Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1809: .Let dad give it to you!

Han Qianyu turned around and saw a black hair rope hooked on his hand.

She walked over immediately, reached out and took it, and then walked out without looking back.

It wasn’t until she walked to the next room that she relaxed herself, and fell on the sofa, covering her face, feeling that there was something

Shameful enough, she went to Pei Shengye's room and took a shower.

Wait, take a shower?

Then her clothes...

She almost jumped up from the sofa and rushed to Pei Shengye’s room. As soon as she opened it, she saw the servant holding a washing machine.

The clothes basket came out of the bathroom, and Pei Shengye stood at the door of the bathroom.

Seeing her opening the door, she appeared at the door with a panic expression, all looking at her.

She smiled wryly.

Pei Shengye raised an eyebrow and asked, "Anything else?"

She immediately waved her hand and shook her head: "No, nothing, I'm leaving." After speaking, she immediately turned and left.

Immediately afterwards, I heard Pei Shengye’s instructions behind him: “Go buy a set of clothes of the same size tomorrow morning.

Send it to Miss Han. "

"Good sir." The servant replied respectfully.

Han Qianyu did not stop, but walked to the door of his room.

One night, she couldn’t sleep, but early the next morning, she opened her eyes and found a new set of clothes on the bedside.

She usually dresses very differently.

It was a short skirt suit. She frowned slightly, staring at the suit, not really liking it.

Therefore, when the servant walked in, she asked directly: "Hello, have the clothes I changed yesterday been washed?"

It would be better for her to wear her own clothes.

The servant smiled kindly, and then responded: "I'm sorry Miss Han, your clothes were sent to be washed, but because of yesterday

It rained all night, so it’s not dry yet, we have prepared a suit for you, if you don’t like it

Otherwise, you can choose another set now, but it may take some time. "

Han Qianyu raised her hand and glanced at her watch. There are still two hours before work. She doesn't have much time to waste.

Here, so, she can only say to the servant with fate: "No, I'll just wear this suit."

The servant nodded: "Okay, Miss Han, the breakfast has already been prepared for you. You can have a meal when you go downstairs."

"Okay thank you."

When Han Qianyu felt that his skirt suit was really strange, but he still went downstairs awkwardly

When she was sitting downstairs, Pei Shengye and Yueyue immediately raised their eyes and looked at her when she went downstairs.

"Aunt Xiaoyu, you are so beautiful today!" Yueyue exclaimed. After all, the little guy is still young and even praises people.

Both are the most direct.

Han Qianyu didn't think he was so beautiful, he just thought it was weird to wear this suit.

Her usual attire is either trousers or a long skirt, like this short skirt, she really hasn’t been for a long time.

Go through again.

Since she became a police officer, her skin is obviously fairer and more delicate, plus she usually likes to exercise, so

The legs are slender and straight. Wearing this suit that shows the figure, it is really a very good temperament, which gives her a bumpy figure.

The performance is vivid and vivid.

It's no wonder that Yue Yue would praise her.

Even Pei Shengye's eyes became a little deeper after seeing her dress.

Han Qianyu ate breakfast a little faster, because she was afraid that she might not be able to rush to work.

Seeing that she seemed to be anxious, Yueyue asked with a grinning voice, "Aunt Xiaoyu, you will be

Is there something to worry about? "

"I'm going to work later, and the time may be too late." She said in a low tone.

Yueyue nodded: "Is that so, let my father send you off?"

After finishing speaking, regardless of Han Qianyu’s answer or not, he turned to ask Pei Shengye who was sitting there: "Dad, you can send

Aunt Xiaoyu? "

Pei Shengye did not decline, but said: "I'm free at any time, but it depends on whether your Aunt Xiaoyu is willing

Hitchhiked us. "

The little guy is very clever, jumped to Han Qianyu, smiled and said, "Aunt Xiaoyu, since you are in a hurry

Ban, then I should ride my father's ride, because it's really hard to get a taxi here. "

Han Qianyu said, "I can use the taxi-hailing software to order a car."

Now that the technology is advanced, she can call a car in advance even if she doesn't go out.

The little guy shook his head and said, "This mountain, the vehicles outside can't get up at all, so even if you want to call a car,

You have to go down the mountain before you can sit up. "

One sentence shattered all the delusions of Han Qianyu.

In the end, she could only look at Pei Shengye, and then silently said: "Then trouble Mr. Pei."

The little guy blinked at Pei Shengye immediately, with a proud look like I was amazing.

Pei Shengye didn't care about the little guy at all.

After eating breakfast, the group walked out of the yard, and the three got into the car separately.

Because Yueyue is going to kindergarten and she is not on the way with them, the driver will send it there, while Han Qianyu will go

Took Pei Shengye’s car.

Today, I don’t know if the driver drove Yueyue away, but Pei Shengye personally drove the car.

Originally, Han Qianyu wanted to sit in the back seat, think about it, and was afraid that Bae Shengye felt that he was using him as a driver, so

She thought about it for a while, and got in the co-pilot again.

As soon as he sat in, Han Qianyu saw Pei Shengye's distinct hand on the steering wheel. It was really... Damn it!

She quickly retracted her gaze, and then stared straight ahead without squinting, but after waiting for a long time, she did not see Pei Shengye.

As a sign of going away, when I wanted to speak, I suddenly found that Pei Shengye was approaching. The distance between the two

Suddenly zoomed in.

She immediately turned red, and even her heart began to pound, and she stammered:

"You...what are you doing?"

Pei Shengye’s bottomless eyes kept staring at her, and the corners of the back lips were slightly hooked. With a bang, he

Said: "Didn't your driving school coach tell you that you should fasten your seat belt?"

She lowered her head and noticed that the seat belt on her body was buckled by Pei Shengye.

In an instant, she felt that she was really thinking too much.

Trying to calm the beating heart, she took a deep breath, and Pei Shengye, who was sitting upright, saw her eyes

Panicked, his face flushed, and the smile on his eyes grew deeper.

He sent her all the way to the door of the company, even though Han Qianyu kept saying on the road, just put her on the side of the road, don’t

Drove to the door of the company, but obviously, Pei Shengye didn’t mean that, so he drove her to their company.


This morning happened to be the peak time for people to come and go to work. A Maserati was parked at the door.

All curiously looked over here, she really didn't have the courage to push the car door and walk out.

And when Pei Shengye saw that she didn't get out of the car, he instead smiled and asked: "Why? Don't you want to leave? I can take you again..."

Before he finished speaking, Han Qianyu immediately opened the door, got out of the car, then said thank you to him and closed the door

Quickly ran into the company.

Pei Shengye sat in the car and looked at Han Qianyu's flustered appearance, but felt that his mood was getting better.

Although Han Qianyu tried to cover her face when she got out of the car, she heard someone on the first day of work.

Discussing behind her back.

"Did you see that woman in a skirt? Yes, it was her. In the morning I saw her get off and on a Maserati

Here, I guess, maybe there is a mine at home. "

"No wonder she can directly airborne our finance department. After all, many people can't get in if they want to enter."

Wisdom gossip.

In fact, Han Qianyu really wants to rush to them and explain: She really doesn’t have a mine at home, and she also entered by submitting a resume.

Are you here? What is airborne?

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