Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1815: .protect you

Before leaving, I chatted with Yueyue for a while, and the little guy was also sensible, and coaxed Han's mother with a smile.

When the dinner was over in the evening, Mother Han unexpectedly asked Han Qianyu to tell Pei Shengye whether she could keep her baby

One night at their house.

Han Qianyu immediately said helplessly to Han mother: "Mom, this is a child from someone else's family. We have to send it back as soon as possible."

Yueyue was able to come over, which already surprised Han Qianyu, not to mention leaving the child for the night.

And before, my mother obviously did not allow herself to have any involvement with Pei Shengye, but this time, she had to take other people’s children

What is the reason why the son stays?

But Han Mu said, "Go and ask."

In the end, Han Qianyu couldn't help Hanmu, so he had to call Pei Shengye.

When Pei Shengye answered the phone, the Han Qianyu on the other end of the phone was still thinking about how to speak, but he heard the other party muffled.

Shen's meaning of concern: "How is the wound? Is it painful?"

Han Qianyu was thinking about how to talk to Pei Shengye about wanting Yueyue to stay in her own house for one night, but

When she heard Pei Shengye’s words, she instantly calmed down and responded with a smile: "No, the wound is not

Seriously, you don't need to remember. "

Pei Shengye didn't say much about this.

However, instead, he asked, "Yueyue went over, did you trouble you?"

Han Qianyu immediately said, "I'm about to tell you about this, can you... let Yueyue stay at my house for one night?"

After speaking, Han Qianyu was actually prepared that Pei Shengye would not agree to her. After all, such a request was too much.

After being unreasonable, the little guy came to see him, but he wanted to keep him overnight.

No matter how you look at it, they seem to be strange requests.

Pei Shengye on the other end of the phone suddenly asked after a long silence: "Why stay in Yueyue for one night? What do you mean?"

Han Qianyu is naturally hard to say that it was his mother’s request, so he could only say: "Yes, last time I didn’t

Accompany Yueyue to the amusement park, so I think that tomorrow will happen on Saturday, I will take him to the amusement park, and then

He sent it back. "

Pei Shengye asked in a low voice on the other end of the phone, "Do you like Yueyue?"

She did not deny: "Yes, Yue Yue is very polite, I do like him very much."

"Then you like Yueyue, have you ever thought about liking someone who is related to him?" Pei Shengye said pointedly.

Han Qianyu was stunned for a moment, but soon, she stammered in response: "So what, Yueyue suddenly called

Me, I'll hang up first. "

After speaking, she cut the phone, and then, staring at the phone, her heart beat quickly.

She felt that she must be crazy, and her heart beat instantly because of an irrelevant sentence from Pei Shengye?

Pei Shengye was just joking, she warned herself so, suppressed the ups and downs of some big emotions, and then let go

Mobile phone, stood up, and went to find Yueyue, who had been playing with Han Mu outside.

The little guy has been coaxing the mother of Han with a smile on her face. Seeing her come back, he suddenly said with a milky voice:

"Aunt Xiaoyu, you are here, come and sit down."

After speaking, he also patted the position beside him, the meaning was obvious.

Han Qianyu walked over, then looked at the little guy's seven-pointed face with Pei Shengye, a little distracted.

I don't know what kind of person Yueyue's mother is, and she will leave Yueyue behind.

For Yueyue’s mother, Han Qianyu has always only known that this is the Wensen Villa, which is a taboo topic, no one

Dare to mention it, no one will mention it.

Maybe Freedom Pei Shengye himself will give her an answer.

Seeing her distracted, the little guy shook the fruit in front of her eyes, and said, "Aunt Xiaoyu, what are you thinking about?"

Han Qianyu smiled and shook his head: "No, auntie is just thinking about things. At night, are you full?"

The little guy touched his chubby belly and nodded vigorously: "The dishes that grandma cooks are so delicious! My stomach is full."

