Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1771: .It's a small language!

"Yeah, isn't this Police Officer Han?" Pei Shengye laughed, "Police Officer Han hasn't left yet? Or my life in Wensen Manor?

It's so comfortable, Officer Han can't bear it? "

Han Qianyu ignored his cynicism and asked directly, "Why don't you feed Yueyue?"

"He made a mistake, I punish him."

"You can change to a different way? Let him face the wall or write a review book. What does it mean to not eat?"

Pei Shengye raised his eyes and looked at Han Qianyu, "This seems to have nothing to do with you."

"Why has nothing to do with me?" Han Qianyu took a deep breath, "I am the People's Police, and I will never allow anyone

Child abuse under my nose. "

"Who said I abused children?" Pei Shengye turned his head and asked the servants around him, "Did you see me abusing children?"

The servant lowered his head busy, sweeping the floor where it should be sweeping, and pouring water where it should be poured, but no one answered.

Pei Shengye smiled: "Officer Han, no one abuses children here."

Han Qian's chest undulated violently.

"Police Officer Han, Yueyue is my only son, the future heir of the Pei Group, I have strict requirements for him

Yes, he did make a mistake today, so I gave him a small punishment and a big admonition. As for the intensity, I have my own measures, Officer Han

Don’t worry, a hungry meal will make him remember a little bit more, remember what he should do as the heir of the Pei Group

Regarding things that should not be done, I discipline my son and ask Police Officer Han to forgive me. "

After speaking, Pei Shengye got up from the sofa, and the servants immediately stopped their work, respectfully low.

Lower your head.

Pei Shengye said, "No one is allowed to give the young master food, otherwise, just get out."



The servant bowed his head busy and answered.

When Pei Shengye was gone, Aunt Zhang wiped her tears again.

Han Qianyu walked over and patted her shoulder, "Aunt Hang, don’t cry, is there anything to eat in the kitchen?

I'll bring some, and I'll send it to Yueyue later. "

Aunt Zhang was surprised, "But Mr. just..."

"I'm not from this manor, so naturally I don't have to listen to Pei Shengye's orders, and I'm going to leave.

Up. Even if he found out, it was fine. "

Aunt Zhang nodded, dried her tears and hurried to the kitchen to get some food, set it up on a plate, and handed it to Han Qianyu.

Han Qianyu carried it to Yueyue's room.

The little guy was sulking on the bed, his little head drooping, when he saw that the person was Han Qianyu, Yueyue's eyes looked

It lights up after "rubbing".

"Small words!"

"Yueyue." Han Qianyu walked over and handed the food to him, "Are you hungry? Hurry up and eat."

Yueyue looked at the food on the plate, swallowed, and said, "Did my father ask you to give it to me?"

Han Qianyu chuckled, "Your dad ordered no one in the family to give you food, I sent this secretly.

For you. Hurry up and eat. "

Yueyue shook her head gently.

Han Qianyu frowned, "What's wrong? Are you afraid that Bae Shengye will know?"

Yueyue let out an "um".

Don't look at this little guy and Pei Shengye usually not big or small, he would be so scared of Pei Shengye at critical times.

Han Qianyu touched Yueyue’s head and comforted him, "It’s okay, I’m here, I’m a policeman, your father dare not

What to do to me, and I can protect you. Besides, you are Pei Shengye’s only son, he won’t

I am really angry with you. "

After all, the children are so coaxing. Hearing Han Qianyu's words, Yueyue took the spoon with ease and gulped.

Steak rice in your mouth.

"Slow down, be careful not to choke."

Han Qianyu gently patted him on the back.

Just when Yueyue was like a squirrel with her mouth bulging, the door was suddenly opened.

Pei Shengye stood coldly at the door, looking at the two people in the room with a pair of cold eyes playfully.

Han Qianyu was caught on the spot, and his face turned red with "Huh-", but she also experienced countless winds and waves.

The people who had passed by the door closed a few times and bounced off their chairs in shock at this moment.

"Sergeant Han, didn't you hear what I just said?" Pei Shengye leaned against the door, his eyes thin.

Han Qianyu calmed down quickly. Since he had discovered everything, there was nothing to care about.

She took a deep breath and said sternly, "I know, I will leave immediately."

"Walk slowly and not send it."

Yueyue was anxious, "Dad, I don't want Xiaoyu to leave, you don't want Xiaoyu to leave."

Han Qianyu was afraid that the father and son would quarrel again, turned around and squatted down in front of Yue Yue, "Yue Yue, obedient, no

He wants to drive me away, but my task has been completed and the bad guys have been caught, so Aunt Xiaoyu wants to return

The police station went to perform other tasks. "

Han Qianyu's back was squatting and pulling, and he couldn't help but feel dense pain.

She reached out and hugged Yueyue.

Yueyue frowned, "Will you protect other children with that little language?"

"Should... Yes."


Yue Yue didn't know what was going on, suddenly she turned her head back to the bed as if she was angry.

Han Qianyu felt that Pei Shengye's temper was difficult to figure out, so his son was just as weird.

Not much to say anything, he stood up and endured the pain in his back and walked to Pei Shengye.

"Mr. Pei, then my task here is completely finished today. Thank you for your work on me during this period of time.

Support, goodbye. "

Han Qianyu took the initiative to reach out.

Knowing that this was a business routine, Pei Shengye was still a little dissatisfied with her reaction like this.

He stretched out his hand and shook Han Qianyu gently.

"Police Officer Han is welcome."

"Goodbye then."

After Han Qianyu finished speaking, he stepped out.

Pei Shengye looked back at Han Qianyu's back, then turned his head and walked to Yueyue's front.

"Continue to finish eating."

"I made a mistake and shouldn't eat. I am willing to accept punishment."

Yueyue's voice was low.

"Yueyue, you know why I punish you." Pei Shengye sat down on the chair, "You are my son.

The group belongs to you. If you want to sit on the top spot, you must know how to constrain and restrain, and you can’t let every move.

People hold the handle. Think about it for yourself, your performance today is like an heir to the Pei Group.

Are you here? "

Yueyue lowered her head in shame.

"Sorry, Dad, I know I was wrong."

"Okay, go to dinner, remember to write down the plan for me tomorrow."


After Yueyue finished speaking, she ran back to the table and planned to eat again.

But just as she was about to pick up the chopsticks, Yue Yue let out a cry of surprise.

"what happened?"


Yueyue's palm is full of red blood.

"What's the matter? Are you injured? Doctor!!!"

Pei Shengye called immediately.

Yueyue shook her head, "It's not that I was injured, it's Xiaoyu!"

The little guy hurriedly grabbed Pei Shengye, "Dad, Xiaoyu was injured. I just hugged Xiaoyu.

I must have encountered it at that time. "

Pei Shengye frowned, and a trace of worry flashed in his eyes.

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