Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1778: . She likes him

"..." Pei Shengye paused, his eyes instantly cold for three minutes, "This is not something you should worry about, go back."

Yueyue's eyes were red, he looked at Pei Shengye, his face hesitated to say something, but in the end he said nothing and lowered his head.

Upstairs step by step.

Pei Shengye looked at the small figure, disappeared at the end of the stairs, and tiredly stretched out his hand and rubbed his eyebrows.



"Go to the hospital and give that woman some supper."

"Okay." The butler smiled softly.

"What are you laughing at?"

"Sir, didn't you just say that you don't like any women?" The housekeeper raised his lips.

I really like Miss Han. "

Pei Shengye sneered, "Are you kidding?"


"Okay, hurry up, where is the nonsense."

The housekeeper didn't dare to talk too much, and turned around to prepare food for Han Qianyu.

Who knew that after Pei Shengye got up early the next morning, he discovered that Han Qianyu was actually sitting on the sofa in the living room.

Pei Shengye’s face became cold, and he stared coldly at the two bodyguards behind Han Qianyu, “It’s not that you should be in the hospital.

Take care of her? What do you do? "

Can you still see people at home?

The two bodyguards looked terrified.

Han Qianyu immediately got up and said, "Don't embarrass them. I said that I would come to see you. Besides, I was hurt early.

It's almost all right. If you don't believe me, you can ask the doctor. I can be discharged from the hospital long ago. "

Pei Shengye was silent for a moment, a look in his eyes signaled the two bodyguards to go out.

Sitting on the sofa, asked Han Qianyu, "What's the matter?"

"Mr. Pei, my task has been completed and I must leave."

"Really?" Pei Shengye laughed, "You haven't interrogated the prisoner's behind-the-scenes agent, right? If someone else wants to harm

What about Yue'er? "

"Don't worry about this. We will send the police to protect the young master."

Pei Shengye's face was stunned, with a hint of anger, "Han Qianyu, do you want to leave the manor that much?"

Han Qianyu answered neither humble nor humble, "Of course not, it is my duty to protect Yueyue, but... Mr. Pei, you too

I know that my parents are not in good health. My father is still in the hospital. My parents have only one child. The manor

I’m very unfilial and I’m sorry for my parents, so I’m

If you want to transfer from this position, Mr. Pei is also a parent. You will not refuse this request, will you? "

Pei Shengye didn't seem to listen carefully to what Han Qianyu said, but insisted on asking the same question.

"Do you really want to leave?"

Han Qianyu was inexplicable, but he nodded softly, "Yes, Mr. Pei."

Pei Shengye didn't speak again, his eyes were gloomy.

Just when Han Qianyu thought he was going to reject him, Pei Shengye suddenly spoke up.

"I see, you can leave now."

"Thank you Mr. Pei."

Han Qianyu was obviously relieved.

This subtle expression made Pei Shengye even more dissatisfied, and an indescribable mood was stuffy in his heart, making people angry.

"Do you need me to send you down the mountain?"

"No, I can go down by myself."

Pei Shengye sneered, "I'm afraid that someone will get lost again and be eaten by a python, and there will be no bones left.

Your leader asked me to ask someone, but I can't explain it. "

Han Qianyu remembered the embarrassment that night, his cheeks were slightly red.

She muttered a little quietly: "If I knew there were pythons in the manor, I would not leave at night if I was killed."

Pei Shengye didn't hear what she said, so he narrowed his eyes and asked, "What did you say?"

Han Qianyu immediately responded with a light cough, "No, I mean I would like to thank Mr. Pei for the photo during this time.

Gu, if I have a chance in the future, I hope I can see you again. "

After speaking, she turned and left. Behind her, Pei Shengye stared at the back of her leaving, her eyes were dark.

Man, there is really no **** posture of nostalgia, inexplicably, he feels very upset.

After Han Qianyu left the Wensen Villa, he muttered to himself, this time he would never go into the woods again.

Thinking of taking a shortcut.

But when she was just about to get in a car she just called with her mobile phone, she saw a red sports car parked in Winson.

At the door of the villa, when the car door opened, she saw Jin Nasha getting off the car, and her hand to the car door paused slightly.

And Jin Nasha obviously saw her too, and she immediately walked in her direction, curled her lips and smiled lightly: "Thousands of words, see you again

Face up. "

There was a bit of sincerity in that tone, and Han Qianyu was still able to distinguish clearly, so she just responded indifferently: "True

Okay, I'm leaving, I'll beg you here. "

She finally got the order to request transfer, but she did not expect that it would be Jin Nasha who would come to replace her.

And Jin Nasha obviously dressed up today, with exquisite makeup painted on her face, her figure is uneven, indeed

It is also attractive.

Jin Nasha responded with a smile on her face: "Okay, I wish you a smooth journey." After speaking, she turned her back to Han Qianyu.

He waved his hand, and then walked straight to the Wensen villa.

And Han Qianyu has been standing there, staring at the figure of Jin Nasha entering the Winson Villa, without moving, there is something in his heart.

It's not a taste.

Jin Nasha likes Pei Shengye, this, she knew from the first time Jin Nasha saw Pei Shengye.

But what does this have to do with yourself?

She shook her head, then opened the car door and sat in.

After she returned, she took the lead to report to the bureau.

Then there was nothing to do until the end of get off work. After get off work, she found out that she didn’t know when it started to rain.

Then, the rain was quite heavy, thunder was thundering, and her heart was a little uncomfortable with the thunder.

Even the wound on his back didn't know if it hadn't been healed before, so it ached.

She returned home wrapped in wind and rain. After her father was out of danger, he has been recuperating at home.

In a city, Han Qianyu calculated it carefully, maybe it's been a long time since he saw his father.

Her daughter is too unqualified.

Pushing open the door, you can smell the scent of food coming from the house. Han Mu puts the cooked food on the table.

When I heard her opening the door, I immediately smiled and said, "Xiaoyu, you're back, it's just time that the meal is ready.

Now, wash your hands and eat quickly. "

Father Han, who was sitting on the sofa and reading the newspaper wearing reading glasses, heard the movement and also raised his eyes to look at Han Qian who came in.

Put down the newspaper, asked with a hint of unnoticeable concern in his tone: "How is the task completed?"

Han Qianyu arranged the umbrella and hung it on the hanger, and then responded: "It went well, it is basically

There is no problem. "

She didn’t reveal what happened to her injury. After all, if the parents knew about this kind of thing, they would worry about it.

It has passed, and her injury is almost healed, so there is no need to disturb them.

Father Han nodded in satisfaction, and then said, "It's all right. Let's eat."

At the dinner table, the mother of Han kept adding vegetables to Han Qianyu, while she said: "Eat more, you see how you are during this time

Why are you so thin? "

She discovered how long it took her baby girl who was thin and slender.

Han Qianyu took it silently, and then said: "Thank you mom."

Mother Han said immediately: "You, you had to listen to your dad at the beginning, you have to go to some police school, now it's fine.

Sometimes when I go out to do a task, it takes one or two months to delay my life’s major events.

Time, is there no special arrangement? Still with that Mr. Pei..."

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