Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1799: .His woman

The servant seemed to be accustomed to the attributes of Korean dialects, so he responded and said, "Maybe tomorrow

We were about to leave. Originally, we also turned back halfway and chose the nearest city to find a hospital for you. "

The implication is that he has not left the country yet.

She breathed a sigh of relief, as long as she did not leave the country, she still had a chance to touch it back, otherwise, it would be hard to say.

She nodded, then said nothing.

At noon, the servant brought her porridge, there was nothing in it, just white porridge, and then said to her: "Because

The doctor said that you have only cleaned your stomach, so you can only eat some liquid food. "

Han Qianyu didn't say anything, nodded, and then sat down on the edge of the table, eating the porridge silently.

But just after taking two bites, she clutched her stomach, frowning and let out a painful hum.

When the servant saw this, he suddenly panicked: "What's the matter?"

"My stomach hurts," she whispered, clutching her stomach.

The servant immediately said: "Wait, I'll call you a doctor." Then, she immediately opened the room door and ran out

Go, walked out, the two of her people who were in charge of the door seemed to be asking the servant: "What's wrong?"

"I don't know what's wrong, she just ate the white porridge and it was fine. Suddenly, her stomach hurts.

Come and take a look. "

After speaking, the servant immediately ran to the direction of the service desk.

Han Qianyu, after confirming that the servant was running away, immediately walked to the door and opened the door quickly.

With a deterrent gesture, one person and one hand knife brought down the two unsuspecting people who took care of her.

She did not drag people into the room, but quickly walked towards the safe passage. She was very fast,

The string was almost tense, she just wanted to escape from this ghost place now.

After all, she finally got ashore. If she returns to the sea tomorrow morning, she is basically not sure that she will have the opportunity

The Mr. Ann docked on the shore and could only sigh that it was really time for her to have food allergies this time.

She didn't dare to take the elevator for fear of wasting time, but she ran all the way to the underground garage and saw people constantly inside

In and out, there are cars driving around.

The flow of people in the hospital is large, so the traffic is very fast.

She quietly selected a car that was about to drive away, then opened the trunk of the car and got in.

She was a little relieved until she curled up inside, and then watched the situation outside. The car was in the parking lot.

After paying the fee, he drove out.

Han Qianyu suddenly felt a little excited in his heart, and kept praying. God wants to be nice to her, don’t matter.

Time to drop the chain.

But unfortunately, God did not hear her prayer. The car had been driving for a few minutes, or even not yet

After driving out of the hospital, it stopped.

Immediately afterwards, the driver seemed strange, and got out of the car.

Han Qianyu saw that the driver got out of the car for a long time and didn’t come back, so he quietly poked his head out and observed the situation outside.

Besides, she suddenly realized that there were a bunch of vehicles gathered outside, all stuck there, gathering together.

He couldn't walk at all.

She felt something was wrong. After waiting for a while, she opened the trunk, then went out, and found out,

The front yard of the entire hospital has been blocked.

At the gate of the hospital, vehicles came in and out extremely slowly, causing congestion.

She suddenly coughed, and then pretending to be calm, she walked to a big brother and asked: "Big brother, what's going on in front of you?

child? Why didn't you leave suddenly? "

The eldest brother frowned upon hearing this and said, "I don’t know what’s wrong. I suddenly started to check the car. You said there is this in the hospital.

What kind of violation? I've been here several times before, but I didn't see you want to check the car? "

That eldest brother seemed to be very dissatisfied with the behavior of the hospital, his face looked very ugly.

But after listening to Han Qianyu, he suddenly felt a little bit nervous and even panicked. It seems that he has already discovered

I don't know anything about it, and this car inspection must be because of myself.

She walked back and forth a little anxiously, her red lips pressed tightly.

And the eldest brother next to her came out when she saw that she was still wearing a hospital gown, and he immediately asked: "Why are you still sick?

Discharged? "

Han Qianyu didn't expect that his dress was very eye-catching. Hearing this, he smiled and responded: "Now

Today is the day when I am discharged from the hospital, but I think this hospital gown is pretty good-looking, so I bought this suit back

Up. "

The eldest brother said completely incomprehensibly: "After all, the hospital gown is the clothes worn by the patient. If you are unlucky, you should take it off as soon as possible."

Han Qianyu smiled and nodded, but the eldest brother didn't say much.

She looked at the end of the hospital with some worry. Someone was checking the state of car by car, and her heart was full of anxiety.

Impatient, how can I get out?

She cast down her eyes, shuttled in the sea of ​​cars, searching for opportunities everywhere.

Until a large truck loaded with goods seemed to be about to drive out, her eyes instantly shined.

Han Qianyu tore off a chain from his neck and handed it to the driver, "Big brother, I will pay for this.

The fare, and... If someone asks later, if you have met any strange women or something, can you hide it?

Just tell them that I'm going over there. "

Han Qianyu raised his arm and pointed to a reaction that was completely opposite to that of a large truck.

The driver stared at Han Qianyu in a daze, obviously still a little unresponsive.

Han Qianyu couldn’t wait, so he put the chain into his hand, then turned his head and got out of the car.

Go to the back of the truck.

The semi-open cargo compartment can be easily turned up by holding the corners.

Han Qianyu saw that the car was full of boxes, and his dexterous body was like a fish. He drilled into the innermost and then hid in it.

In one of the boxes.

The surrounding suddenly became very quiet and quiet, Han Qianyu was stuffy in the small cardboard box, breathing a little bit not smoothly, palms

All sweat on her back and back made her gown wet.

She kept taking deep breaths, forcing herself to calm down, to pass a series of recent events in her mind


What is the origin of this An Chen?

To say that they are going to catch Yueyue, she can understand that compared to Pei Shengye’s **** as a person, she doesn’t know how much she offends outside.

Few people, it is not difficult to understand that others want to arrest his only son to avenge him.

But what's the matter with these people chasing themselves?

She is just an ordinary policeman...No, she has resigned, and now she is not even a policeman.

This group of people took her aboard the boat and took her to the hospital with great effort. They are still stopping cars for inspection here, why?

It makes no sense.

What are they doing?

Wouldn't you misunderstand that you are Pei Shengye's woman?

This is troublesome, don’t say she’s not, even if it’s a heartless person like Pei Shengye, maybe she won’t come to the rescue


Han Qianyu's head was confused for a moment.

The body huddled together should also have a poor blood supply, faintly feeling sore, especially her two

The legs are unbearable.

Han Qianyu moved his feet and was about to move to relieve the discomfort, but suddenly heard a movement.

"Is anyone here?"

"Search for me!"

Han Qianyu was so scared that his scalp was numb, and he almost didn't scream! !

They found it here?

Are you crazy!

"Check box by box."

Han Qianyu's eyes went dark, and it was over. This must be investigated one by one. Can't she be caught back?

A man’s cowardly voice floated, "Brothers, I’m just ordinary goods here, what are you looking for?

People? It can't be with me..."

It sounds like a driver.

"Brother, there are surveillance cameras in my car. I guarantee that no one will come in. There are dozens of boxes here. You

If you check, which day will you find out? "

There is some truth to Xu being the driver. The group of people just rummaged through the outermost box. Seeing nothing unusual, they took it with them.

People are gone.

Seeing that the surrounding area became quiet again, Han Qianyu finally let out a sigh of relief.

This...should be all right?

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