Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1810: Stay with him

"It's good to have a mine at home. I don't have to work hard for a few lifetimes. I really envy them." The two people sighed there.

Although Han Qianyu wanted to come forward to explain, but thinking about it, it was let them misunderstood. After all, now, everyone is not

Familiar, even if they really explained it, they might not believe it.

So, she didn't say anything at all and continued to work on her own.

When he got off work, Han Qianyu rubbed his aching shoulders, but felt that the day was fulfilled.

The difficulty in her imagination seems to be a lot worse. She thinks that if she is a multi-professional, she should be completely ignorant.

Yes, but unexpectedly, it is easy to understand at work.

"Qianyu, do you want to have dinner together after get off work later?" A colleague who actively wanted to have a good relationship with Han Qianyu unexpectedly invited

She eats after get off work.

She wanted to refuse, but when the words came to her lips, she swallowed again. Finally, she nodded and said, "Okay."

The colleague seemed quite happy, and the two walked all the way to the door of the company, but when Han Qianyu saw that he was waiting at the office

When Pei Shengye at Simenkou and Yueyue standing beside him were stunned.

The colleague also saw the man in the luxury car waiting at the door, and the child next to him. That man, really

So handsome!

She was a little envious of Han Qianyu in an instant, with such a handsome and rich husband, my God, I really envy her.


"Qianyu, did your husband come to pick you up?" The colleague's tone was envious and a bit sour.

Han Qianyu just wanted to say that Pei Shengye was not his husband, but over there, Yue Yue had already rushed over: "Little language!"

The small body slammed into his arms, with a clear smile in his eyes.

She hugged him in her arms and asked softly: "Why are you free today?"

She thought that after today, Pei Shengye should have nothing to do with her. Who would have thought that this would be off work.

Did they appear in front of him again?

"Daddy will pick me up, and then I will pick you up from get off work, and he will agree!" The little guy said in a high tone.

Very happy.

Han Qianyu didn’t know what to say for a while, and finally, she could only hold the little guy’s hand and ask her to eat.

Fan’s colleague said apologetically: “Sorry, I’m afraid I can’t accompany you to dinner at night.”

"It's okay, the next time we make an appointment will be the same, then I will go first!" The colleague was completely innocent.

Elephant, said goodbye to Han Qianyu generously.

After waiting to leave at the same time, Han Qianyu took Yueyue back to Pei Shengye's side, and then asked with a slightly frowned brow: "Pei Xian

Health, there are some things, I want to tell you clearly. "

Because she had promised her mother that she would never have any contact with Pei Shengye, and now she doesn’t want to say it in front of Yueyue

These, after all, the child is still young and simple.

Pei Shengye looked at the serious expression on her face, but he pulled the car door directly, and then said quietly: "What can I say?

Let's talk about it after dinner. "

Han Qianyu frowned and did not get into the car.

And Pei Shengye didn’t seem to care very much either. Just standing there, those company colleagues who got off work were all curious.

Watching Han Qianyu standing next to a luxury car, and Pei Shengye’s eyes were so long, the result is

At the same time, they all looked here, with curious eyes.

She frowned slightly, took a deep breath, suppressed the surging emotions in her heart, and got into the car.

Along the way, Yueyue sat in the back seat and was very happy: "Aunt Xiaoyu, the weather is very good today. At night

When, shall we go to the playground? "

Han Qianyu was always thinking about everything. He didn't seem to hear what Yueyue said, and didn't respond.

Until Yueyue leaned in front of her, she yelled clearly: "Aunt Xiaoyu?"

Only then did Han Qianyu react and said, "What's the matter?"

Yueyue pouted her mouth and said with some dissatisfaction: "I just said, Aunt Xiaoyu, would you like to go to the playground together at night?

The weather is fine today. "

Han Qianyu turned his head and glanced at the big full moon outside the car window, and finally said, "Okay."

Seeing Han Qianyu's agreement, Yueyue was immediately overjoyed: "Good!"

The car stopped at the entrance of the restaurant. Because Yueyue couldn’t eat spicy food, they chose a Japanese food store and went in.

Since then, Yueyue has been mentioning things about going to the amusement park in a while, and is very happy to twitter.

But I don’t know if it’s a coincidence that I encountered it in it and I have never encountered it since I left.

Jin Nasha.

When the other party saw her, he was stunned for a moment, especially when he saw Pei Shengye and Yue beside her.

When she was yelling, she sneered.

Han Qianyu knows what she thinks at this moment in her heart. After all, Jin Nasha had always liked Bae Shengye before and wanted to take it.

Play him, but by the way, it seems that the other party does not eat her very much.

At the beginning, she vowed to say to Jin Nasha that she had no selfishness towards Pei Shengye, but now she has left.

Although he was still with Pei Shengye, he didn't seem to be unselfish at all.

So when the two people passed by, she heard Jin Nasha sarcastically say: "hypocritical."

She paused, then turned around, and walked directly to Jin Nasha like that, and stopped her: "Jin Nasha."

When the other party turned his head, Han Qianyu slapped it up.

Jin Nasha instantly covered her face and stared at her in disbelief. She should have never thought that she would be beaten.

And Han Qianyu said, "This slap was for myself. Thank you for letting me leave the place I love.

Job. "

Jin Nasha covered her face and gritted her teeth and said, "Han Qianyu, are you crazy?"

Han Qianyu raised his eyebrows and looked at her: "Yes, I'm crazy, so I should be more crazy and drag you into the water."

She is not a broad-minded person. She can forgive those who have hurt her. She hopes more than anyone else.

People get what they deserve.

Jin Nasha looked at the Han Qianyu in front of her, and she was still at a loss. She said with red eyes, "You will remember what you did today.

everything of! "After speaking, she left in a hurry.

When Pei Shengye walked back to her, she saw her frowning. Although she just slapped Jin Nasha, she

It doesn't seem to be very happy.

He asked quietly: "Relieve your breath?"

Han Qianyu just glanced at him, then curled his lips and smiled: "Quiet, at least she slapped me back."

After speaking, she led Yueyue towards the end of the box, and asked Yueyue in a low voice as she walked: "Yueyue, auntie just now

Did it scare you? "

Yueyue shook her head: "No, auntie, I think you played well."

Pei Shengye discovered that although she was smiling, the smile obviously did not reach the bottom of her eyes.

Some people are duplicity.

After eating a meal, Yueyue was noisy and wanted to go to the playground, but she just arrived at the gate of the playground.

The phone rang suddenly at this time.

She took out her mobile phone, took a look at the caller ID, and then said to Pei Shengye and Yueyue: "You go in, I

Answer the call first. "

Immediately afterwards, she followed the call and walked aside: "Mom."

"Where are you?" On the other end of the phone, Han Mu's voice didn't sound very good, she seemed to be carrying suppressed anger.

Han Qianyu immediately said: "I'm working overtime in the company, mom."

She didn't go back so late, she was afraid that Han Mu would think about it, after all, she didn't go back last night.

"Xiaoyu, mom will give you half an hour, and within half an hour, you must come back, otherwise, I will go there myself.

Go to Wensen Villa, don't blame your mother for not showing you mercy. "After speaking, the phone was cut off.

Han Qianyu didn't even have time to explain, so he stared at the hung up cell phone, frowning.

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