Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1800: .giggle

Soon, Han Qianyu felt the truck start slowly.

The last stone in Han Qianyu's heart was also completely put down at this moment, she leaned in the box and closed her eyes

Eyes, unconsciously fell asleep deeply.

I don't know how long it took, Han Qianyu vaguely felt that the car had stopped, and then several footsteps sounded around.

Han Qianyu opened his eyes and crawled out of the box.

Those workers who were handling the cargo compartment were shocked when they saw a big living person popping out of the car, they rushed to ask Han Qian

What is the language?

Han Qianyu smiled palely: "Brother, it's hard to say a word, can you borrow my mobile phone for a while, I want to contact

Look at the family. "

This is not a difficult task. The enthusiastic worker hurriedly handed over a mobile phone.

Han Qianyu took it, and subconsciously wanted to contact the police station, but he didn’t know what to think of, so he deleted the string of numbers and pressed

Another bunch


There was a low, hoarse male voice on the phone.

Han Qianyu was shocked, and took the phone from his ear.

That's right, it's Pei Shengye's cell phone number, why this man's voice sounds so haggard.

Then Han Qianyu said: "Bai Shengye, I am Han Qianyu, I..."

"Korean Qianyu?"

Pei Shengye was pleasantly surprised, Han Qianyu was even more confused, how could she feel that Pei Shengye's voice was shaking.

"Are you Han Qianyu?"

Han Qianyu frowned, "Bei Shengye, although I know that ordinary people I can't get your eyes, but how do I say it again?

Save your son, you don’t need to forget me so quickly.\"

\"where are you?"

Pei Shengye interrupted Han Qianyu's words directly and asked anxiously.

"Where am I..." Han Qianyu asked the address from the worker, and then told Pei Shengye.

"Pei Shengye, can you send someone to pick me up quickly, I really can't do it."

There was originally an injury on her body, but it was bumped all the way with the truck. If it weren’t for her good health, it’s something else.

People have long been tossed out of breath.

"Keep in touch with me and I will go over immediately."

"No, you don't need to come here in person, you just need to send someone..."

"Don't order me now!" Pei Shengye choked on Han Qianyu again, not sure if it was an illusion of Han Qianyu, she felt

Pei Shengye now has a sense of grind and anger.

Why is he angry?


Han Qianyu sat down on a big rock beside the truck and waited for Pei Shengye to come.

Pei Shengye moved very quickly. Within three hours, a helicopter hovered and fell from Han Qianyu's head.

When she saw Pei Shengye walking down from the helicopter in a straight suit, Han Qianyu had a voice in her heart saying to her,


"You woman..." Pei Shengye was furious.

He always hated people who didn’t believe in words. She didn’t wait for her actions to save Yueyue, and she clearly promised that he would be peaceful.

When An returned, she stupidly let herself fall into the hands of others.

Pei Shengye squeezed his fists, the emotions in his eyes were surging at this moment, and he couldn't suppress it.

"You are not in your mind..."

Han Qianyu stood up, and when he wanted to speak, his eyes turned black.

The body fell softly to the ground.

\"Thousands of Korean?"

Pei Shengye subconsciously reached out to help her.

"You can be regarded as coming." Han Qianyu supported the last trace of strength, "If you don't come again, I'm really going to die..."

When I came to my lips to blame, when I saw Han Qianyu’s pale complexion, I was finally swallowed back.

"As long as you know, don't do it alone in the future."

"Got it……"

Han Qianyu's eyelids are heavy.

Pei Shengye picked up the person directly, hurriedly boarded the helicopter, and the plane circled to s city.

When Han Qianyu woke up again, it was already night.

The familiar room furnishings told Han Qianyu that she returned to Winson Manor.

She seems to have been around this big house for the past six months.

Han Qianyu couldn't help smiling suddenly.

"Just waking up and giggling, I don't know what's in your head?"

Pei Shengye’s voice floated over his head, Han Qianyu was stunned, and he hurried to see that Pei Shengye didn’t know anything.

When I was sitting on the edge of her bed.

He is not wearing a jacket, a clean white shirt, with a slightly open neckline, and a beautiful collarbone and cuffs can be vaguely seen

Being rolled up and rolled up to the forearm, the arm muscles are particularly attractive.

