Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1825: . Father and son love

Pei Shengye got into the car and fastened his seat belt, "Where do you want to eat?"

Han Qianyu glanced down at the watch, it has been out for an hour, and she won’t go back tonight.

Fa explained to his mother.

Frowning, Han Qianyu immediately said, "Mr. Pei, thank you very much for giving me such an expensive gift of ring, but

I really want to go back. "

"You also know that this gift is very expensive. Why, with the gift, you don't even have the time to look at your face and eat a meal?"

Han Qianyu immediately handed the ring respectfully to Pei Shengye's face: "Then I don't need it, can't I? Anyway

I don’t like jewelry either..."

"What did you say?" Pei Shengye suddenly suppressed in a cold voice.

"Nothing, I just wanted to say..."

Han Qianyu was about to explain, Pei Shengye's cell phone suddenly rang.

Pei Shengye stretched out his hand to signal Han Qianyu not to speak, then put the phone on and put it gently in his ear.


"What...I'll be there soon."

When Pei Shengye closed the phone, his complexion was a lot more serious than before, and his eyebrows were rarely affected by worry and anxiety.

Concerned, he did not speak to Han Qianyu anymore, but directly ordered the driver in the front row, "Go to the first hospital."

The first hospital is in the opposite direction of Han Qianyu’s home, so there is no return from two or three hours. Seeing

As the car galloped up, Han Qianyu was anxious: "Mr. Pei, I..."

Pei Shengye’s eyes were heavy: "Yue'er fell off the stairs. The doctor at home can’t handle it.

hospital. If you want to go home, I won't stop you. I will let the driver down at the intersection ahead, and there should be a taxi..."

Before Pei Shengye finished speaking, Han Qianyu hurriedly rushed over—

"What are you talking about? Yueyue was injured? Is it serious?"

Pei Shengye paused, and then replied, "The doctor at home can't handle it, what do you think?" He said between his eyebrows

With some impatience, "Why, can Police Officer Han leave?"

"Don't talk nonsense, go to the hospital!"

The car was galloping on the road at night, Pei Shengye’s only son had an accident, and the driver dared not delay for a moment.

It took only 20 minutes to drive the two people in the car to the door of the hospital.

As soon as the car stopped, Han Qianyu was the first to rush down. She was too concerned about Yueyue’s safety and did not pay attention to the steps at her feet.

I stumbled severely, and the whole person instantly lost his balance. Pei Shengye reacted quickly enough, in Han Qian

The moment Yu fell, he reached out to catch her, but still only touched the corner of Han Qianyu's clothes.

Han Qianyu fell to the ground so hard, there was a loud bang.

There was pain in the knees, and the palms were hot. Han Qianyu frowned subconsciously, and was then taken away by Pei Shengye.

Pulled up on the ground.

"Is it all right?"

How could Han Qianyu take care of himself, and shook his head quickly, "I'm fine, let's go see Yueyue quickly."

Seeing that Han Qianyu didn’t change his face, Pei Shengye didn’t think much about it. It’s not the first time this stupid woman is so-so.

In addition, he was really worried about Yue'er, so he took Han Qianyu into the hospital without much thought.

The butler was waiting outside the emergency room. When he saw Pei Shengye, he immediately shook his body and said: "Pei Xian

Sheng, I’m sorry, these are all my work mistakes, I didn’t take good care of the young master..."

Pei Shengye frowned, his voice indifferent, with a hint of anger: "How could Yue'er fall off the stairs?"

"I'm not sure, but I have asked someone to adjust the surveillance video... Mr. Pei, I'm really sorry."

Han Qianyu didn’t want to hear them discuss who’s fault Yueyue was injured. She glanced at the emergency room closed tightly.

The door of the door, anxious: "How is Yueyue now?"

The housekeeper lowered his head: "It's not clear yet..."

Han Qianyu's heart sank immediately, his heart felt dull and painful, and he didn't even notice the nails embedded in his palms.

