Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1784: .Go straight to the villa

Han Qianyu hadn’t figured out how to answer, Pei Shengye once again helped her say, “It’s not a serious injury, and

Police Officer Han was recovering from my wounds. I found the best doctor, so don't worry. "

Han Qianyu is even more depressed, please, this man treats himself as someone so he can speak up

Said this in front of his biological parents?

I really don't think I'm an outsider.

But before Han Qianyu had time to make a comment, his mother interjected again.

She looked at Pei Shengye with a serious expression, with an elder attitude, her voice with a hint of persistence and irrefutable fruit.

He said, "Mr. Pei, I don't know if I should say something or not."

Pei Shengye nodded, "Please speak."

"Mr. Pei, my family has a daughter in Qianyu. When she went to the police school secretly, I didn’t agree, girl

Well, find an ordinary class, stability is the best, you have to do this job, fight and kill, and

It's hard and dangerous. "

Pei Shengye agrees very much, "You are right."

"Mom..." Han Qianyu was anxious. Why did she get this kind of thing in front of Pei Shengye?

"Don't interrupt."

The mother interrupted Han Qianyu's words and continued to say to Bae Shengye, "We are getting older, just such a child, hope

I hope she will be safe, so Qianyu is really not suitable to be the protector of Mr. Pei anymore. Mr. Pei, you also have

Children, parents love their children, please be considerate. "

Pei Shengye paused, rubbed his fingers lightly twice, smiled lightly, not knowing what he was thinking.

Han Qianyu then pulled his mother aside, and said with a low voice, "Mom, what are you doing with him?

I am the police! I was assigned the task by the police station and had nothing to do with Pei Shengye. "

"Don't lie to me, there are so many people in your police station. If it weren't for him, why would your police station have to send you!"

Han Qianyu saw his mother's resolute attitude, full of doubts.

Just about to say something, Pei Shengye has already got up and said goodbye.

"I will give it to you."

Han Qianyu can only send Pei Shengye out first.

"My mother, don't take it to heart."

Pei Shengye replied faintly, "She is right again, why I also care about it."

Han Qianyu instantly did not know how to answer.

After Pei Shengye left, Han Qianyu went back.

I don’t know if it’s her illusion. She always feels that her mother doesn’t seem to like Pei Shengye. Not only does she dislike it, but also

Some resistance and fear.

Han Qianyu couldn't help asking, "Mom, do you have any opinion on Pei Shengye?"

Mother Han concealed the strangeness in her eyes, and said: "I don't know him, and I have no contact with him.

What is your opinion, I just want to ask you, when do you plan to resign? "

"I have no plans to resign."


Han Qianyu interrupted his mother tiredly, and said with a slight compromise in his tone, "Well, mother, don’t

I am worried. I promise you that after waiting a long time, I will apply to transfer me to logistics, okay? "

When Han Qianyu said this, Mother Han was slightly relieved, "As long as you are not lying to me."

In fact, she has always understood that her mother is not very supportive of her work, and the more reason is because she is worried about her.

But after all, under the persuasion of her father, she agreed to go to the police academy and work in the police station.

Early the next morning, Han Qianyu did not receive the notice from Team Zhao, so she naturally planned to go to the police station to work.

But as soon as she was about to go out, Mother Han asked behind her: "Where are you going?"

Han Qianyu felt a little strange why Hanmu would ask, but he explained to Hanmu: "Go to the police station

Go to work, what's wrong?"

Mother Han explained with a gentle smile on her face: "Nothing, just ask casually, what do you want to eat at night, I

Do it in advance and wait for your return. "

"You can do whatever you want, and I can do it." After finishing speaking, she went out immediately because there was a little rush in time.

She drove to the police station. Team Zhao’s call arrived as scheduled. Han Qianyu just pressed the answer button when she heard the call.

At the other end of the conversation, Team Zhao's voice came: "Where have you been?"

Han Qianyu was confused: "I'm on my way to the police station, what's wrong?"

Team Zhao suddenly seemed to be choked: "You didn't go to Wensen Villa?"

Han Qianyu raised an eyebrow and asked, "Didn't you say yesterday, waiting for your notice?"

"Xiao Han, you really are... well, now you don't have to rush to the police station, go directly to Wensen Villa." Team Zhao

Obviously he looked helpless. After all, he had already made it clear yesterday, but he did not expect that Han Qianyu actually

But did not react.

I don’t know why, she thought of yesterday’s mother’s remark, and she asked: "Team Zhao, I can have a chance to say

No? "

Team Zhao almost said without hesitation: "No."

Such an answer was also in her expectation, so she responded quietly: "Okay, I know."

After hanging up the phone, she turned the front of the car, and then drove in the direction of Villa Wincer.

An hour later, she got out of the car at the door of Winsor's Villa, and the guard at the door greeted her in a familiar voice:

"Officer Han, long time no see."

She nodded slightly, with a slight smile on her face: "Hello."

After opening the door to let her in, the guard continued to chat with her: "Did you go to other cases during this time?"

Han Qianyu said softly; "No, I just went back to fix it."

The guard also knew that Han Qianyu was injured before, but he continued to say: "You were injured before.

It's time to go back and rest. How is the injury now? "

"It's basically all right now." Han Qianyu responded.

The doorman was a bit enthusiastic: "At your age, you still have to pay more attention to your body. After all, when you were young,

No, when you get older, you will know how important body maintenance is. "

Han Qianyu smiled and nodded, indicating that he knew it.

Coming from the doorman, she went straight to the living room, not sure if it was because she lived here for a long time.

There is a familiar feeling unexpectedly.

I didn’t see Yueyue or Pei Shengye in the villa, but when the servant saw her appear, it was all like

The door guard before, greeted in a familiar tone: "Miss Han is back."

Han Qianyu noticed that the servant used to come back instead of coming, which made her slightly uncomfortable, but she did

I am not embarrassed to correct it, and can only respond with a polite nod: "Yes."

The servant seemed very happy to see her, and prepared tea and cakes and put them in front of her for her to enjoy.

And Han Qianyu did not move, instead, he observed that Pei Shengye still has Yueyue's figure in the villa.

Later, he asked: "Is Mr. Pei away?"

The servant respectfully said: "Mr. Pei went to the company early in the morning, and the young master also went with him. He hasn't come back yet."

When Han Qianyu heard this, he did not expect that at this moment, Pei Shengye would dare to run around with Yueyue, really

Is very courageous.

So, she took out her mobile phone and asked the servant: "Is it convenient to tell me Mr. Pei's number?"

The servant did not hesitate to take the mobile phone over, and said while typing in the number, "Miss Han,

It's better when you are there. Your colleague, Miss Jin, is not as approachable as you. "

Jin Nasha always likes to show off her temper. Han Qianyu knows this.

After the maid entered the number, he returned the phone to Han Qianyu. After she took it, she said thank you, then

The number was dialed out.

The phone rang for a long time before being answered, and right after that, Yueyue's milky voice rang: "Hello, who may I ask?"

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