Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1779: . Words are poor...

Han Qianyu frowned slightly when he heard Han Mu say this.

"Ayu, do you have to do that task? You have so many people in your police station, right?

We are just you, your father is not in good health, you..."

She hasn’t resolved her life’s major issues so far, so Han Mu has always been anxious and seems to be afraid of her.

Can't get married.

She could only persuade in a low voice: "Mom, we can talk about this later. Also, I'm on Pei Shengye's side.

My work is over, I promise you that I will come back often in the future, but the matter of finding a partner... I'll talk about it later

Right. "

Han Mu immediately dropped her chopsticks and stared at Han Qianyu with a serious expression on her face: "What

Talk later? When do you plan to wait until you are thirty years old? Or wait until you are old

Time to talk? "

Every time this kind of thing is mentioned, the mother of Han reacts greatly, which makes Han Qianyu dare not say anything more.

He looked at Father Han with an eye for help.

Father Han also persuaded: "Well, after all, the child is also busy every day. When she is free, you can give

Wouldn't it be enough for her to arrange this? And even if you really introduce one to her, where does she have time to accompany?

Looking at other boys? "

Mother Han was not angry, but when she heard the words of Father Han, she immediately slapped her chopsticks on the table and stared at Han.

Father, the voice was suddenly raised: "If you hadn’t agreed with her to enter the police academy in the first place, and even persuaded her, she was a girl

As for running around all day long now? It's all good things you did! "

Got it! Now even Father Han has become a victim.

The two cannon fodder glanced at each other, and in the end they continued to eat in silence, not daring to say anything.

It's okay, maybe it will be fine after you finish talking.

After a meal, she finally stopped talking until she said that the mother of Han was satisfied. It was only the two people who were scolded.

She didn't think there was anything, but she herself was so angry.

In order to please his mother, Han Qianyu took the initiative to take care of the dishes and all the aftermath work.

After she was busy with everything, she came out of the kitchen, returned to the room, opened the window, and found that the rain outside was getting worse and worse.

Big, there is no trend to stop.

I don't know why, her thoughts suddenly floated to the Wenson Villa, and I don't know how they are now.

Is it true that Jin Nasha is with Pei Shengye at this moment?

When Han Qianyu came back to her senses, she suddenly felt shocked!

Why did she think of Bae Shengye? Obviously that person is nothing but an employer to her. What does she want?

I wonder if Jin Nasha is with him? Even if two people are together, what does it have to do with her? She must be

I think so when I'm crazy.

Or maybe, just worry about Yueyue.

Correct! It must be so!

She comforted herself in her heart.

Another thunder that exploded ears sounded, and Han Qianyu's heart trembled, and then he reached out and closed the window.

Early the next morning, when she woke up and went out, Mother Han frowned and stared at her with a tired look and her eyes were blue.

Dark circles asked: "Why did you go last night?"

Han Qianyu yawned, drowsy, obviously not well-rested: "Sleep, just not sleeping well.

That's it. "

It's not so good. What was strange last night was that she couldn't fall asleep over and over again, and she always felt uneasy in her heart.

As a result, when it was dark, she became sleepy, but had to get up to work.

Mother Han looked at her with straight eyes, so she directly suggested: "If you really haven't rested, please

On a day off, you won't be so good without your police station. Don't put so much pressure on yourself. "

Han Qianyu shook his head: "No, I'm fine."

After speaking, she bypassed Mother Han and went to the bathroom.

When she came out of the house and rushed to the police station, she noticed that their heads and faces were a little solemn.

It seems that his face is not very good.

She felt a little strange, so she dragged a colleague from the same team and asked softly: "How come the face of Team Zhao early in the morning?

Not so good? "

The colleague immediately touched his chin and raised his eyebrows in response: "Don't you know? There was an accident at the Winson Villa last night.

Child. "

Suddenly, Han Qianyu's brain exploded: "What did you say?"

"Someone attacked Winson Villa last night, and the weather last night was not so good, so those people really

We touched it smoothly, and our people couldn't stop it. "

"Is anyone injured? Bae... how about that child?" Han Qianyu asked in a hurry, his tone couldn't hide.


The colleague looked at Han Qianyu strangely, and a silly smile appeared in his eyes: "Why are you so close?

heart? Could it be that like Jin Nasha, you also fell in love with the rich Mr. Pei? "

Han Qianyu was too lazy to talk to him, but frowned and asked again: "I'm not joking with you, in the end

How's it going? "

Seeing Han Qianyu’s serious attitude, the colleague responded sternly: "Except for the injury of Mr. Pei, there is nothing else.

There were casualties. "

Hearing that Pei Shengye was injured, Han Qianyu stunned in his heart.

That man obviously doesn't look weak, how could he get hurt so easily?

"Is the injury serious?" Maybe it was because I was afraid that my colleagues would think too much, so when Han Qianyu asked this sentence, his tone was much calmer.

"I heard that the injury was serious, but I was lying in the hospital anyway."

An hour later, inside the hospital.

Han Qianyu was holding a bunch of flowers in his hand and appeared at the door of the ward. Coincidentally, he saw the two door gods last time.

So, she greeted her familiarly: "Hey! The two door **** brothers, meet again."

It might be because of her title that the two bodyguards glanced at her, and then they didn't speak.

Han Qianyu has long been accustomed to their low-talking temperament, so she cut directly into the subject: "What

Well, are you Mr. Pei inside? I want to go in and see him. "

The two door gods didn't make Han Qianyu bother with words, and directly opened the door of the ward.

Han Qianyu was a little surprised. He didn't expect to go in so easily. He thought it would take a lot of talking.

After she went in with the flowers in her arms, she saw Pei Shengye lying on the hospital bed, wearing a hospital gown.

Old did not conceal the extravagance that radiated from him.

He was looking at the file with a serious and focused expression. He didn't seem to notice even she came in.

Han Qianyu didn't know how to speak. After hesitating for a long time, he said: "Mr. Pei."

Only then did Pei Shengye raise his eyes, those dark eyes, which were as dark as the dark night, looked straight at her, as if to look into her heart.

Normally, then he slightly curls his lips, but still asks in a calm tone: "What wind brought Police Officer Han here?"

Han Qianyu didn’t know how to respond for a while, after all, he couldn’t say it because he heard your hurt

So I was worried and came over to take a look?

After being silent for a while, she coughed and responded, "I heard that Wensen Villa was attacked again last night.

Hit, so let me see if there is anything wrong with Yueyue. "

In this regard, Pei Shengye did not hesitate to pierce her disguise a little bit mischievously: "Since you are here to see Yue

Yue's, you should go to Wensen Villa instead of here. "

Suddenly, Han Qianyu blushed inexplicably, and the draft in his head was messed up all at once.

Seeing Han Qianyu standing in place, embarrassed and not knowing how to respond, Pei Shengye actually felt a little bit uncomfortable.

Love, police officer Han, who has always been sharp-toothed, has a time when he is poor.

"Okay, Officer Han, come here, I have read this document, and I need you to help me get the pen." His tone returned.

Restored the usual seriousness.

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