Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1824: .Buy a ring

"what's up?"

It's all so late.

"Let you come out, naturally it is to find something to do with you, otherwise you will be asked to come out to enjoy the moon."

Han Qianyu was choked by Pei Shengye's words and lost his temper.

This man's temper is really stinky enough, and it makes people feel very embarrassed. When Han Qianyu thinks about himself, he is actually scared.

I was confused and gave birth to a son with him.

"Mr. Pei, I'm sorry, my family education is relatively strict, I really can't get out."

"Why didn't you say that your family education was strict when my parents were sleeping in my bed in the middle of the night?"

Thousands of Korean: "..."

After Pei Shengye satirized, urged: "Give you five minutes."

"five minutes?"

Han Qianyu was shocked.

"I'm across from your house, hurry up, I don't like waiting for others."

Han Qianyu was taken aback, rushed to the window and opened the curtain to look, and he saw that Pei Shengye's luxury car was parked across the street.

"Five minutes, Han Qianyu, if I can't see you, then I will go straight to find you."

"Don't!" Han Qianyu exclaimed, her mother's attitude towards Pei Shengye, she must not look good when she sees Pei Shengye, she dare not get it

Sin Bae Shengye, in the end, it’s him who suffers. Han Qianyu doesn’t want to be chanted for another night, so immediately

Said: "Okay, I know how to come, Master Pei, Ancestor Pei, I will go to find you right away! You must not come to my house

Come in. "

After speaking, Han Qianyu hung up the phone, hurriedly changed his pajamas, scratched his hair at random, and rushed downstairs.

"Where to go?"

The mother who was knitting a sweater on the sofa and watching TV raised her eyes.

Han Qianyu paused and lied quickly, "Well, today is my birthday, and I have a friend to give me a gift."

"What friend?"

"A friend who was in the police station before."

"Since people come here to give you gifts, why don't you come home and sit down? It's not polite at all."

Han Qianyu glanced at his watch quietly, and it was a long time since the five minutes Pei Shengye said.

For fear of missing the time, Bae Shengye will come up and arrest people, Han Qianyu can only quickly perfuse his mother: "He still

If there is a task, if there is no time, I will be back soon. "

After speaking, Han Qianyu hurried out the door.

Standing in front of Pei Shengye panting.

"Five minutes and seven seconds, it seems that Officer Han is not very punctual."

Han Qianyu frowned, "Don't call me that, I am not a policeman anymore."

"Only incompetent people will make excuses for themselves."

Han Qianyu rolled his eyes silently in his heart: "Young Master Pei, I ran out without telling my family at night, not for

After hearing what you taught me here, may I ask, you are always looking for me, is there anything wrong? "

Pei Shengye opened the door: "Get in the car."


"I said get in the car."

"Where to go..." Han Qianyu was stuck in the middle of speaking. He stretched out his hand and surrendered, "Yes, I know I'm here again.

Talking nonsense, I shouldn't ask. "

Han Qianyu bluntly interrupted Pei Shengye, not giving him a chance to speak at all, he looked jokingly at Pei Shengye

Get in the car without looking back.

Half an hour later, the car stopped at a high-end luxury store.

"get off."

Pei Shengye ordered coldly.

Han Qianyu stood at the door of the store, looking at Pei Shengye puzzledly: "What do you mean?"

"Go in and talk."

After Pei Shengye finished speaking, he entered the shop.

Han Qianyu was even more confused, but he could only follow Pei Shengye into the shop.

The female clerk greeted him warmly.

Pei Shengye turned his head and glanced at Han Qianyu, "Choose for yourself, and tell me what you like."

Han Qianyu frowned, "No. Bae Shengye, what do you mean? Give me something?"

Pei Shengye gave a faint "um".


"Isn't today your birthday?"

Han Qianyu nodded: "It's my birthday, but I..." Halfway through, Han Qianyu was stunned for a moment, his eyes all

Stared: "How do you know that today is my birthday... Are you investigating me?"

"You are my son's bodyguard. Were you surprised to investigate?" The expression on Pei Shengye's face was somewhat sarcasm: "If it wasn't for

In order to investigate you in advance, I didn’t know that police officer Han’s performance in the police academy would be so good, although

Women, but never lose to men, they used to be called heroines, but now they are called female men. "

Han Qianyu echoed twice with a smile without a smile.

Although this is a compliment to her, it feels a bit strange no matter how you hear it.

Is Pei Shengye mocking him for not being feminine?

"thank you!"

Pei Shengye stood upright, with one hand still in his trouser pocket, and there was a lazy sense of alienation all over his body.

"But Officer Han I'm very curious about something."


"Your information shows that you took a semester off during your time at the police academy. During this time, where did you go?"

Han Qianyu's head was dumbfounded, his entire heart hung high, and his nervous palms were sweating frantically.

Not long ago, Han Qianyu didn’t even know that he had dropped out of school, but that night his mother and father

What she said accidentally made her believe it was true, and then Han Qianyu went to the hospital for a detailed physical examination

Cha, she did give birth five years ago.

She had to accept a fact.

Five years ago, she and Pei Shengye gave birth to Yueyue.

Han Qianyu couldn't help but tighten his breath.

"What are you thinking?"

Pei Shengye looked dissatisfied when seeing Han Qianyu's pale face.

"It's okay. At that time, it was because of poor health, so I took a break from school and adjusted for a while. Don't worry about it.

"This is strange, I just asked casually, naturally I won't be too concerned." Pei Shengye took a step forward,

Guang tightly fixed the frame on Han Qianyu's face, bringing all the panic and abnormalities on the woman's face into his eyes, and then smiled:

"But Police Officer Han has such a look of seeing a ghost, I have to worry about it..."

"Do you want to give me a gift? Then I'll pick it myself."

Han Qianyu was afraid that this man would really continue to question, and the question was irrelevant, so he ran to investigate, after all, with Pei Shengye’s hand

Wrist, knowing the truth of the matter will never be difficult.

At that time, she is really reasonable and can't tell, she herself still doesn't know how to deal with her and Yueyue.

Relationship, if she mixes with Pei Shengye again, she can hardly think about what her life will become.

Han Qianyu was upset, walked to the counter where the rings were placed, and randomly clicked on one of the rings, "That's it."

Pei Shengye came over, glanced down at the ring of Han Qianyu's fingers, and raised his brows: "Is this sure?"

Han Qianyu didn't even take a closer look at what the ring looked like, and nodded indiscriminately, "Well, that's it."

"Miss, this is a wedding ring." The saleswoman smiled.


Han Qianyu was dumbfounded for an instant: "Marriage... wedding ring?"

"Yes, this is a female model, and the male ring is in this place."

The female clerk took out the other ring and placed it gently in front of Han Qianyu.

"You can try it on with your husband. This one is a new model of our brand."

Han Qianyu's face turned red in an instant, and he desperately shook his head: "He is not me...I am not..."

Pei Shengye sneered on the side, his eyes even more joking, "Why, didn't you just say that you have decided to choose? Now

Why not bring it? "

"you shut up."

Obviously it was a misunderstanding, she was embarrassed enough, this man was still here for fear that the world would not be chaotic.

Han Qianyu stared at Pei Shengye, and when he saw the man shut his mouth, he turned his head and said to the clerk: "I only need a normal ring."

After Han Qianyu bought the ring, he went out and got into the car with Pei Shengye. Pei Shengye stood at the door of the car and asked for help.

Li: "Go and fix the pair of wedding rings she just fancyed."

"Okay, Mr. Pei."

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