Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1811: . Is he your husband? !

When Han Qianyu returned with her mobile phone, Yueyue held two ice creams in her hand and handed one of them to her.

Before, the milk voice said gruffly: "Aunt Xiaoyu, No, here you are."

Han Qianyu reached out and took it, then said thank you, the little guy took the initiative to hold her hand, and then smiled.

Say: "Then let's play that project first?"

The smile on Han Qianyu’s face was a bit reluctant, and Pei Shengye, who was silent from beginning to end, seemed to see through.

To overcome the barely smile on her face, she raised her eyebrows and asked, "Is there something?"

Han Qianyu originally didn’t want to mention it, but she knew her mother’s character well, if she really did not want to mention it within half an hour

If she is not at home, then her mother will definitely go to Wensen's Villa. When that happens, she won't be so talkative.

So, she took a deep breath and said apologetically: "I'm afraid I won't be able to accompany you anymore. I have to go back."

After Yueyue heard this, her eyes widened in disappointment: "Why?"

Pei Shengye looked at her deeply for a long time, with a cold expression on her face: "In this case, Miss Han should deal with it as soon as possible.

your business. "After speaking, he said coldly to Yue Yue: "Go. "

Yueyue is still trying to save it: "Dad, don't do this, maybe we persuade Aunt Xiaoyu, she won't leave."

But Pei Shengye frowned, obviously in a much worse mood than before, and even his tone was a little cold: "You close

Mouth, gone. "

After speaking, he led Yueyue and walked forward.

To be honest, Bae Shengye would be angry. This was completely beyond Han Qianyu’s expectations. She didn’t expect that, Bae

Holy Eve will suddenly get angry like that without warning.

Yueyue was still struggling in Pei Shengye's hands: "Dad, you hurt me."

While struggling, the little guy kept looking back at Han Qianyu who was standing there, even ice cream was used

The force fell to the ground, and it turned into a ball in no time.

Han Qianyu stared at the melted ice cream on the ground, feeling very stuck.

Half an hour later, she stood at the door of her house, and suddenly she didn't want to go in.

She stood for a while, and the door was opened without warning. Then, she had a face-to-face with her mother.

The dear seemed to be going out and packed up.

Seeing her, she was taken aback for a while, and then she said with a bad attitude: "What are you doing here and standing at the door?

Come in soon? "

After that, Han Qianyu walked in, and after Hanmu entered the door, she put down her bag and walked into the kitchen.

I don't know what I'm working on.

"Mom, where's Dad?" She asked without seeing her father in the house.

"Your father hasn't come back yet, saying that it was the school leader's invitation to dinner." Mother Han responded while busy.

Her father is a university professor, and it's usually okay, not too busy, but occasionally needs socializing.

She saw her mother had been busy there, Han Qianyu standing at the door of the kitchen, pondering there for a long time, and finally

Mustering up his courage, he asked: "Mom, did you know that Mr. Pei before?"

Suddenly, Han Mu's hand picking vegetables gave a slight meal, but soon, Han Mu denied: "What are you talking nonsense, we

How can such a family know such a person. "

Although his mother denied it, Han Qianyu continued to say: "You never asked about my work

I won’t ask where I am, but since Mr. Pei came to our house last time,

You seem to have been paying attention to me, even where I usually go, you basically call me every day

just to confirm. "

Mother Han explained, "That’s because I care about you. I never cared about you before, so it never happened.

Pay more attention to your own body, Xiaoyu, you are a girl after all, and mom can't be completely relieved, it's because,

Mom knew that you were hurt so badly later, but she said nothing to us. "

Mother’s explanation seemed to be dripping, but Han Qianyu sharply caught the only loophole in her words: "Mom,

Didn’t you find out that if I didn’t tell you where I was, you would immediately wonder if I was

It’s with Mr. Pei, you are very scared, very scared that I have something to do with him, I want to know, what are you afraid of?

What? "

Han Mu immediately threw the vegetables in her hand into the sink, then stared at her and said word by word: "Small language, mother

How many times have I said that I didn’t know that Mr. Pei. How do you want your mother to explain before you can believe it? "

It's not that I didn't believe it, but because I knew too much, Han Qianyu was pretty sure that his mother was lying.

But since she didn’t want to say it, Han Qianyu didn’t press her to ask her at the end. She just said, “Mom, I don’t have that

Meaning. "

Mother Han refused to continue talking with her: "You don't have to say any more."

After speaking, she continued to pick the dishes in her hand, Han Qianyu frowned slightly when she saw it, then turned around and entered the room.

Early the next morning, she went to work normally, but she didn’t know if it was her illusion, the discussion behind her,

It seems to have become a bit more.

But the colleagues who passed her by, seemed to have their eyes on her for two seconds, and finally met with the next

Colleagues were whispering, and their eyes floated on her from time to time, clearly talking about her now.

As soon as she sat back in her seat, she found a lot of desserts on her table. She was a little surprised.

Xiao Rong, the colleague she had eaten, walked to her and said with a smile: "Xiaoyu, you know how popular you are in our company.

Tao? "

Han Qianyu looked dumbfounded: "What?"

"Yesterday your husband and his children were standing downstairs in our office. Many colleagues who came and went off work saw it.

Many people know that the newcomer to our company has a mine at home, and the husband is super handsome, even the baby is

The cute fried chicken is really the pinnacle of life ideals! "

Xiao Rong looked at Han Qianyu with envy, and said yearningly: "Xiaoyu, teach me how to be like you

Same, marry a rich family, and then find such a handsome man to be your husband? "

Han Qianyu could only smile reluctantly, and then explained to Xiao Rong: "Xiao Rong, in fact, that man is not...not me.

Husband's. "

If Pei Shengye became her husband, her mother might be the first to rush up and chop herself off first.

Xiao Rong was taken aback for a moment, and then he waved his hand seriously and said, "Thousands of words, I know you are low-key, but

Strength is not allowed! Don’t worry, I’m definitely not going to say it, so you tell me secretly, your husband

What do you do at home? It seems that the temperament is really super perfect! "

Han Qianyu is so helpless, why no one believes when she tells the truth?

Throughout the day, other colleagues kept wanting to come over to cheat her, asking her various questions in kindness, and

Someone tapped on what her husband did, but she just smiled.

In just a few days, not only the entire company knew about it, but even the manager of their finance department knew about it.

Find her for questioning.

In the office, the woman sitting behind the desk looked shrewd and capable, but when she saw her, she squinted slightly

Yan, then asked: "Xiao Han, I heard that you seem to be very prosperous in the company recently."

Han Qianyu was actually a little uneasy in her heart, so she smiled and reluctantly responded: "Manager Zhao, very

Sorry, during this time, some personal remarks about me did spread to the company. "

She did not intend to deny this point.

Manager Zhao said directly: "Since you know it, you should avoid it as soon as possible.

Our company is short of people, so even if we know that you have crossed a major, we still recruit you. I don’t want to

For some insignificant things, which affected my judgment of you. "

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