Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1768: . Have you seen enough?

Han Qianyu woke up and found that he was wearing a blanket.

I think the housekeeper in the manor said that the servant kindly covered her.

Today, Yueyue has several classes. In the morning, she learns English and Taekwondo, goes down to learn the violin and economics management, and in the evening she will entertain guests in the manor.

It can be said that the people are very mixed.

Han Qianyu and Jin Nasha were standing in two corners where you could see Yueyue, and they also wanted to observe these people.

From morning to afternoon, nothing was particularly suspicious, and I passed without incident.

In the evening Pei Shengye has guests to entertain, Yueyue wants to attend together, Han Qianyu is standing outside the restaurant, and Jin Nasha is sent to patrol again.

In the restaurant, the guests are all the rich and famous in the city.

In fact, there is no shortage of celebrities and top female stars.

Han Qianyu looked inside occasionally and could see Pei Shengye chatting with them. He realized that looking at her, she withdrew his gaze blankly.

Who cares about his friendship with those women, simple or not, has nothing to do with her.

Jin Nasha walked twice outside and saw a sneaky figure walking through the back garden to the wine cellar.

She took out her mobile phone and wanted to notify Han Qianyu. When she thought about it, she regretted it again. She found out why she had to notify her. Then she was robbed of merit.

This time, the credit only belongs to her!

The dinner party is going on here, Yueyue is a little depressed, extremely cold, and he doesn't laugh if anyone pleases.

In this case, these people still slapped him without feeling embarrassed.

"Dad, I'm full, I'm leaving now!" Yueyue climbed down from the chair and walked to the door.

Han Qianyu saw him coming, and asked him, "Why don't you eat so many delicious foods?"

"I have no appetite to see those women!"


"Xiaoyu, let's go play in the garden." Yueyue took her out and stayed here to watch her dad chat with those foxes, even Xiaoyu wouldn't care about him.

"Let's go then." Han Qianyu didn't want to stay here to watch others eat.

The two went to the garden.

Yueyue also asked the housekeeper to cook a bowl of noodles for Han Qianyu, and the two shared them by the lake in the manor.

The sky is getting dark, fresh and fresh snacks are relish.

"Xiaoyu, it would be great if you could be my mother." Yueyue said suddenly.

"Ah..." Han Qianyu was shocked, "Yueyue, it's impossible for me to be with your dad. Look at the aunts just now, they are all pretty good. Only one of them can be Your mother."

"But I don't want them, I like Xiaoyu." Yueyue looked at Han Qianyu pitifully.

Han Qianyu feels distressed every time she sees Yueyue's expression. She hugs him and kisses him, "I also like Yueyue very much, but I really can't be your mother, I'm sorry Yueyue."

"Hey, I blame my dad for not being able to catch you!" Yueyue sighed like an adult.

"Little man!" Han Qianyu scratched his nose, and suddenly, she saw a fire on the left.

She looked intently at the wine cellar.

Han Qianyu pulled Yueyue over to look.

The servant in the villa also noticed the fire. The housekeeper asked the servant to report the fire, and he immediately notified Pei Shengye. He and the guests in the restaurant rushed over.

In a moment, the outside of the wine cellar was full.

The fire truck hasn't come yet, and the security at home is extinguishing the fire, but the fire is too big to be useful.

"Who discovered it first?" Pei Shengye's face was solemn.

"It's me!" A maid stood up tremblingly.

Afterwards, a maid leaned over to the butler's ear with a solemn expression and said a few words. The butler whispered, "What are you talking about, there is someone inside!"

"Well, Meimei just went to the cellar to get the wine. Now she is gone, she must be trapped in it."

"This is how to do!"

Pei Shengye's expression is also very serious.

Han Qianyu contemplated for a few minutes and handed Yueyue to the maid, "You take Yueyue home first. The child smells a lot of smoke and dust."

Pei Shengye nodded to the maid.

Yueyue left with the maid here, and Han Qianyu wrung a wet towel to cover his mouth and nose, and then rushed in.

Pei Shengye grabbed her, "What are you doing?"

"Save people!"

"Are you not going to die? Such a big fire, you are just going in for nothing, you are not allowed to go!"

"Naturally, I will go in with certainty. I am a policeman. It is my duty to save the dead and heal the wounded. It is a life, not a child's play."

After she finished speaking, she broke away from his hand and rushed in boldly.

"Korean Thousands!"

Pei Shengye shouted from behind, grabbed a hand, and caught a hole.

Seeing her rush into the fire, he grabbed the wet towel from the security guard and followed in.

"Mr. Pei——"


Everyone outside exclaimed, but no one dared to enter.