The roots of Han Qianyu's ears are a little hot, "Why are you here?"

"This is my home, wherever I love."

Yes, it depends on how confident they are.

Han Qianyu could not speak, and then asked: "Then you won't be here all the time? The way I sleep..."

"I've seen it all, people who are too old still slobber when they sleep, even Yue'er is worse."

Han Qianyu is not only ears, but also blushes.

This stinky man, she just escaped from the dead, can't you say something that makes her comfortable?

"Mr. Pei Shengye, can you be a little empathetic, I am a patient now, so you are not afraid that I will be **** off by you?"

"I'm so perfect, you can still be angry with me Pei Shengye, that's because you have no eyes." Pei Shengye smiled lowly.

Voice, "Furthermore, you are a woman who is very dead and cannot die. If you really have opinions on me, how could you

One remembered to call me for help. "

Pei Shengye’s gaze seemed to be looking at a prey falling into his trap, "This shows that although a certain

A duplicity woman said she hated me, but when it came to a critical moment, she still felt that I was the best

Rely on. "

Thousands of Korean: "..."

Well, she is wrong, she shouldn't call and ask Pei Shengye to pick her up.

She can't argue with her now.

Han Qianyu covered himself in the quilt.

"Why, but I'm so embarrassed and angry?"

"You are so worried, I just think you are a bit noisy."

In fact, Han Qianyu didn’t know why at that moment, she would be the first to contact Pei Shengye, not from the police station.

Colleagues, not good friends, not close parents, but this man...

But it was true that at that moment, the person who appeared in her mind was Pei Shengye.

Han Qianyu was poked at the center of thought, but he couldn't explain the source of this thought, so he was very confused.

"Is Aunt Xiaoyu back?"

"Can I see Aunt Xiaoyu?"

People were talking at the door.

"Young Master, your father has ordered that no one is allowed to disturb Miss Han."

"But Dad himself disturbed Aunt Xiaoyu in there."

"Uh, this..."

Pei Shengye frowned and got up to go outside.

Han Qianyu hurriedly raised his voice and asked, "Is it Yueyue? Come in."

Pei Shengye turned his head and glanced at Han Qianyu, his cold eyes seemed to be somewhat dissatisfied, "Don't be too used to him."

"I'm not used to him. He's right. You can bother me here. Wouldn't it be great with one more person?" Han Qianyu

Laughing, "Mr. Pei, as a father, you can't double mark, you must set a good example for the children."

Pei Shengye's face was obviously dark.

At this time Yueyue had already entered from outside.

Seeing Han Qianyu, he immediately rushed over, but remembered that Han Qianyu was injured. It was a meter or two away from Han Qianyu.

Life stopped.

"Come here, Yueyue."

Han Qianyu saw the little guy cautiously and called him over.

It was only then that Yueyue walked step by step in front of Han Qianyu, "Aunt Xiaoyu."

"I'm sorry, Yueyue, I worried you."

"It's okay." Yue Yue shook her head: "Aunt Xiaoyu, where are you these days? We all thought you were dead."

"Hmm..." Han Qianyu felt that it was better not to tell this child that he was taken away by bad guys, so he found someone

An excuse, "I was injured, fainted, and was taken home by one person. When I got better, I came to you."

Yueyue is still a child after all, so she naturally has no doubts about what Han Qianyu said, "You must contact me in time.

To be safe, my father and I are worried about you. "

"Your father..." Han Qianyu raised his eyes and glanced at Pei Shengye, skeptical: "Worry about me?"

"Yes, Dad smokes all day, I have never seen Dad worry so much..."

"Yue'er." Pei Shengye interrupted Yueyue's words coldly, "You are becoming more and more unruly when you speak, go out, I

There is still something to talk about with her. "

"Oh." Yue'er didn't make a fuss, squeezed Han Qianyu's hand, "I'll leave that little language first. What do you want to eat, I tell

V. Kitchen. "


After Yueyue left, Pei Shengye sat down on the stool again.

"Don't take it seriously what he said."

"What are you talking about?" Han Qianyu frowned.

Pei Shengye was speechless for a while, and he didn't know how to say it. After a long time, he changed the subject, "Did you meet

Who did you see? "

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