Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1826: .You are the child's mother!

"Mr. Pei, in the six months I have met you, Yueyue has been kidnapped twice and almost kidnapped.

In addition to this injury, I can’t count all the things that the child has experienced with one hand.

You have time to give me an insignificant woman for her birthday, don’t you have more energy to protect your child

Son? "

Pei Shengye's face sank: "Are you blaming me?"

"Yes, if Mr. Pei can be at home tonight instead of taking me out to buy some gifts, I think Yueyue won’t be right now

Lie down here. "

Pei Shengye didn’t expect Han Qianyu to say something like this. Tonight, this woman would treat herself to herself on the issue of Yue’er.

It seems very dissatisfied, full of strong accusations.

He couldn't justify himself, he really wasn't a qualified father.

Yue'er was suddenly sent to him. After a DNA test, she was confused and identified as his Pei.

Children of Holy Eve.

Five years ago, when he was very young, he suddenly became a father without any preparation.

Rao is a good self everywhere, and he can't help but mess around.

For Yue'er, he only fulfilled his due responsibilities, with little company.

Han Qianyu’s blame is justified.

Pei Shengye got up and walked into the safe passage around the corner. Han Qianyu was feeling anxious, thinking about the words just now.

It’s not that it’s a bit too much, but Pei Shengye has already turned his head back, the whole body is filled with a light cigarette.

Guding's breath, mixed with the original cold fragrance of Pei Shengye's body, was not that unpleasant.

The next two people didn’t speak any more, time passed by every minute, I don’t know how long it took, the door of the emergency room

Was pushed away.

A nurse wearing a mask hurried over, "Who is the family of Pei Chenyue's child?"

Pei Shengye and Han Qianyu stood up instantly and walked over.

"I am." Pei Shengye nodded.

"Are you the child's mom and dad?"

Han Qianyu and Pei Shengye couldn’t help but glance at each other, but at this time, no one has the energy to correct this.

Insignificant misunderstandings.

"That’s the case. The children are in urgent need of blood transfusion, but the blood supply in our hospital’s blood bank is insufficient.

The blood type is type a. Does anyone you know is type a or type o? "

Pei Shengye glanced at Han Qianyu, "I remember you have type A blood."

That time Han Qianyu was injured and admitted to the hospital. He had read the examination report of Han Qianyu, and this woman was indeed of type A blood.

Han Qianyu also nodded, and immediately stretched out his arm: "Yes, I have blood type A. Take mine."

The nurse took off the mask and looked a little embarrassed, "That’s it, the child’s biological parents cannot give the child a blood transfusion.

, Will lead to undesirable results. "

Pei Shengye immediately said: "She is not the child's mother, it doesn't matter."

Han Qianyu was stunned for a moment, only feeling that his blood was about to freeze.

The outstretched hand trembled constantly.

Pei Shengye frowned, "Why, Officer Han doesn't want to give Yue'er a blood transfusion, right?"

Han Qianyu retracted his arm and smiled lightly: "How come, Mr. Pei, please stop joking, please

Wait here, I'll be right back. "

After speaking, Han Qianyu left with the nurse.

As soon as I walked to the blood transfusion place, I couldn’t see Pei Shengye, Han Qianyu hurriedly said, "Miss Nurse, very

Sorry, I can't give Yueyue a blood transfusion. "

The nurse paused, and immediately reacted, "Are you the child's mother?"

Han Qianyu's face became stiff, and he nodded softly, "Please don't tell that Mr. Pei, there is a lot between me and him...

Many misunderstandings. "

"Can I call my friend? Her house is very close to here, and I can be there in ten minutes."

"Then you hurry up, the child can't wait."

"it is good."

Han Qianyu took out his phone and contacted Jin Nasha

Jin Nasha received the notice and rushed to the hospital immediately, avoided Bae Shengye, and found Han Qianyu.

While drawing blood, she looked at Han Qianyu sarcastically.

"Thank you, Jin Nasha."

"You're welcome, I'm also a policeman, saving people is what I should do." Jin Nasha's gaze was a little joke, "Just

I'm curious, you are also blood type A, why do you think of calling me in the middle of the night? "

Han Qianyu's heart was stagnant, and he bit his lip.

"Let me guess, it's because the child's immediate family cannot give the child a blood transfusion, right?"

Han Qianyu's eyes suddenly widened.

Dryly asked me: "What...what?"

"Han Qianyu, I checked your information, you can't hide it from me, you gave birth to children in the police academy, you are for Yueyue

That child, even the name is fine, but now he doesn’t want to have a blood transfusion. I thought with my toes and I knew what happened.

What a thing. Do you think you can hide from me? "

Han Qianyu was silent.

After the blood was drawn, Jin Nasha retracted her arm, arranged her clothes, and stood up slowly, looking directly at Han Qianyu's gaze.

"You and this Mr. Pei are really related. Unexpectedly, the child born out of wedlock is actually Pei.

Kind of Holy Eve. Ha ha. "

Seeing that Han Qianyu couldn't hide things from her, he simply didn't hide it anymore.

"Since you know, please keep this secret for me, especially Pei Shengye. In front of him, I hope you will

Don't say more words. "

Jin Nasha was a little surprised: "Are you not going to tell Pei Shengye?"

Is this woman crazy?

She almost lost her life several times for the child of Pei Shengye, didn’t she just want to claim credit in front of Pei Shengye

? If Pei Shengye knew that she was Yueyue’s mother, something would happen to these two people, but Han Qianyuju

But tell yourself, ask her to keep a secret and not let Pei Shengye know?

"Han Qianyu, what are you playing? Deliberately playing in front of Pei Shengye?"

"Do I need it? If I really want Bae Shengye to know, when the blood transfusion just happened, I will tell Bae directly

It's Holy Eve, how can I quietly notify you to come over? "

Jin Nasha seemed to believe Han Qianyu's explanation, but she was still full of puzzles.

"I don't understand, why don't you let him know."

"I and Pei Shengye are from two worlds, and before that, I didn't deny that I had children with him.

And... I really don’t have the memory of that experience. I only recently learned the truth of this incident by accident. To me

It was the surprise of Yueyue's biological mother, I am not much less than you. "

Han Qianyu took a deep breath and looked at Jin Nasha seriously, "So I hope you will keep this secret for me."

Jin Nasha raised her head slightly: "Why do you think I will help you? Don't forget, we two have been since the police school.

Not deal with. "

"Because you like Bae Shengye, don't you?"

Han Qianyu smiled faintly.

This rhetorical question directly stopped me Jin Nasha.


A faint red appeared in her ears, her eyes rounded and looked at Han Qianyu.

"As you said, if Shengye Pei knows that I am Yueyue's mother, he will never let me go again.

Hou, what chance do you and Pei Shengye have? "Han Qianyu is very confident: "Jin Nasha, you just have to weigh it.

I know, should you help me keep this secret? "

Jin Nasha was silent, as if thinking about what Han Qianyu said just now. After a while, her eyes became firm.

"I understand. I won't tell Pei Shengye. Today, I assume Jin Nasha has never been here."

"Thank you."

Han Qianyu was really relieved when she agreed.

Jin Nasha left, Han Qianyu went out to see Pei Shengye.

Pei Shengye was sitting in a chair and got up immediately when she saw her coming.

Before Han Qianyu could say a word, something was handed to Han Qianyu.

Han Qianyu looked intently, and it turned out to be a bottle of brown sugar water.


"It's for you, lest you faint again, I have to spare no effort to take care of you."

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