Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1789: .You fool me? !

And Han Qianyu was not idle, constantly in the shops of the China World Trade Center, asking the clerk if he had seen Yueyue.

Traces, but nothing was found.

Because Yueyue was missing and Han Qianyu’s mission was not completed, she continued to stay in the Winson Villa.

When she appeared at the door of the villa with a tired body, Pei Shengye saw it at a glance. There was a clear


In these two days, she went out almost at dawn and came back very late, although she never indicated that she did what she did outside.

Well, but from the exhausted look on her face, it can be seen that she is not doing nothing.

"Auntie made some tonic soup for you, you should sit down first." Pei Shengye said, his tone calm.

Han Qianyu raised his eyes and saw Pei Shengye sitting there, his eyes dimmed slightly, and then he said, "No, I didn't

appetite. "

She has no interest in drinking soup, not at all.

But Pei Shengye spoke again: "After a day of tossing, I always have to eat rice. I can understand the feeling of Officer Han.

But I don’t agree, and I think this should not be the first time Police Officer Han has encountered such a thing.

Emotions cannot help you solve problems. "

Indeed, no matter how good or bad the mood is, it does not change the facts, but people are such strange creatures.

This principle, when persuading people, is one set, but when it comes to yourself, you can't understand it at all.

Han Qianyu pursed his lips and did not speak, just as silent.

And Pei Shengye directly asked the servant to bring the stewed tonic, put it in front of Han Qianyu, and then continued to say

Said: "Instead of masochistically looking for people here, Police Officer Han should take care of his body.

Only then can I have more energy to help me find people. "

From the beginning to the end of the child’s disappearance, Pei Shengye didn’t say a single word, even the servants in the villa saw

They were particularly surprised.

After all, Pei Shengye's temper is not so good, and even many times, his words are extremely indifferent.

But after losing the young master, Pei Shengye didn’t even say a word, and he was very good at Han Qianyu.

It's the heart.

Han Qianyu looked at the supplements in front of him, exuding fragrance, but did not have the slightest appetite. There was really no food at all.

Desire, but she still picked up the tonic in front of her, then scooped a spoon into her mouth, eating almost mechanically.

After eating a bowl of supplements, she put down the bowl, and then said to Pei Shengye who was sitting opposite, "Thank you."

Then she turned around and went upstairs, the whole person was abnormally silent.

Early the next morning, when Han Qianyu was in the dark, he was about to leave the villa, but as soon as he walked to the living room, he was commissioned

The person stopped, and the other party smiled and said, "Officer Han, should we leave after breakfast?"

Han Qianyu shook his head and said, "No, I'm not hungry."

After speaking, she was going to bypass the servant, but unexpectedly, the servant reached out and stopped her, and then continued to say "please don't

To embarrass me, Mr. Pei ordered, saying that you can only go out after having breakfast. "

When Han Qianyu heard this, he frowned, and then said to the servant: "You can go and tell Mr. Pei, it's me.

Rushing out hard has nothing to do with you. "

She really has no appetite, and now there is only one thought in her mind, and that is to find Yueyue.

The servant continued to persuade: "Officer Han, you really don’t make us embarrassed. We also work for others. The master has

Commanded, we have to do this. "

In the end, Han Qianyu had no choice but to follow the servant into the restaurant.

As soon as I entered, I found that the breakfast placed on the dining table was particularly rich, and the chefs in the Wensen Villa

Very good, almost comparable to a chef in a five-star hotel.

After she drank a glass of milk, ate two bites of bread, and an egg, when she put down the cup, it happened to be on hand

There was a vibration from your phone.

She glanced at the caller ID, and it turned out that it was Jin Nasha who called.

Although they are in a group, they are basically doing their own tasks, even if they are assigned to a group.

The service is just an alienated greeting, not to mention that he had worked in the police station before.

But in the end, she slid the phone down the answer button, and then said quietly: "Is there something wrong?"

On the other end of the phone, Jin Nasha asked in a rare good mood: "I heard that you seem to have been in trouble recently?"

Han Qianyu didn’t want to pay attention to Jin Nasha’s obvious gloating emotions in her tone, only

It means: "If you have nothing else, Ruyi, then I will die."

After speaking, she really had to hang up.

