Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1798: .The only chance

After the doctor came in, he didn't wait for An Chen to speak, he walked directly to Han Qianyu and checked her.

After a while, he said to An Chen, "She should be food poisoned."

An Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, and opened his thin lips, "How can food poisoning happen?"

Doctor Guan shook his head. Facing An Chen’s inquiry, he only responded truthfully: "It is not possible to find out the cause of the poisoning

Some of them can only go to the hospital for screening. "

An Chen looked at lying on the sofa, closed his eyes, his face was extremely pale, and he did not speak.

Doctor Guan is saying in accordance with the professional ethics of a doctor: "It will be tomorrow morning at the latest.

Should have died of dehydration. "

In the end, An Chen turned around and left the room without saying anything.

Doctor Guan followed, but when he looked at Han Qianyu lying on the sofa, he walked over again,

In the medicine box I carried, I took out a small bag of medicine and put it on the table, and told the servant: ‘I will give her three meals later.

It should be better. "

The servant nodded and took the bag of medicine.

Han Qianyu was lying there all over, feeling as if she was not far away from the burp, she was still there in the afternoon thinking, in the end

What should I do? Escape as soon as possible. It didn't take long for me to have food poisoning.

Should I say that God is helping her, or that she is very bad now and will go to see God soon.

But she didn’t hear An Chen’s intention to order the ship to dock as soon as possible. This made her a little worried.

When the time comes, don’t not only fail to achieve your goal, but belch yourself. That’s really not worth the gain, and you’ll lose it.

The lady broke again.

She just fell asleep in a drowsy manner. When she opened her eyes again, she found that she seemed to be held in her arms.

Embracing her is not too familiar, but not too annoying.

She tried her best to open her eyes as heavy as a kilo, and then she saw An Chen’s beautiful jaw curve at a glance.

It's really pretty.

It's amazing to see, why is such a good-looking man the leader of an organization?

The tip of her nose smelled of disinfectant water, which was very similar to a hospital. She wanted to see where she was, but

Before she opened her eyes completely, she fell asleep again in a daze.

"Mr. Pei, the test results are out." Jin Nasha received the dna comparison test results and notified them immediately.

Bae Shengye.

Pei Shengye didn't speak immediately, but always sat there with mixed emotions on his face.

Jin Nasha put the comparison result in front of him, and then said: "Don't be too sad. A thousand words are in heaven.

I don’t want to see you like this. "

Even if I know that I have speculated countless times, it will be this result, there will be this possibility, but when this result really comes out

At the moment, Pei Shengye's body still swayed twice, supporting his forehead with his hands, closing his eyes, his head resembling

Almost began to faintly hurt again.

Jin Nasha saw that Pei Shengye's complexion was not so good, she felt a little uncomfortable in her heart.

At this moment, Yueyue walked downstairs and saw Jin Nasha standing there, but Pei Shengye's expression on her face was obviously not quite right.

Good look, immediately asked: Dad, did Aunt Xiaoyu have news? "

This Jin Nasha is a colleague of Aunt Xiaoyu, he remembers.

Jin Nasha turned around and wanted to inform Yueyue of Han Qianyu’s death, but was stopped by Bae Shengye: "Don’t tell

He, don't tell him this news yet. "

He knows Yueyue’s character very well. He also knows how much the little guy likes Han Qianyu. If you let him know,

How sad he should be.

Jin Nasha was persuaded, and soon smiled and said to Yue Yue: "No, there is no news from your Aunt Xiaoyu yet, Yue

Why didn't Yue go to kindergarten today? "

The little guy doesn’t like Jin Nasha very much, so he just frowned and said, “Why do you guys

So far I haven’t found Aunt Xiaoyu, she is really stupid. When I was taken away, Aunt Xiaoyu found it.

I, you guys are not as good as her! "

When Jin Nasha heard it, she almost didn't catch her breath, or no matter what, someone would compare Han Qianyu to her.

Mention it, no matter when.

This is the case in the police station, and it is still the case here.

Unfortunately, she is already dead.

In the end, Jin Nasha didn't say much.

After Jin Nasha left, Pei Shengye stood up silently from the sofa, and then went upstairs. When Yueyue saw that he was leaving, she paused.

Shi Sui asked, "Dad, don't you eat lunch?"

It's almost lunch time now.

But Pei Shengye responded with a slightly hoarse voice: "No, you can eat it yourself."

After speaking, he went up the stairs one by one and then into the study.

The little guy sat there with a completely unclear meaning, why did my dad feel a little unhappy, even

Yu was in a strange mood.

However, he didn't think much about this, but sat on the sofa obediently, waiting for the servant to ask him to have lunch.

And here, Han Qianyu, who has been passed down to death, had a nightmare at this moment, and sat on the bed in shock.

Get up, panting heavily.

She dreamed of those snakes again, crawling on her, as if to eat her, no matter how she beat them, they didn’t

There is a way.

And as soon as she sat up, she heard someone next to her say in surprise: "Wake up, wake up."

She turned her head subconsciously, and saw the servant who was in charge of delivering her food standing by her bed, smiling.

On the sofa, there was a handsome-looking man, who could anyone besides An Chen.

Seeing her seemingly puzzled, the servant explained: ‘You were food poisoned before, so now

In the hospital, but you can rest assured that your body is no longer in serious trouble. "

When Han Qianyu heard this, he pretended to be a little surprised and asked: "I have food poisoned?"

The servant nodded, and An Chen over there looked up at her, and then asked her: "Why didn't you find out before?

Allergic to things like nests? "

It was because of that bowl of blood bird's nest that she almost killed her.

Han Qianyu suddenly couldn't laugh or cry and said, "This gentleman, I haven't eaten your bowl of bird's nest since I was young.

After a bite, so how would I know that I am allergic to bird's nest. "

She is allergic to such a precious bird's nest, which is simply a violent thing.

While sighing, Han Qianyu felt helplessly that his body really had no wealth at all.

He pursed An Chen's lips, but didn't say much, but told the servant: "Take care of her."

Seeing An Chen was leaving, Han Qianyu immediately said: ‘Thank you. "

She never thought that An Chen would really save her, after all, it might be unnecessary for him to save her.

An Chen paused slightly, and turned her back to her with a smile but not a smile, but pointedly: "You might consider

Next, take off your clothes and give me this idea, which is more valuable than thank you. "

After speaking, he walked straight out of the ward.

Han Qianyu: "..." I really feel that this man looks cold but resists others thousands of miles away, but actually gets along

Come, it's okay.

Han Qianyu casually asked, "Is he joking like this with you, so approachable?"

The servant said: "You laughed, how come Mr. An usually talks to us like that? We just said

People only. "

Only then did Han Qianyu know that his surname was An.

However, she turned her eyes to look out of the window, her eyes faintly thoughtful, she finally went ashore, here, or

Maybe she has a chance.

Or, this is the only chance for her.

"How long are we going to stay here?" she asked, looking out the window.

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