Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1788: .dereliction of duty

The police officer was about to accompany Han Qianyu to treat the wound immediately, but Han Qianyu shook his head and refused: "No, I will pay

There are business affairs to be done. These people are related to an assassination case. You must show them to me. "

But as soon as the voice fell, someone over there immediately exclaimed: "Stop!"

Han Qianyu immediately looked in the direction of the voice, and saw that the bearded man went straight through the bar with agility.

The rod reached the bottom layer, and then disappeared.

Suddenly, Han Qianyu tightened her brows and chased down through the stairs, but when she reached the place where the beard jumped over.

On the first floor, where is his trace?

She frowned suddenly. If she guessed right, the big beard should be the leader of this group. Others

I don't know anything, but he must know something.

But now, the man ran away.

The few policemen who followed saw where Han Qianyu was standing, looking like they had found nothing, and suddenly asked:

"Did you run?"

Han Qianyu's eyebrows were also twisted, and his tone was light: "Well, I ran."

Suddenly, the police officer said with a slight regret: "I didn't expect the duck to fly like that. It's a pity."

Han Qianyu was thinking about Yueyue in her heart, so she took out her mobile phone and dialed out.

As soon as she was connected, she asked, "Yueyue, have you received it?"

On the other end of the phone, the bodyguard said in a dazed tone: "I have seen the place you mentioned before.

The trace of the Lord. "

Suddenly, Han Qianyu's heart sank like that, and his whole body was cold: "What did you say?"

She almost ran towards the safe passage without even thinking about it, and there was no time for the elevator to sit until she was as fast as possible

Running to the doll where she just let Yueyue hide in, the bodyguard was standing there, and when she saw her, he called out:

"Sergeant Han."

Han Qianyu walked over quickly, his face pale, and he raised his eyes to look at the bodyguard: "You didn't see this when you came.

Is Yueyue hidden inside? "

The bodyguard was also at a loss: "When you first called me, I rushed over quickly, but it didn’t

There are traces of the young master here. "

The lid of the doll is still on it, but there is no trace of Yueyue inside, so, after all

Where did you go?

Her heart suddenly became anxious for no reason.

She did not expect that the person would disappear.

Therefore, she immediately asked the police in the mall to help find someone. Then, she walked directly out of the mall and looked at the hug.

With her head squatting on the ground, she walked directly over and pulled up one of them, with a slightly cold expression on her face.

Question: "Where are the children you caught?"

That person had been tracking one of Han Qianyu before, and when faced with her question, his voice trembled a little.

Shakingly said: "I...we didn't catch any children."

Han Qianyu doesn't believe that, besides them, in this mall, who else will take the children?

So, she held his neck, her eyes gurgled coldly, and she asked with a hint: "I'll ask you again, where's the child?"

The man almost sweared by heaven, and his tone softened: "Comrade police, we really did not catch

If that kid is caught, how could we still catch you? "

What he said was correct, Han Qianyu knew, but now, Yueyue is gone, what is going on?

She just let go of him, and then said to the other police officers standing by: "You must send them back.

Interrogation. "

Immediately afterwards, she walked back to the mall, only this time, she walked towards the monitoring room with a clear purpose.

No matter who takes the child, the surveillance will definitely record everything.

"I'm sorry, Comrade Police, the surveillance of our shopping mall is undergoing inspections in the past two days, but it has not been repaired and inspected. Therefore, you must

I’m afraid we can’t provide it. "

Han Qianyu's brows frowned tightly: "What did you say?"

How could it be so coincidental? Is it being overhauled at this time?

The monitoring master was also helpless: "I'm really sorry, you can think of other ways."

Han Qianyu did not expect to make such a big move, nor did he expect that no matter which method was used, he would not be able to search

Found Yue Yue's trace.

As if God was deliberately embarrassing her.

Taking a deep breath, she suppressed the surging emotions in her heart, and then walked out of the monitoring room.

After walking out, she looked at the empty mall in front of her, and suddenly felt a little out of breath. She finally

Still lost the child.

She took out her mobile phone and dialed out, and the call was quickly connected.

"It's me," she said.

The tone of Pei Shengye on the other end of the phone was as usual, even with a light smile: "Are you home?"

Han Qianyu pursed her lips, did not speak, her heart seemed to be severely grasped, her eyes were slightly warm because of pain.

And her silence made Pei Shengye on the other end of the phone notice something unusual, and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Mr. Pei, I'm sorry, I lost your child." She said this in a calm tone.

The remarks.

At this time, it was the turn of the phone to start silence, and then she heard the sound of the elevator starting.

Soon, Pei Shengye's deep voice came from the other end of the phone: "Where did you lose it?"

"International Trade Building."

"Wait for me there, I'll be here soon." Then, the phone was hung up.

Han Qianyu squatted down and covered her face with her hands. A sense of frustration was spontaneously felt. She vowed to promise that she must

It will be okay, and will definitely protect Yueyue, and will not put him in danger.

But now, what has she done?

The words that I said before were like slaps and slapped her face fiercely.

Soon, Pei Shengye arrived. After learning about the incident with the bodyguard, he saw sitting in a chair at a glance.

Above, the expression on his face can even be called a frustrated Han Qianyu.

He walked over slowly, then stood in front of her, without speaking for a long time.

When Han Qianyu looked at the shoe uppers that appeared in front of her, she knew that he was coming.

Lifting her eyes, she met his gaze, and then, her red lips spit out: "Sorry, Mr. Pei, I'm negligent."

On Pei Shengye’s face, there was no excessive expression, no indifference, and no blame. He just said: "I believe Officer Han

The ability should be able to help me find my child. "

Hearing these words, Han Qianyu suddenly sneered, and even she herself didn’t believe it. Where did Pei Shengye’s self-confidence come from?

Believe, can I get the child back?

Her mind is all messed up now, just showing the head of the wool, she doesn't know where to start.

"Mr. Pei, I'm afraid I will disappoint you this time. This time, I really can't help it." She said, her voice

Full of fatigue.

The previous Han Qianyu was always full of vigor in Pei Shengye’s impression. No matter what he did, he had his own set.

The principles and methods of doing things, and self-confidence always overflows her forehead.

But this time, he saw a trace of depression and self-deprecating in her eyes.

He stretched out his hand, patted her on the shoulder, and said, "Officer Han, I believe you can."

Han Qianyu turned his head, then looked at the man sitting next to her, and asked unconfidently for the first time: "In case I want

What should I do if I can't find it? "

Pei Shengye said, "Isn't there still me?"

I don't know if Pei Shengye's comfort has worked or what, Han Qianyu's heart has finally stabilized slowly.

Originally, Pei Shengye's planned business trip was temporarily put on hold because of Yueyue's disappearance.

Han Qianyu also understands that if it weren't for Yueyue, Pei Shengye originally risked being assassinated and would also go.

It must be a very important thing.

But now, because of my own reasons, I have been messed up.

And the interrogation of the few people caught didn’t make any progress. They didn’t know anything and couldn’t ask.

What valid information.

This makes people feel vaguely hopeless.

But now is not the time for despair. Soon, because of Yue Yue’s disappearance, a task force was established to investigate Yue.

Yue's whereabouts.

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