But Jin Nasha on the other end of the phone continued to say, "I know where the child is."

Suddenly, Han Qianyu's action to hang up the phone just stopped there stiffly. Then, she quickly moved her phone together.

He reached his ear and said anxiously: "Jin Nasha, what did you do?"

Jin Nasha smiled and said, "What can I do? Han Qianyu, don’t forget, I’m a policeman.

Know how to break the law? "

Han Qianyu also thinks so, even if Jin Nasha is confused, she cannot know the law and break the law and take Yueyue away.

So, she squeezed her phone tightly and asked, "What do you know exactly?"

"I know the whereabouts of this child, but in exchange, I want you to do something." Jin Nasha was on the phone.

It seems to be in a good mood, even the voice is arrogant.

Han Qianyu clenched the phone tightly, still suspicious of her in his heart: "What if you tell lies?"

After all, now, she can’t believe it, and since Jin Nasha knows, why didn’t she tell you Team Zhao,

Then go to claim credit?

"Believe it or not, it's up to you, after all, I know that you are more anxious than I am now." Jin Nasha should have money in hand.

Code, so the way the whole person speaks is different.

Han Qianyu fell silent. Indeed, she is not qualified to bargain with her now.

"What do you want me to do?" she asked, her tone unwilling.

Jin Nasha on the other end of the phone suddenly chuckled, and then spoke.

Police station, inside the office.

"Han Qianyu, do you know what you are talking about?" At the desk, Team Zhao's face was so serious that he even brought

With a trace of sternness.

And Han Qianyu, who was standing at the desk, stood there straight like that, with a straight figure and no emotion on her face.

Response: "Yes, I know."

Team Zhao suddenly tightened his brows and knocked on the table: "You know? Then do you know, you are here at this juncture?

What does it mean? In this case you followed, the employer’s child was lost because of you, but you

Now I am running over and tell you that you want to resign? "

Team Zhao is obviously very angry, and I really didn’t expect this girl who usually carries her to be clear, suddenly her head is confused.


Han Qianyu's face did not show any movement because of these words of Team Zhao, and even said: "Yes, I'm sorry Team Zhao.

I trouble you. "

Team Zhao almost laughed, causing him trouble?

Is this a general trouble?

He tried his best to suppress his violent temper, and then patiently persuaded Han Qianyu: "Xiao Han, I know, now

In the extraordinary period, you are under great pressure, but the greater the pressure, the more you have to resist it. In this way, in the future,

No matter what case you bring, you will gain something and feel at ease. "

"Now you lost your employer’s child, but I heard that the employer didn’t seem to lose his child because of you.

Son, and if there is any excessive behavior towards you, even if it sounds good to you, as long as we adjust

Check, this child will definitely be found. "

Han Qianyu seemed determined to resign, but repeated: "Team Zhao, I'm really sorry."

The blue veins on Zhao Dui’s forehead were faintly beating, watching the Han Qianyu in front of him, and he tightened immediately.

The brow said: "Okay, you go outside to be sober, I will think about it."

Han Qianyu said thank you, then turned and left.

As soon as she got out of the office, she directly asked a colleague who passed by: "Did you see Jin Nasha?"

The colleague was stunned when he heard the words. After all, Han Qianyu and Jin Nasha are both a branch of the flower.

Fire and water are incompatible.

So, she shook her head and said: "She seems to have not come here today."

Upon hearing this, Han Qianyu's expression on his face became cold, and then he thanked the colleague and took out his hand as he walked.

Machine, dialed a phone call out.

The phone was quickly connected, and on the other end, there was Jin Nasha's faintly smiling voice: "What's the matter?"

"I have already told Team Zhao to resign. Now, tell me the whereabouts of the child." Her tone was extremely cold.

"Team Zhao will definitely not agree for the time being, even if you mention it." According to Team Zhao's usual protection of Han Qianyu, she said farewell.

How could the other party approve it so easily?

Upon hearing this, Han Qianyu's tone suddenly sank a little: "Jin Nasha, are you kidding me?"

"No, it’s not fooling you. As long as I see the approval order above, I will tell you, otherwise, in case you

Temporary regret, what can I do? "Jin Nasha didn't seem to trust her.

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