Han Qianyu rushed inside to look around, and behind a row of wine racks, he saw a charming figure who had collapsed on the ground.

Seeing the pink top, she immediately recognized who it was.

It's Jin Nasha!

While recognizing it, there was a sudden bang in her mind, it's not good, Yueyue...

Hearing the footsteps behind, she hurriedly turned her head and saw that it was Pei Shengye. She ignored the danger of inhaling smoke and dust, took down the wet cloth and shouted, "Quick, go find Yueyue, quickly!"

Pei Shengye's expression was extremely cold.

Yue Yue……

He used to drag Han Qianyu and ran out.

"Jin Nasha, save her first!" Han Qianyu struggled to walk back.

Pei Shengye frowned, "When is the time, do you still care about yourself?"

Han Qianyu struggled hard, "What are you kidding? Jin Nasha is a policeman and my comrade-in-arms!"

"Don't you hate this woman?"

Han Qianyu pushed Pei Shengye away forcefully, "Do you have to talk nonsense with me at this time?"

She ran to Jin Nasha, bent down to help Jin Nasha, Pei Shengye was about to step forward to help, the wooden pillar above her head could not withstand the burning of the fire, "Boom--" smashed it down.

"Be careful!"

Pei Shengye's eyes tightened, and he subconsciously pushed Han Qianyu away, but the speed of the pillar fell too fast, Han Qianyu snorted, and fell to the ground without getting up for a long time.

"Hey!" Pei Shengye rushed over and pushed the wooden pillar away.

Han Qianyu's back was pitch black, and a large piece of clothing was burned.

"Korean Thousands!"

Han Qianyu raised his head with difficulty, his face pale, "Quickly, save people, get out immediately!"

Pei Shengye helped Han Qianyu up, and put Jin Nasha on her neck, and the three quickly left the fire scene.

"Mr. Pei!"

"President Pei!"

The servants outside were relieved when the three came out.

Pei Shengye handed Jin Nasha to the servant and turned to look at Han Qianyu. The woman’s legs were weak and the whole person was weak. She shook twice. Pei Shengye stepped forward and took Han firmly. Qianyu took it in his arms.

"Han Qianyu! Call a doctor!"

Han Qianyu grabbed Pei Shengye's sleeve, "'s dangerous..."

Pei Shengye turned his head and yelled at the bodyguard, "Hurry up!"

Han Qianyu then closed his eyes weakly.

Pei Shengye hugged Han Qianyu horizontally and hurriedly walked to the house.


Pei Shengye hugged Han Qianyu directly into the bedroom, and gently put Han Qianyu on the bed.

The doctor came in with a first aid kit.

"Doctor Zhong, show her quickly."

Doctor Zhong stepped forward to give Han Qianyu a simple check, frowning, "It's a burn, it's not easy to deal with, President Pei, I will deal with it briefly first, and I'll send it to the hospital for safety."

Pei Shengye nodded, turned to the housekeeper and ordered, "Go and prepare the car."


Doctor Zhong took out a pair of scissors from the box, just about to cut off Han Qianyu's clothes, only to realize that Pei Shengye was also there, he paused, turned his head and asked, "Does Pei always go out?"

When Pei Shengye saw the injury on Han Qianyu's back, he felt that his heart was slashed by a knife, and it ached.

Said impatiently, "You can handle it quickly."

Doctor Zhong didn't dare to delay any longer, and quickly cut the clothes on the back of Han Qianyu with scissors.

A large area of ​​the woman's fair and delicate skin was burned, and the clothes were tightly attached to it. A little carelessness could tear the skin off.

Seeing that Han Qianyu was still trembling in a coma, Pei Shengye was a little angry, "Be lighter!"

"Yes, yes." Doctor Zhong felt that the scissors in his hand were heavy.

Pei Shengye frowned as he looked at the wound on Han Qianyu's back.

What a white* woman.

That Jin Nasha died, and the two people who had never dealt with them on weekdays actually hurt themselves like this for her. If he hadn't pushed him quickly with his eyesight, the fired wooden pillar would directly hit the white. *On the woman's head.

It is estimated that there is no need to send any hospital to any doctor, just send it directly to the morgue.

"President Pei!"

A man hurriedly rushed in outside the door, who was the bodyguard of Wensen Villa.

The bodyguard didn't expect that there was a woman on the bed in the bedroom, and was stunned for an instant.

Pei Shengye's eyes darkened, and subconsciously blocked his gaze, "Have you seen enough?"

The bodyguard was frightened by the killing intent in Pei Shengye's eyes, and then he realized what he had done wrong and hurriedly retreated from the bedroom.

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