Pei Shengye didn’t speak at this moment, a pair of beautiful sword eyebrows were tightly twisted. He usually cared too little for Yue'er, he

I have always been reserved and indifferent to matters related to feelings. No matter how urging my family members, I always treat those women who are eager.

Not interested, since Yue'er appeared, his parents have not forced him to marry a woman and start a family.

Yue'er is his only son. Although he doesn't even know who is Yue'er's mother, Yue'er is connected with him.

Over the years, he has been cultivating Yue'er as the future heir of the Pei Group, and he has many demands on the little children.

Strictly, after careful calculation, the child suffered too much.

Thinking of this, Pei Shengye's face grew gloomy.

The housekeeper stood beside Pei Shengye, and he dared not let out the atmosphere.

Pei Shengye is strict with the young master on weekdays, but father and son love each other, who doesn't know?

This time, the young master was injured in an accident at home. It was still so serious. I don’t know how many people should be unlucky. He is

The steward of Winson Manor was the first one to blame.

The waiting time was extremely long. Han Qianyu was sitting on a cold chair in the hospital, his knees and palms were hot and painful.

It hurts, dull and breathless.

"Tick Tick Tick" the clock on the wrist is regularly swiped, making people more anxious.

The phone in the pocket is also "buzzing".

It was a call from my mother.

Han Qianyu hesitated for a while, still put the phone in his ear.

"Xiaoyu, you have been out for more than two hours, where are you?"

Han Qianyu was worried that Yueyue was so worried. At this moment, her mother's question only made her feel extremely irritable and impatient.

"Mom, one of my acquaintances is injured. In the hospital, I can't go back temporarily. Don't worry, go to bed early with my dad."

After she finished speaking, she wanted to hang up, but her mother was reluctant to say, "What acquaintance? Didn't you just go out and see the police station?

Friends? What is going on here? "

Han Qianyu bit his lip distractedly, breathing suddenly.

"Xiaoyu, what are you doing now..."

Han Qianyu's emotions finally reached a critical point, and he said angrily: "Yes, I am now with Pei Shengye.

Are you satisfied? I'm such a big person, I know you are for my good, but can you give me a

Free space? "

Because of her emotional excitement, her voice was much louder than before, and Pei Shengye couldn't help but tilt his head to look at her.

The woman’s complexion was pale, every look was extremely anxious and tired, her lips were dry, her skin was broken, her facial features were

very beautiful.

She has always been clean and messy, with a simple and capable ponytail. Tonight, I don’t know if she is in a hurry to go to her appointment or an occasion.

Of course, a soft black hair was naturally scattered around her waist, coating her sharp features with a rare layer of gentle soft light.

In fact, she has always been very beautiful, but he has never seriously looked at Han Qianyu's appearance in the past.

This woman has something more attractive to him than her appearance.

Pei Shengye’s gaze was fixed on Han Qianyu’s face, and she hung up the phone furiously, squeezing her phone tightly.

Without saying a word.

"What? Do you want me to find someone to take you back?"

Pei Shengye asked.

Naturally, Han Qianyu will not leave at the moment when Yueyue’s life or death is uncertain. She is Yueyue’s biological mother, although Pei Shengye

I don't know, although she herself has only just learned about it, but she is no less worried about Yueyue than Pei Shengye.

"No, I want to wait for Yueyue to come out."


Han Qianyu was startled, and immediately raised his head to look at Pei Shengye, "Are you apologizing?"

"Yes, made your birthday like this."

"Ah, it's okay." Han Qianyu shook his head, "Anyway, you gave me a gift. Besides, I care about Yueyue, it's me.

On the other hand, Mr. Pei should reflect on his own affairs, why he would let his only son repeatedly

The injury? "

This kind of remark is full of strong accusations in it. Before, Han Qianyu would never say it.

But at this moment, as Yueyue's mother, she couldn't hold a trace of reason in her head.

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