But for these things, she doesn't really care. What she has a headache now is why she just went back again.

How should she face Bae Shengye? Obviously I said before, I will never see you again.

"I don't know this. After all, I am not the roundworm in her stomach. Who knows if it is related to me." She replied

Response, the appearance of lack of interest.

When Huo Yuan heard this, he said with a smile on his face: "I heard that the employer you protect is very handsome. Is it because

Because, Nasha has always liked that employer, but the other party doesn't appreciate it, so she's unhappy?"

Although he was only half right, Han Qianyu felt that Huo Yuan was already pretty good.

But instead of continuing the topic, she turned the topic away and asked: "What special happened in the game recently

Love, tell me about it. "

As they spoke, the two turned and walked towards the corridor in front.

In the evening, Han Qianyu planned to leave work, but she happened to see Jin Nasha from the Zhao team's office with red eyes.

Come out of the room.

She lowered her eyes, quietly packed her things, ready to leave work.

But some people don’t seem to think so, and just walk up to her and say, "Are you satisfied now?"

With an aggressive tone, even with an angry tone, she knew who it was without looking.

"I'm going to get off work. If there is nothing wrong, please let me go." After Han Qianyu packed his things,

Go, but Jin Nasha was stuck in front of her, with a clear anger on her face.

"Han Qianyu, I really thought you just like to grab merit, but I didn’t expect it now that you don’t just like

Grab power, you really have to grab everything. "It should be really angry, so she even gritted her teeth.

The taste of teeth.

Han Qianyu didn’t want to fight with her, especially when she was in the game again, when someone next to her cast a curious and gossiping look, she said

The anger still faintly responded: "I don't understand what you are saying."

After speaking, she reached out and pushed her away, and was about to move forward.

But the next second, Jin Nasha grabbed her with a single move, trying to lock her, and moved her hand.

Han Qianyu suddenly twisted his eyebrows, his backhand began to retract, and the two of them fought in the office like that.

When the people next to you saw that the matter was serious, they immediately came up and persuaded: "Xiao Han, Nasha, stop it, in case Team Zhao sees

Yes, that's not enough. "

Do it in the game, it's a big mistake.

After all, they are forbidden to fight and fight, but they didn’t expect that as a police officer, they knew

If the law breaks the law, it is simply defying the law.

But neither of them seemed to hear them, and they were still moving their hands.

I don't know who shouted at this moment: "It's over, Team Zhao is here."

Sure enough, the next second I heard Team Zhao's solemn voice: "Stop it!"

Han Qianyu was the first to stop. She was panting, with a light sweat on her forehead.

Jin Nasha still wanted to do something over there, and Team Zhao suddenly shouted: "Jin Nasha, what are you doing?"

When Jin Nasha's fist reached Han Qianyu's front door, she could not stop, she was also panting.

Those beautiful eyes were full of unwillingness and resentment and anger.

Team Zhao looked extremely ugly, and said directly: "You two, come in for me!"

After speaking, he turned away with a cold face.

Han Qianyu didn't even look at Jin Nasha, and directly followed Team Zhao.

Jin Nasha stood where she was, and walked over slowly after a while.

As soon as he entered the door, Team Zhao stretched out his hand and patted the table, with a serious expression on his face reprimanding: "What place do you think this is?

Vegetable market? So you can fight freely, whatever you want? "

Two people stood side by side at their desks, neither of them took the lead in the beginning, they just lowered their heads.

Seeing the two people were silent, Team Zhao continued to ask in a cold voice, "What is it because of?"

Jin Nasha stepped forward immediately and was about to speak, but Team Zhao directly looked at Han Qianyu who was standing by and said, "Han

Thousands of words, you speak first! "

Jin Nasha just closed her mouth unwillingly, and looked extremely angry.

Han Qianyu itself didn’t have much to explain, just an understatement: "Officer Jin may be right

If I have any dissatisfaction and want to fight, I can only accompany me. "

Jin Nasha immediately took over: "Do you not know what you have done yourself? Who is it this morning?

The employer who ran over to see my case deliberately tried to please him, why, now I dare not admit it? "

Jin Nasha looked really angry. She always remembered how Han Qianyu shrank in Bae Sheng in the morning.

In Ye's arms, help him sign and accompany him to read documents.

I haven't found Han Qianyu so scheming in the past, but now it seems that she really underestimated her.

When Captain Zhao heard this, he looked at Han Qianyu with a little surprise and asked, "You went to see Mr. Pei in the morning?"

Han Qianyu himself did not intend to let Captain Zhao know about this, but now that he knows it, naturally he can't hide it.

Went down, so she responded neither humble nor overbearing: "Yes, I did go to visit this morning

Looked at that Mr. Pei. "

Team Zhao suddenly wrinkled his eyebrows and said nothing. It should have been unexpected.

And Jin Nasha seemed to have finally taken care of it, and hummed in response: "You have the backbone to admit it."

Team Zhao took a deep breath, thought for a moment, and announced the result: "You two will go out first.

I will look at it and let it know about it. The final result is waiting for me to inform you. "

Jin Nasha turned around and walked out first.

Han Qianyu also followed behind him silently, but as soon as he stepped out, he heard Team Zhao asking behind him: "Xiao Han, I’m right.

Yu is very optimistic, so you must never do similar things again, understand?"

Over the past few years, the attitude of Han Qianyu working in the police station has always been obvious to Team Zhao, and he has always looked at it.

Well, she knows that she will never just be a small police officer in the future.

So he didn't want her to ruin her own future.

Han Qianyu understood what Team Zhao was saying, nodded, and responded softly: "Thank you Team Zhao, I will pay attention to it later."

Team Zhao didn't say much.

After going out, she went straight out of the police station.

On the way back, she was thinking about what Team Zhao said.

When she entered the community, she found that a valuable car was parked downstairs in her house.

Some are out of place.

She didn't think much, and then went upstairs.

It’s just that she didn’t expect that when she took the key to open the door, she discovered that there was someone sitting in the house and would never show up.

People here.

Everyone in the house looked over because of the movement of the door opening. The first thing that reflected her was her mother, who immediately left.

Come out, "Xiaoyu is back. Look at you. Your friend is coming over today. I don’t know to tell my mother in advance.

Sound, besides, didn’t you promise me not to talk to him again..."

Han Qianyu frowned and stared at the upright, noble man sitting on his sofa.

Why is he here?

The man sitting there responded with a soft smile to Mother Han: “It’s because I didn’t notify Officer Han before. I will

come. "

Han Qianyu walked over directly and said to him, "What are you doing?"

He didn't stay well in the hospital to recuperate, so why did he come to her house? I think it’s not enough for her

How is it?

The other party obviously did not notice the unpleasantness in her tone, and the tone still said indifferently: "It's just because of self-effacement.

The police officer protected us from our injuries, so I came here to express my gratitude. "

Mother Han immediately frowned and looked at Han Qianyu worriedly: "Are you injured?"

She suddenly felt a sense of wanting powerlessness, what she tried to hide, was exposed by him in a word.

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