Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1814: .Thank you grandma

After the mother of Han came back, Han Qianyu anxiously waited for her mother's reprimand, but it is strange that the mother of Han just

He was doing housework silently, as if he had no intention of talking to Han Qianyu.

In the end, Han Qianyu couldn't help it. He walked to the mother of Han and said softly: "Mom, you can scold me."

Ordinary mothers never do this, let alone say nothing, just silently busy with their own affairs.

The more so, Han Qianyu felt more disturbed.

She would rather her mother scold herself.

But Mother Han didn't even lift her eyelids, but responded indifferently: "If it's okay, go and wash the dishes for me."

Today, Han Qianyu is wearing long-sleeved clothes, so she deliberately hid her injured hand in her sleeve, just to

Fearing that Han Mu found out that she was injured, it would inevitably be another nagging meal.

Upon seeing this, Han Qianyu immediately responded, and then went to the kitchen to wash and pick vegetables, but due to her injury

Therefore, the action is very slow.

When she accidentally touched her injured arm during the washing process, she immediately exclaimed.

Mother Han immediately walked in when she heard the exclamation, and asked worriedly: "What's the matter?"

Han Qianyu stared at the basin that fell on the ground, smiled pale and reluctantly said: "Mom, sorry, I just didn't

predict with confidence. "

Mother Han said helplessly: "Forget it, let's go out, I'll come here."

Han Qianyu’s arm was just touched, it was so hot and sore, so he didn’t refuse, just passing by Hanmu

When she was next to her, Mother Han suddenly asked: "What's wrong with your hand?"

Han Qianyu quickly put down the hand covering his arm, and then said with a smile: "No, nothing."

But Han Mu was totally convinced, walked up to her, stared at her suspiciously, with a trace of solemnity in her tone: "Little

Yu, tell your mother honestly, what's wrong with you? "

Han Qianyu also tried to hide: "Mom, I'm really fine, it's just..."

But before she finished speaking, Mother Han grabbed her arm and pushed her sleeve up.

Seeing her hands wrapped in gauze, Han Mu suddenly frowned, "What's the matter?"

"It's okay, but I accidentally scratched the skin for fear of infection, so I bandaged it."

She lightly explained that she had to withdraw her hand, but Han Mu grabbed her arm to prevent her from leaving: "Xiaoyu, you

To be honest, is this injury related to that Mr. Pei just now? "

Almost subconsciously, Han Qianyu hurriedly explained: "No, no, mom, I really got hurt this time with Pei Xian.

It doesn't matter if he was born, it just happened to save a little boy who was about to commit suicide when he was at work, and then it was like this. "

There was a trace of worry in her heart, and she really did not expect that any bad thing her mother could set on Pei Shengye.

But Han Mu stared at her hand wrapped in gauze, but never said a word.

Han Qianyu didn't care at the beginning, but he didn't expect that in the end, when he raised his eyes, he saw that his mother started to cry.

Suddenly he was shocked: "Mom, don't do this."

Mother Han wiped her tears and said, "Okay, you go to rest quickly and leave it to me here."

Han Qianyu still wants to say something, Han Mu has turned around and started to be busy.

Han Qianyu had to turn around and leave silently.

In the afternoon, Han Qianyu was lying at home, but unexpectedly, someone knocked on the door outside, but there was no

People opened the door, and when she left the room, she realized that her mother was not at home, and she went out without telling herself


As soon as she opened the door here, Yueyue’s excited voice rang out over there: "Aunt Xiaoyu, I heard that you were injured.

Now, let me see you! "

Han Qianyu was stunned for a moment, and when she saw the little guy standing at the door with a smile, she really felt a little bit

I might have seen the wrong eye.

But with that small and cute bun face in front of me, who else besides Pei Chenyue?

Behind the little guy stood a bodyguard, carrying something in his hand.

Then she was led in by Han Qianyu, and Yue Yue was led by Han Qianyu to sit down in the living room, and then she went to the refrigerator to wash him

Bring some fruit.

The little guy was quite sensible and said: "Xiaoyu, I'm not hungry, you don't need to prepare these for me."

Han Qianyu knows that little guys are always pleasing, so he smiled and responded: "You come to my house, auntie can't

I won’t entertain you at all. What if your dad finds out and says Auntie is stingy? "

Yueyue followed her behind her with a smile, and said like a little tail: "No, today he will pick up

When I was, I told my aunt about your injury, and also prepared a scar ointment for you. "

While talking, the little guy took out the ointment, then shook it in front of Han Qianyu and placed it there.

Han Qianyu was stunned when she heard the words, but when she washed the dishes and fruits, she led Yueyue out.

The little guy sat on the sofa in the living room, pulling Han Qianyu to sit there, and kept asking questions. The most asked questions were

Does her wound hurt? Is it serious? Although she is young, she is extremely concerned about her.

After she took Yueyue to visit her home, the sound of the key turning came from the door, and she was a little scalp in Korean.

It's numb, she knows it should be her mother coming back from the outside, but what will the key think when she sees the little bun next to her?

Sure enough, Mother Han opened the door and came in. When watching a lot of people standing in the house, she hesitated for a while, no

After that, he walked in directly and asked, "Xiaoyu, is there a guest at home?"

As soon as she finished speaking, she heard a milky little guy say to her: "Hello, grandma."

Mother Han was stunned for a moment when she put the dishes, and then she looked at Pei Chenyue who was standing beside Han Qianyu in a slightly weird way.

Seeing her mother staring at Yueyue, Han Qianyu immediately walked to Yueyue, blocking Hanmu's sight and explained:

"Mom, Yue Yue came to see me."

Mother Han did not pay attention to Han Qianyu, but put down the dishes, walked around her, and then walked to Yueyue with a look on her face.

Sihan Qianyu's complex expression was incomprehensible. It took a long while before she saw her mother's trembling voice and asked: "You

How old are you? "

Yueyue said crisply, "Grandma, I am four years old this year."

The look on Han's mother's face, how can I say it, in Han Qianyu's eyes, it is true that she has never seen it on her mother's face.

That look.

"Mom? What's wrong with you?" she asked, a little strange in her tone.

Mother Han did not pay attention to her. Instead, she reached out and touched Yueyue’s head and said, “Would you like to eat something?

you do? "

"Grandma, I like to eat shrimp dumplings." The little guy said crisply without being polite to Han Mu.

This Korean Qianyu also likes to eat it, and the mother of Han nodded immediately and said: "Well, grandma will make it for you."

Then he said to Yueyue, "Can you stay for dinner tonight?"

Yueyue turned her head and looked at Han Qianyu who was standing beside her and asked: "Aunt Xiaoyu, can I stay for dinner?"

Han Qianyu smiled and nodded: "Of course you can."

Then he turned his head and responded to Mother Han: "Okay, thank you grandma."

Being polite makes people feel softened.

Mother Han told Han Qianyu carefully, take good care of him, see if he has any snacks he wants to eat, and take him to buy them.

It happens that there is an entertainment facility in the community, and you can also take your children to play.

It's like Han Qianyu can't take care of children at all, so she would.

It made Han Qianyu suddenly a little bit dumbfounded and said: "Mom, don't talk about it, Yueyue may not like to play with these."

Mother Han immediately reprimanded her: "Where are children who don't like to play with these? Of course you don't understand if you have never been a mother!"

It is strange that Han Qianyu was a little bit ashamed.

After Han’s mother had finished speaking, she seemed to realize what she had done, and immediately said to Han Qianyu: “Okay, let me first

To cook, you first take him to play. "

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