Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1767: .Just to bully her

"Is Police Officer Han afraid that he can't control it?" There was evil in Pei Shengye's eyes.

"...I'm afraid I will have a tendency to violence!" Han Qianyu glared at him.

Pei Shengye didn't seem to hear her warning and lay on the bed.

Han Qianyu sat in the middle of the bed and couldn't get up or down either.

"Xiaoyu, you lie down! We are going to sleep!" Yueyue tugged her arm, smiling very innocent and harmless.

Damn kid, I'm still a big girl!

Han Qianyu shouted in his heart, resisting the urge to spank his little butt, and said with a sullen face, "Yueyue, don't let go, if I really get angry!"

Yue Yue let go of her little hand.

Han Qianyu stepped under the bed.

Suddenly, the light in the room went out and it was pitch black.

what happened?

She sat back on the bed warily and hugged Yueyue.

"Xiaoyu, is there a bad guy coming? I'm so scared!" Yueyue shrank into Han Qianyu's arms.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, with me, bad people can't hurt Yueyue," Han Qianyu comforted him, while hugging Yueyue to Pei Shengye, "I'll go out and take a look, Mr. Pei, you are optimistic about Yueyue."

When she bent down to put Yueyue down, she felt that there were several hands in the darkness pushing her onto the bed.

The heat is blowing, and there is a hot and humid breath in the ears, "Rather than going out, it is better to stay here with me."

Han Qianyu froze, "Bei Shengye, now is not the time to make a joke, the murderer is very likely to have a weapon, even you will be in danger of life."

"Then you can't go anymore. Both Yueyue and I need your protection." The thin lips touched her earlobe, and the sultry heat went straight to the heart.

Han Qianyu shivered.

In the nervousness, I couldn't tell whether it was because of danger or because of his touch.

"You--" She pushed him with her hand, her palm felt hot and her heart beat faster. She continued to push when she bit the bullet, "Don't lean so close to me!"

"The bed is too small!" He said, pressing another point.

Feeling the intense hormonal invasion, her brain feels dizzy and lacks oxygen.

Yueyue obediently next to Han Qianyu,

As time passed by, the surroundings were quiet, and even a small breath could be heard clearly in the dark.

His breathing was heavy.

Her breathing is abnormally disturbed.

About half an hour later, the light was still not on, but Yueyue fell asleep, and her breathing came from the side very evenly. His hand was holding her clothes and she couldn't bear to really break away.

The man next to her breathed wisps of breath on her face.

The long night became infinitely difficult.

"Officer Han, you seem to be very hot." The sultry heat faintly blew in her ears, her voice was deep, in the dark, inexplicably bewitched.

He is like this, can she not be hot? !

"Pei Shengye, you'd better not mess around!" Han Qianyu warned him.

"So you are so hot, is it because you are imagining the scene of me messing with you?"

"...I didn't!"

"If not, why did you think of that aspect?"

"That's because of you that day—" Han Qianyu was halfway through, and he was embarrassed to continue, "Anyway, I can't spare you what you are doing to me like that!"

The man's breath came close to her cheek again, and he touched her lips with his fingers, "How can I not help? Bite me?"

Han Qianyu really opened his mouth and bit him.

Pei Shengye raised his hand, avoided hurriedly, and clicked on her lips teasingly, causing Han Qian to become anxious and bit his fingers indiscriminately.

Finally, he bit into a soft and warm place.

She was stunned and blinked.

Realizing that she had been fooled by him, she hurriedly turned her head, but someone's fiery and domineering lips followed, bullying and plundering.

He pried her teeth away and swept her messy lilac uvula.

This taste... seems to have been tasted somewhere.

"Hmm—" Han Qianyu, who has no kissing experience, experienced such a kiss for the first time. For a while, she, who is known for her intrepidity, turned out to be like a little lamb and could only whimper and make useless struggles.

She felt weak all over.

The brain was empty, let the sly, black-bellied wolf eat her clean.

The man's big palm leaned into her pajamas, and her chest was rubbed vigorously. She woke up suddenly in pain, pushed him away, and punched him in the stomach.

When the second punch came, her fist was wrapped in her big palm, "Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

"Pei Shengye, I'm going to kill you!" Han Qianyu threw it to the dog with reason. She ignored Yueyue and pulled her clothes back, pulled her fists back, rolled over and sat on him, pinching her hands. Hold his neck.

She must strangle him.

Pei Shengye didn't go to pull the hand on her neck, grasped her waist, and raised her waist.

The unusually hard "object" frightened Han Qianyu through the cloth.

Yes, what is it........

When she figured it out, she became more and more angry and wanted to strangle him, and at the same time twisted her waist.

