Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1780: .Do you like my father?

Han Qianyu immediately breathed a sigh of relief and immediately put the flowers on the table, and then went to get the pen, which was drawn on the bedside table.

In the drawer, under the guidance of Pei Shengye, she opened the drawer, took out the pen and handed it to him, but the next second, she felt

Feeling Pei Shengye holding her hand.

She suddenly raised her eyes in surprise, while Pei Shengye smiled and pointed to his own arm, and said, "My arm is injured.

I’m not working hard, but this document needs to be signed. I will hold your hand and tell you how to sign it.

Write it for me. "

The warm palms wrapped her cool fingertips, I don’t know why, Han Qianyu’s heart started to jump wildly.

Even the temperature on the cheeks is a bit high.

Just when she hesitated, her whole person was pulled to the bedside by Pei Shengye, and then he held her hand and carried

She was in a blank place and whispered in her ear: "Sign here."

She was leaning against his chest, her ears filled with his low and deep voice, she didn’t even know that she wanted

What to do, and what to do, can only be dazed by the whole person, following his guidance.

He held her hand, and then led her to sign his name in the blank space: "Pei Shengye."

The pen is strong and sharp, and the tail end is sharp, as he feels like a person.

After signing one place, he turned to the next page and continued to sign.

She was in a muddle-headed state and didn't know what she was doing.

At this moment, the door was opened, and when Jin Nasha came in, she found that Han Qianyu was actually leaning against Pei Shengye’s arms.

The attitude of the two people was so close, she immediately narrowed those slightly sharp eyes, and a trace of jealousy flashed through her eyes.

Meaning, and then called out: "Qianyu, when did you come?"

When Han Qianyu heard someone call her name, he raised his eyes, then saw Jin Nasha at a glance, and suddenly realized that he

What he was doing, he stood up from Pei Shengye's arms swiftly, and then responded: "You are here."

Only then did she realize that she didn’t know when her cheeks were so hot that she even had the ending sound of what she said.


It's really worthless!

On the contrary, it was Pei Shengye. After seeing Jin Nasha come in, there was a slight displeasure in his eyes, but he soon

Suppressed by him, but still did not speak.

After Jin Nasha greeted Han Qianyu, she went straight to Pei Shengye’s bed and said in a delicate tone:

"Mr. Pei, does your injury still hurt?"

With that voice, Han Qianyu who was standing by the side had goose bumps straight up, and felt that Jin Nasha really knew how to pretend.

Pei Shengye didn’t seem to react too much to Jin Nasha’s words, and didn’t seem to care whether she was charming or not.

Didi's words are just a cold response: "It's okay."

Jin Nasha heard this with a sad expression on her face and said, "I blame me, I didn’t protect you yesterday, but

It drags you down and hurts you. "

Recalling the scene of the moment of life and death last night, Pei Shengye’s eyes carried a trace of murderous intent, but it was fleeting, fast

Han Qianyu, who was standing by, thought that he was wrong.

"Since Officer Jin knows his negligence, he should take the initiative to go back and pick a more capable person."

Having said that, he paused for a while, then moved his gaze to Han Qianyu standing aside: "For example, Han

The police officer is very good. "

Jin Nasha immediately turned her resentful gaze to Han Qianyu who stood aside and said nothing, her tone a little sour.

He responded: "Police officer Han is in our team, but he is notoriously desperate to protect his employer, even

Can not even kill. "

On the contrary, Pei Shengye nodded with a smile: "I believe that if it were Police Officer Han last night, he would not be so embarrassed that he needed me.

To the point of protection. "

What he said actually implies two meanings.

One ridiculed Jin Nasha's lack of ability, but he needed his protection.

The second reminded Han Qianyu of the fact that he saved her life from the python mouth that day.

Sure enough, Jin Nasha's face paled slightly.

And Han Qianyu said: "Since Mr. Pei is not satisfied with the people we sent, you can reflect on it.

But Mr. Pei, I still have to say, since we send someone to protect you, no matter who it is, Mr. Pei

All should be respected, after all, it is all about taking your life to protect you. "

Seeing Han Qianyu was so serious, the smile in Pei Shengye's eyes grew thicker, and he was really a serious little wild cat.

Next, because Bae Shengye seemed to be working, Jin Nasha and Han Qianyu were planning to leave.

But before Han Qianyu reached the door, he was stopped by Pei Shengye: "Officer Han."

She turned her head and looked at him with some doubts.

And Pei Shengye shook the file in his hand with the uninjured hand, and then said with a smile, "I still need

Your help. "

Jin Nasha on the side seemed to have thought of something, and offered to ask: "Mr. Pei, I can too."

But Pei Shengye didn't even look at her, his eyes still fell on Han Qianyu, and the corners of his lips were slightly hooked: "Officer Han, help

help? "

I don’t know if Pei Shengye did it deliberately. The documents sent over today are exceptionally large. He has just processed a batch of documents.

Ma will send another batch, and then he will hold her hand, circle her in his arms, and sign.

He sometimes stayed for a long time deliberately, pretending to be reading the documents, and Han Qianyu didn’t dare to move, just like that.

Obediently shrank in his arms.

He didn't see the usual way of flaring his teeth and claws.

Soon, when it was time to eat at noon, when the servants in the villa delivered meals, Yueyue also stopped by to visit one.

Next Holy Night.

But when she didn't expect it, she actually saw Han Qianyu.

The moment he saw her, the little guy leaped over happily, calling out cheerfully, "Aunt Xiaoyu!"

Han Qianyu was immediately rushed by the little guy. She looked at the small figure in her arms, squatted down and hugged her to sit.

On the sofa, she asked her to sit on her lap and asked with a smile, "Did Yueyue be frightened yesterday?"

After all, something like that happened last night, she was afraid that the children would be scared.

But apparently, Yueyue was quite courageous and responded with a smile: "It's okay, I'm so good, I'm not afraid!"

After speaking, he patted his chest to show that he was not afraid.

Looking at Yueyue's appearance, Han Qianyu suddenly laughed.

But at the same time, I'm also relieved, it's okay to be fine.

When the little guy saw her, he seemed to have something to say, so he asked Han Qianyu if he missed himself for a while.

I also asked whether Han Qianyu would leave, and whether he would come over often in the future.

At the end, even Pei Shengye couldn't bear to drink a low voice: "Pei Chenyue, shut up!"

After hearing this, the little guy suddenly felt aggrieved, but he still closed his mouth obediently.

After all, Pei Shengye is here, he dare not disobey.

Han Qianyu did not approve of his pressure method: "Children are still young, and it’s natural to like to talk.

I didn't feel bothered, what are you bothering about? "

Pei Shengye raised her eyes and glanced at her. There was no warmth in her eyes: "If you talk too much, it will only cause others' trouble.

Disgust, and will not get any favorable results. "

As expected to be a businessman, even when he speaks, he needs to be rewarding, which Han Qianyu only realized today.

However, she said: "I think that talking too much will reduce people's vigilance and get more favorable trust.

And then make the right judgment. "

Yueyue, who was sitting in Han Qianyu’s arms, looked at Bae Shengye for a while, and Han Qianyu holding him in her arms.

Understand what they are discussing.

It feels a bit difficult to understand.

Pei Shengye, who was sitting on the hospital bed, did not expect that Han Qianyu had such an insight, and he sneered slightly, then he

Nothing more.

And because Yueyue was warned by Pei Shengye, she converged a lot.

He leaned in Han Qianyu's arms and asked in a soft voice: "Aunt Xiaoyu, do you like my father?"

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