Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1772: .Save her

When Han Qianyu stumbled out of Wensen’s villa, a night breeze blew outside, which made people feel inexplicably

With some chills, she couldn't help but shudder and wrapped her clothes tightly.

But as soon as the clothes were tightly wrapped, she felt a hot pain in her back, and her forehead began to appear thin and dense.

Sweat beads.

There are street lights on both sides of the road, but no vehicles are seen. There are towering trees on both sides of the road, which makes Han

Qianyu felt inexplicably as if there would be beasts popping out of it at any time.

If she walks to the city from here, at her current speed, it is estimated that she will walk until tomorrow morning.

Not to mention whether she can make it, I don't know if she can survive now.

Frowning, she took out the phone in her pocket and thought she was still calling her friend, but obviously, God deliberately followed

She was right, took out the phone and pressed it for a long time, but she didn't turn on the screen.

What is the leak of the house? It happened to be rainy night, and she felt that this situation was quite appropriate.

The **** phone, it happened to be out of power at this time, what a hell.

Now she had no choice but to swallow and spit, and continued to walk forward staggeringly.

The driver drove the man sitting in the back seat with frowning brows for a long time without seeing the slender figure.

The driver asked, "Mr. Pei, will Police Officer Han have been picked up by a friend, or if he took a taxi by himself?

gone? "

After all, I haven't found it after searching for so long, and if I drive on, I'm almost out of this mountain.

Because the Wensen Villa is higher in the mountains, it is so huge that it even built a golf course inside.

It is also easy.

But the man sitting in the back seat and looking sideways out of the car window, his thin lips pressed tightly, even his brows were slightly

Fucked for a long while, he said: "Call up the monitoring of this section of the mountain road, even if you search the whole mountain for me

People must be found again! "

The driver immediately responded, then took out his cell phone and started making a call.

After a while, the driver stopped the car immediately, and then said anxiously to the man sitting in the back seat: "Sir, policeman Han

The officer seemed to have gone to the animal garden. "

Suddenly, Pei Shengye's face turned gloomy in an instant, and even his tone of voice was somewhat imperceptible.

Worry: "What did you say?"

The animal garden, as the name suggests, is the place where the beasts live. As for why there is this place, it’s all because of him.

They are also part of the security system of Wensen Villa.

If they encounter damage that cannot be resisted, they will be released, delaying time.

Therefore, Han Qianyu feels at this moment that if he wants to see a small path, he just drills in disregard.

Went in.

She just faintly smelled a more fishy smell, that smell, similar to the smell of snakes, here

In this season, it is reasonable to say that snakes should not have such strong attack power and action ability.

But now, she was walking in the trail ahead with a flashlight, and it looked like it was downhill.

It should also be walking down the mountain.

She speeded up a little bit, even ignoring the wound on her back, she hoped to leave this ghost place quickly.

But the more you go in, the more the smell becomes worse, and it even reaches the point of disgusting.

Suddenly, there was a rustling sound in the ear, it was obviously the sound of something huge passing by.

Her footsteps stopped just like that, and even her breathing slowed down.

She tried to calm herself down, and then slowed her breathing. She had done field survival training before, so for this

She knew that the best thing she could do now was not to panic, but to be calm.

So while she slowed her breath, she walked towards a place where the sound was a little farther away, but the **** the sound got worse.

Coming closer.

Han Qianyu illuminates the edge of the bush with a flashlight, only to see the bush not far away shaking slightly, she tightens her eyebrows

Head, and then speeded up.

Something should have kept up.

But no matter how fast she walks, coupled with the injuries on her body now, it will slow down the progress.

She slowly took out the dagger she had previously hidden from her waist, and then clenched it in her hand, just wishing she had better luck today

Son, go out smoothly.

The injury is small, and if all the small lives are explained here, it is really not worth the loss.

The clattering voice grew louder and louder, as if it were in front of my eyes.

She slowly squatted down and was shining around with a flashlight. Suddenly, she saw a giant python spitting a letter and rushing towards her.

When she came, she immediately rolled aside.

Suddenly, she almost fainted due to the pain in her back.

But the giant python found her position accurately after failing the first attack, holding her head high and spitting

Nobuko stared at her.

Han Qianyu gritted his teeth and endured the pain and slowly backed away, staring at the giant python that was almost a person in front of him, smelling it from the tip of his nose.

There is a strong smell of blood.

She suddenly reacted somewhat, why this python could accurately lock her position in the dark.

The smell of blood, the open wound on her back, and the smell of blood, attracted its arrival.

Suddenly she felt that she was really stupid enough, and she put herself to death.

Clenching the dagger in her hand, cold sweat dripped from her chin, she stared at the giant python in front of her, preparing to deal with

It's the next blow.

Obviously, the giant python seems to have planned the same way. Its head is raised to the highest point, and the pair is in the dark night.

The eyes that looked a little strange, there was a terrible cold blood that could not be said, and then he swooped down like that.

Han Qianyu was about to hold a dagger and plunge into its eyes, but before he could have time, he was suddenly thrown to the ground by himself

After rolling around, she almost fainted again in pain.

Her back should be **** by now.

But her first reaction was to use a dagger to move her hand, but before her hand could reach out, she was caught by a powerful

The arm clamped the hand where she was holding the dagger, and then Pei Shengye’s Zhang Junyi, but at this moment, is a few

The face that almost dripped water appeared in front of her like that, and the tone was unprecedentedly cold: "Stupid woman, do you know

Know where it is? Isn't it fateful? "

Han Qianyu didn't expect it to be Pei Shengye, she even looked at the man in front of her in a daze, and then said:

"How did you come?"

Before Pei Shengye had time to respond, a bodyguard appeared beside him, and then he spoke respectfully to Pei Shengye:

"President Pei, he has been anesthetized, and he will sleep for at least two days."

Pei Shengye just responded indifferently, and then his gaze fell back to Han Qianyu in front of him, looking at her originally white

Jing's small face was dirty, and his hair was messy, and looked quite embarrassed. He immediately stretched out his hand and stopped people.

He hugged it up.

As soon as Han Qianyu wanted to speak, he heard Pei Shengye’s cold voice: "You better shut up for me, otherwise I won’t tell you.

The intention is to throw you into the snake's mouth to feed it. "

In Wensen Villa, Yue Yue looked at Han Qianyu's painful face with a little distress, and her face turned pale, and her forehead popped finely.

The appearance of cold sweat.

In the room, the family doctor checked for her, and then he remained silent to the side, coldly looking at him.

The tall man with a face said: "Mr. Pei, I suggest you take this lady to the hospital for treatment.

Can ensure safety and clean up in place. "

Because Han Qianyu's wound was torn again, and because the wound was hit, the current condition of the wound was very bad.

Han Qianyu lying on the bed, his whole head is a little dizzy, and I don’t know if it’s because of the giant

What happened when the python chased the confrontation and was stimulated.

But for the family doctor's words, she still heard.

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