The bed vibrated more and more severely.

Finally, Yue Yue woke up.

He woke up and rubbed his eyes, "Is it an earthquake? Why is the bed moving?"

The two stood still.

Han Qianyu gasped quickly.

Pei Shengye was also burned by her twisted lust.

"Aunt Xiaoyu will help Dad massage again!" Pei Shengye replied, squeezing her hand on her hip.

Han Qianyu gritted his teeth, tried to suppress the voice that was about to scream, and reluctantly replied, "Yes, your father needs to loosen his bones."

She pulled the big hand that touched her buttocks and twisted his arm vigorously.

Just listen to the click of bones--

"Oh, then you continue." Yueyue fell asleep again in a daze.

In the darkness, Pei Shengye turned her wrist silently, and in turn clasped her fingers, propped up her body, and then pressed her against the bed sheet, her legs still naturally wrapped around his waist.

The thin lips leaned down and pressed against her ears and whispered evilly, "Police officer Han, I am just wearing no clothes, so you are so excited. Not only did you bite my lips, you also sat on my body and tried to abuse me. Little games, you talk about you, why are you so uncontrollable?"


Han Qianyu vomits blood.

She was kissed and touched by him, but she said what she did to him.

Why is there such a shameless man! ! !

She took a deep breath and shouted angrily in her voice, "Pei Shengye, if you don't let me get up, I will sue you for assaulting the police!"

"You take the initiative from beginning to end!"

"It is clear that you are deliberately stimulating..."

Halfway through Han Qianyu's speech, she found out that she was taken in by him. She stopped talking, was silent for a while, and then said, "Mr. Pei, you are also a celebrity with a good face, and it's nothing to bully me such a powerless little policeman. ability."

Pei Shengye loosened her wrist.

Han Qianyu immediately got up.

"Police Officer Han, you must understand that it is your honor to be bullied by me!" Pei Shengye picked her chin.

What does he mean?

Is he speaking human words?

This strange brain circuit is really...

Han Qianyu lazily argued with this arrogant, arrogant, black belly, and poisonous tongue man, she patted his hand away and got out of bed.

Walking outside the door, the lights in the hallway were well lit.

Then why the light in the room... She looked at the room behind her. Could it be that someone turned the light off deliberately in order to "bully" her?

So, is she now the prey of the rich for fun?

She has heard of the bad behavior of the top rich men playing with women. For them, all they need is the process of conquering. There is no so-called true feelings at all.

Thinking about it this way, she seemed to understand the meaning of Pei Shengye's words, even if she was treated as a prey, she would be grateful for being favored by him.


She gave a dry laugh, her chest feeling stuffy.

She really hoped that the murderer would show up tonight, so that tomorrow he would never see his face again.

Back to the guest room to change her pajamas, she went outside the villa to replace Jin Nasha, "You can go to the guest room and sleep for a while, I'll patrol!"

"Will you be so kind?" Jin Nasha looked unbelievable, "Mr. Pei sent you out, right!"

"Jin Nasha, as a classmate and colleague, I would advise you not to have rich dreams. If you have never seen a rich man or a beautiful woman, even if he looks at you, he is just playing for fun. Let's do it yourself!" Han Qianyu He said with a cool expression, holding his arms and leaning against the big tree.

"Teach me less, I'm not a serious good thing! Tell you the truth, Mr. Pei already knows your dark history, he will naturally only play with you." Jin Nasha finished speaking and turned around.

Han Qianyu frowned and called her, "Wait a minute, what black history?"

She asked herself whether she graduated from kindergarten to police academy and was a full-bodied student. She had never skipped class or stolen the eraser of her classmates. She had been more diligent and diligent in the past two years in the police station.

"Remember what happened in the summer of the freshman year." Jin Nasha smiled contemptuously, she didn't believe she really forgot.

Freshman year?

Han Qianyu recalled that she remembered that she had a serious illness and that her mother took her to a foreign country to recuperate for half a year. Other than that, there was nothing special. Could it be considered a black history to be sick?

She still wanted to ask more clearly that Jin Nasha had already left.

In the window on the second floor, Pei Shengye put on a silk robe and watched Han Qianyu, who was wearing a black leather jacket, leaned against the tree, his deep black eyes faintly surprised.


Han Qianyu patrolled outside all night.

In the middle of the night, the temperature in the manor cooled, especially cold. She tightened her clothes tightly and cheered up.

At half past five, although she said it was cold, she was even sleepier. She lay on a bench in the garden, trying to squint, and fell asleep as soon as she closed her eyes.

After a while, a long figure approached her, covering her with the blanket in his hand.

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