The cute words immediately amused Han Mu.

Immediately afterwards, the little guy handed the fruit in his hand to Han Qianyu's mouth, and then said, "Auntie, you can eat it."

With a sensible and caring appearance, the mother Han who was watching was full of affection and touched the little guy’s head and said: "This kid is really real

She is sensible and well educated. "

Ham has never been a person who compliments people easily. Seeing Yueyue’s unstoppable praise today makes Han Qianyu feel that

It's a bit strange.

"Mom, why do you like this child so much?" In the past, relatives' children came over, but I never saw her like this.

As for the degree of staying at home for the first meeting.

When Mother Han heard this, the expression on her face was instantly stiff, and then she said, "Who doesn't like such a cute and sensible child?"

After speaking, she continued to tease Yueyue, her gentle face full of smiles.

Han Qianyu felt strange, but didn't ask much.

After all, Yueyue is indeed a kid who makes people feel like it.

At night, the little guy always said excitedly: "Aunt Xiaoyu, can I really sleep with you?"

Han Qianyu nodded and said, "If you want to sleep with grandma, you can." Her mother should be very happy.

But the little guy shook his head and said, "Don’t do it, I just want you to sleep with Aunt Xiaoyu. When I go back, I

I told my dad that I slept until Aunt Xiaoyu. He hasn't yet, so I am mad at him! "

Suddenly, Han Qianyu's face flushed red and felt helpless at Yueyue's unobstructed speech: "Yueyue, don't do this."

Early the next morning, Han Qianyu cleaned up for Yueyue, and then planned to take him to the playground.

Before leaving the house, Mother Han repeatedly told her to take good care of Yueyue.

For Han Mu’s extremely solemn attitude towards Yueyue, it makes Han Qianyu a little strange, but for this, she

He didn't say much, except that Han mother likes children.

After going out, Yueyue sat in the car, Han Qianyu drove the car, slowly following the navigation.

The little guy was sitting on the co-pilot and wearing a seat belt. He was very happy and excited: "Aunt Xiaoyu, usually you

Do you drive to work like this? "

Han Qianyu nodded: "Well, it's like this."

"Then when I grow up, can I also drive?" The little guy said milkily.

When Han Qianyu heard the words, he slightly curled his lips, then smiled and asked, "What kind of person does Yueyue want to be when she grows up?"

The little guy tilted his head and seemed to think about it for a while, and then said: "I want to be like Aunt Xiaoyu in the future.

For the police, then go to beat the bad guys and protect you and dad. "

At the red light ahead, she stopped the car and waited for the red light, turned her head, and looked at the face of the little guy sitting in the co-pilot with a very recognizable expression.

It really looked like, she couldn't help but chuckle, and then said, "But being a policeman is very hard."

"It's okay, as long as I can become stronger, I won't be afraid of hard work." The little guy is very serious. Those pairs are exactly like Pei Shengye.

In the eyes of the same peach blossom, there is an unprecedented firmness.

For the little guy's words, Han Qianyu moved slightly in his heart, and felt a bit empathetic.

She has been like this since she was a child. She likes to be a policeman and wants to beat bad people. This idea has been there all the way to university, so

Finally, she hugged the police academy and went into the police station.

But she didn't expect that later, she still left her job by accident.

Maybe it was because Han Qianyu was in a daze, the little guy immediately reminded him intimately: "The light is red ahead, auntie."

Just as there was a horn sound from the car behind, Han Qianyu immediately recovered, then stepped on the accelerator and drove slowly.

In a blink of an eye, I arrived at the playground, because it was Saturday, so there were quite a lot of people.

The little guy held Han Qianyu tightly by his hand, as if afraid that she would be lost.

There are quite a lot of entertainment facilities in the amusement park. The little guy looked at this and touched that curiously, with a novel look on his face.

Upon seeing this, Han Qianyu asked: "Have you rarely been here before?"

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