have to be obedient and cooperate with your aunt's work. "Han Qianyu said to Yueyue with a smile.

"Don't worry, Xiaoyu, I will listen to you."

"be good!"

"Will Xiaoyu sleep in the same room with me?"


"Can Xiaoyu sleep on the same bed with me?"

"If you don't dislike Auntie, of course you can!"


Yueyue threw into Han Qianyu's arms.

Pei Shengye pulled her son from behind, and said solemnly: "She is not for you!"

"Then do you think Xiaoyu is right for you? You also want Xiaoyu to protect you? Do you sleep with you?" Yueyue raised her head and turned

Ask the past.

"Dad doesn't need protection from a woman." Pei Shengye replied with a cool expression.

"Then why do you look so jealous, you obviously want to!" The little ghost shrugged.

Pei Shengye stared at his son's small face, leaned over slightly, and narrowed his eyes dangerously, "Provoking dad, the consequences are serious."

Yueyue didn't speak, and stopped talking.

"..." Han Qianyu was full of black lines!

She didn't come to warm the bed!


After dinner.

Yueyue took Han Qianyu upstairs to play with his latest toy.

Pei Shengye went to the study to deal with the work. After he finished processing, he came to Yueyue's room and gently opened the door.

He didn't stop going in immediately.

With his hands behind his back, he stood at the door with a cold expression.

In the room, two people are playing Lego.

Yueyue was very happy and kept laughing.

The brat is usually very cold, so why is it so happy with this woman?

Does this kid long for motherly love?

Or is this kid starting to like girls? Puppy love?

In the room, Han Qianyu raised the Lego structure in his hand and said, "Yueyue, look, this is a Barrett m82a1 sniper.

Rifle, handsome or not! "

"It's so cool!" Yue Yue was all excited.

"This is a sight, this is a magazine..." Han Qianyu began to teach Yueyue how to shoot with joy.

"..." The woman actually taught his son how to play guns.

Pei Shengye's face sank, he opened the door and said with a serious expression, "Police Officer Han, please come out."

"Dad, are you going to trick Xiaoyu into your room?" Yueyue asked him with a suspicious look.


"I don't believe it, Xiaoyu is not allowed to leave."

Han Qianyu is inexplicably embarrassed.

Yueyue saw that Pei Shengye’s expression was getting colder and colder, and she took his hand and acted like a baby, "Dad, can you give it to me?

A gun! "

Acting like a baby is the killer of this little guy, Pei Shengye's coldness, domineering, and ruthlessness all fail in front of him.

He sat down and hugged his son on his lap, "Yueyue, playing with a gun is a simple mind, with developed limbs,

Work that only sells physical strength is the least promising in the world. "


Well-developed limbs! !

Betrayal! ! !

Han Qianyu vomits blood!

He was shining and mocking her naked.

"You can't say the same thing, Mr. Pei, if everyone depends on brain power, who will do the work, don't they use mind power?" she

Can't help refuting the past.

"Everyone is pursuing different things, not to mention that the brain is something that you don't want to have." Pei Shengye said lightly and coldly.

One sentence.


Ah, Han Qianyu clenched his fists.

She tickles her hands and wants to beat him! How to do!

Yueyue's eyes looked back and forth between Pei Shengye and Han Qianyu.

He seemed to see something wrong, and stood up cleverly, "Dad, I'm going to take a shower! Go back!"

While speaking, he took Han Qianyu and walked to the bathroom.

Han Qianyu calmed down his anger and gave Yueyue water.

But she has no experience in taking care of children. When she hugged Yueyue into the bathtub, he moved and hurt herself

Fell in accidentally.


Pei Shengye heard a loud noise and rushed into the bathroom.

I saw Han Qianyu crawling out of the bathtub drenched.

The white chiffon shirt on her body was soaked and attached to her body, and the pale pink underwear inside was clearly visible.

As if standing there naked.

Pei Shengye felt that the blood flow under his meridians accelerated.

"What's the matter?" He asked calmly.

But his eyes moved down involuntarily.

"Oh, I accidentally slipped and fell into the bathtub." Han Qianyu awkwardly wiped a handful of water from his neck.

This kind of mistake is really shameful.

She looked up and saw Pei Shengye's eyes.

What is he looking at so ecstatic?

