Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1812: .Go to the hospital

Han Qianyu understood these words of the other party, so she responded modestly: "I know, you

Don't worry, Manager Zhao, I will take care of my personal remarks. "

Manager Zhao nodded, seemingly satisfied with Han Qianyu's attitude and reaction.

After coming out of the manager’s office, Xiao Rong greeted him immediately, still looking gossip: "Motou Zhao

Are you criticizing you? "

Regarding this manager Zhao, he is notoriously harsh and swearing. Everyone in the entire finance department is trembling.

Jing, afraid of being caught in the wrong place, then go in and feel the baptism physically and mentally.

Han Qianyu's face is pretty good: "No, Manager Zhao just mentioned me a few words."

Hearing this, Xiao Rong gave a thumbs up to Han Qianyu, and then said: "It is really a winner in life, Zhao Demon will treat you.

Gambling down the wind. "

Han Qianyu didn't think there was anything, but he just smiled politely to every colleague who came to inquire next.

Smiled, and then said she was unmarried.

Later, it gradually subsided.

She was completely involved in the new job, and since she separated from Pei Shengye that time, she never went to inquire

Regarding anything about Pei Shengye, he still did not visit Yueyue again.

Two people are like two parallel lines, and it seems that they never meet each other again.

In a blink of an eye, the weather began to enter the winter and gradually became colder.

Han Qianyu starts to drive to and from get off work every day. From the initial unsuitability to this job, she is now very comfortable with this job.

It seems cross-professional, not so difficult.

Regarding her personal problem, since she rejected the blind date last time, her mother never gave her


Everything seems to be moving in a positive direction.

At noon, she went to buy a meal. There was a couple in front of her who seemed to be arguing.

Pushing the man, crying: "Why don't you die! What kind of evil did I have done in my life, marrying

You are so useless! "

The man remained silent, just standing there, letting the woman blame.

There was a child standing next to the woman, who was about four or five years old, standing beside him indifferently.

The parents quarreled, as if they were used to it.

There were cars passing by, and she watched the child who had been watching the traffic on the road, her eyes flashing

Strange light.

The instinct of being a police officer told her that something might happen next.

So, she almost walked towards the quarreling couple almost without thinking about it, and the woman began to push

Man, there was a hint of forbearance in the man’s eyes. In the end, it seemed that he couldn’t help it. He raised his hand and hit the woman.

Palm, with a long-depressed husky voice: "Have you had enough trouble?"

The daughter seemed to be beaten a little crazy, and started to beat back frantically, muttering: "I haven't had enough trouble, every day

To be with you like a wasteful, I might as well die! Go to hell! "

The child standing next to the woman has a shocking smile on his immature face, and then it’s just like that.

When he was aware of the situation, he rushed into the traffic flow and closed his eyes.

The piercing brake sounded, and suddenly, horns sounded everywhere on the road.

Han Qianyu looked at the child she had just rescued. In her arms, she immediately asked with concern: "How are you?

kind? Does it matter? "

The child looked at her with a look different from ordinary people, and said coldly: "Why are you saving me?"

After speaking, he pushed her away and stood up.

Han Qianyu was stunned. She didn't expect this child to react like this after being rescued by herself.

And the child’s parents should have noticed, and immediately walked over screaming and hugged the child in their arms.

Constantly comforting: "Yangyang, what are you doing? Do you know if your mother is scared to death?"

The little boy was held in the arms by the woman who was arguing with her husband just now, and then she raised her eyes to look at

The driver who almost ran into the little boy yelled, "Are you blind? How did you drive?

To the child, can you afford it? "

The driver also looked dumbfounded. After being scolded, he immediately explained: "It's obviously that your own child is ignorant.

Suddenly rushed to the middle of the road. If I hadn’t braked in time and someone happened to rescue him, you thought he would be fine.

Okay stand here? "

Over there, where the woman and the driver continue the theory.

Han Qianyu, who had just saved the child before he could get up from the ground, struggled to get up from the ground, only to find out,

There was a big scrape on her arm, and the wound looked a bit horrible. Because it was an asphalt road, she should

It should be that when the child threw the child on the ground, his arm accidentally hit the ground.

Because of this episode, the traffic was immediately blocked.

And Pei Shengye, who was stuck not far behind, suddenly opened his eyes with a slightly gloomy expression, and then asked the driver: "Front

What's going on? "

The driver immediately said: "Mr. Pei, don't worry, I will go down and have a look."

After speaking, the driver opened the door and got out of the car.

Pei Shengye sat in the back seat and turned to look out the window. The building opposite was where the woman went to work.

It's really unfeeling. It has been several months since the last time, and she has never contacted herself.

Looking down, he thought slightly, but when he looked up, he saw the woman he had been thinking about, holding

The arm passed in front of him.

He thought he had read it wrong, but when he looked carefully, who else could it be if she wasn't her Han Qianyu?

He opened the door of the car and walked out without any thought. He walked quickly to her and called out.

Voice: "Korean Thousands!"

Han Qianyu thought he had heard it wrong, otherwise, why would he hear Pei Shengye's voice? That's not her because

I was thinking about Yueyue all day before, so even Pei Shengye was also thinking about it?

Or did she hurt her head when she just saved someone?

However, when she turned her head and saw Pei Shengye, who was wearing a black suit and tie, appeared before her eyes.

When she was slightly startled, she decided to leave directly.

But Pei Shengye, who was catching up, saw the terrible wound on her arm at a glance, frowning, and even his tone was deep.

Yu asked a bit: "I haven't seen you for a while, how do you take care of yourself?"

Han Qianyu intends to explain: "Actually I just..."

"Okay, shut your mouth." After speaking, he held her hand to the extreme, then pulled her into the car.

Han Qianyu immediately said: "Mr. Pei, I have to go to work, where do you want to take me?"

Pei Shengye didn’t seem to be in a very good mood, especially when his eyes touched the terrible wound on her arm.

It’s worse: “It’s not going to be great if you miss a day’s work, but your arm. If you don’t deal with it in time, you should be

To be clearer, if it is abandoned, Miss Han is expected to live very hard after that. "

So she just scratched her skin, why was he said so seriously?

Soon, the driver came back and said to him: "Mr. Pei, there was a little boy just in front of him. It seemed to be fun.

I walked into the traffic and happened to be rescued. At this moment, the child’s guardian is arguing with the driver for compensation.

Now that the seat has been vacated in front, he will be able to leave soon. "

However, after the driver had finished speaking, he noticed that he didn't know when there was a woman in the car.

And Pei Shengye directly said: "Don't go to the company, now go to the hospital."

The driver did not ask much, but hurriedly stepped on the accelerator and rushed out.

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