She followed his gaze and looked down and saw her pink underwear under her white shirt.

Her face flushed with a bang.

Raising her hand to cover her chest, she glared at it displeasedly, "Mr. Pei, keep your evil eyes away, please respect yourself!"

Pei Shengye's posture is still calm, "You are the one who stood in front of me with a wet body. Before letting me weigh myself, do you also check

Is it too bold to ask yourself? "

"...I am bold?" Han Qianyu was speechless, she didn't deliberately wet her body, this man is quite capable of taking a bite back.

"Aren't you bold and unrestrained?" Pei Shengye leaned down for a minute, breathing in a very magnetic voice, "The first time you meet, you will

Sat on me. But this time, he simply moistened himself deliberately and pretended to be completely ignorant.

In all fairness, police officer Han's tricks to seduce men are old-fashioned, but they are still creative. "

In the ambiguous tone, there are three points of teasing and seven points of irony.

Han Qianyu's head fell back.

I wanted to refute him, but his heartbeat accelerated first.

The heat in his mouth hit her face one by one, she felt breathing hard and wanted to escape.

"I...I'm lazy to care for you! Get out of here!" She flicked his chest and strode out of the bathroom.

She is first-rate in combat, first-rate shooting, and first-rate IQ, but with this EQ, she is always in a state of running away from home.

For men and women, it is mentally handicapped.

Just like at this moment, she didn’t know that she was blushing like a monkey butt, and she didn’t understand why her heartbeat accelerated.

Difficult to suck.

She explained to herself that she must have been too close and lack of oxygen!

In the bathroom.

"Dad, you are good or bad, Xiaoyu, she blushed."

"Son, there is a saying that men are not bad and women do not love. You will understand when you grow up."

Yueyue tilted her mind for a moment, and suddenly leaned on the edge of the bathtub excitedly, "So you mean, you deliberately deceived

Negative Xiaoyu, make her fall in love with you? You also like Xiaoyu, right? "

"My taste is not that bad." Pei Shengye breathed faintly.


Han Qianyu returned to the guest room, took a shower, and changed his wet clothes.

The night is very good, she walked in the manor, on the one hand, it is breathable, on the other hand, she can figure out the general situation here.


After a rough walk, she found that the security in the manor was very strong, and the possibility of the kidnappers sneaking in from outside was almost zero.

This afternoon, Tan Bureau finally gave her another task.

In the previous kidnapping, Yue Yue disappeared silently from the manor.

This surprised her very much.

She didn't participate in the torture before and didn't know all the inside information, thinking it was just an ordinary kidnapping case.

Moreover, the two kidnappers also confessed that they kidnapped the child and wanted to threaten Pei Shengye and blackmail money. can

In terms of how to enter the manor and take away the children, I couldn't understand how to say, and there were many loopholes.

In broad daylight, it is such a manor with copper and iron walls. Let’s not say whether their methods are brilliant, just their identity.

Do not enter this luxurious mansion without dressing up!

Comprehensive analysis, things are probably not that simple.

It is very possible that a third person was involved in the crime, and that person was the mastermind.

That person can enter and leave the manor freely, and then he can interact with the kidnappers outside.

In order to be able to draw people out, Tan Ju deliberately said that the case had been closed, letting him relax his vigilance. That person didn't get

Hand, it is very likely that Yueyue will be attacked.

So this time, in addition to protecting Yueyue, she had to catch the third kidnapper.

Seeing the time was almost up, she went back to the villa.

Walking upstairs, she hesitated whether to sleep in Yueyue's room.

Because she promised him just now.

But what if Bae Shengye is still there?

Thinking of him, she felt uncomfortable.

Standing in the corridor hesitated for two minutes, and finally went, she couldn't say nothing.

When she came to the children's room, she knocked on the door. After entering, she found that Yue Yue was not in the room.

Her nerves tightened immediately.

"Yueyue——, Yueyue——"

She yelled, she quickly found the bathroom and balcony, but she walked out of the room without seeing anyone.

Before coming to Pei Shengye's room, she patted the door strongly.

At the third shot, the door opened.

Inside the door, Pei Shengye was wearing a black mopping gown, his chest was slightly open, and the light fragrance indicated that he had just washed


Han Qianyu was startled slightly, and then hurriedly said, "Yueyue is gone!"

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