Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1827: .ungrateful

Han Qianyu is not the one who donated blood to Yueyue. When facing Pei Shengye, he felt weak. When he received the brown sugar water,

There was a layer of sweat on the palms of his hands, and his eyes did not dare to make any contact with Pei Shengye.

Fortunately, Pei Shengye didn't notice the abnormality of Han Qianyu, but forced Han Qianyu to drink the brown sugar water.

Within half an hour, Yue Yue was pushed out of the emergency room.

Han Qianyu and Pei Shengye surrounded them at the same time.

"Mr. Pei, the child’s situation is stable now, and there is no life-threatening situation at the moment. Wait for the child to wake up.

We will arrange a detailed physical examination for him again, and then notify you of the time to leave the hospital. Now please

You send someone to go through the admission procedures with us. "

Pei Shengye glanced at the housekeeper, and the housekeeper and the nurse left.

Yueyue was pushed into the single ward by the doctor.

The doctor put on an oxygen mask for Yueyue, and after confirming that there was nothing wrong with Yueyue’s vital signs, he said, “If there is

Please let us know in time. "

"Thank you." Han Qianyu gently held Yueyue's cold little hand, and thanked the doctor.

The doctor was about to leave, but Pei Shengye suddenly stopped him: "Stop."

"Mr. Pei, do you have any more orders?"

Pei Shengye pointed his hand at Han Qianyu, "Take care of her knee injury."

Han Qianyu was stunned, and looked down subconsciously, only to see a small piece of light-colored trousers being worn out, faintly

Can see red blood.

No wonder my knee hurts so badly that I broke it when I got off the car.

Han Qianyu waved his hand and signaled that he was okay: "I'm fine..."

"Sterilize her with medicine."

Pei Shengye impatiently interrupted Han Qianyu's words, "In the end, I still want me to distract and take care of you, trouble."

Han Qianyu's ears turned red.

The doctor took the medicine box, let Han Qianyu sit on the chair, and carefully used scissors to cut the cloth on Han Qianyu’s knees.

After cutting it, the skin was bare, and the shocking wound immediately fell into the line of sight. The tender skin was red and swollen.

You can almost see the soft flesh rolled inside.

Even Han Qianyu himself was taken aback.

How hard she fell.

The doctor took out the antiseptic alcohol and gently wiped Han Qianyu’s wounds. Han Qianyu frowned in pain, his body and shoulders cruelly.

Shrinked fiercely.

A hand suddenly covered Han Qianyu's eyes.

The temperature of the palm made Han Qianyu startled, and immediately realized that this was Pei Shengye's hand.

"What are you doing?"

Han Qianyu struggled.

Pei Shengye’s other hand wrapped around Han Qianyu’s neck and held Han Qianyu’s hand tightly.

One hand still tightly covered Han Qianyu's eyes.

Han Qianyu’s cheeks are small and delicate, Pei Shengye can stop it with one hand, Han Qianyu is struggling, Pei

Holy Ye was very dissatisfied, "Close your eyes obediently, staring at the wound in fear of the pain, are you stupid?"

"Why am I afraid of pain...hiss..."

Before Han Qianyu finished speaking, he screamed in pain.

Not surprisingly, Pei Shengye let out a soft laugh.

It was sarcasm, mixed with a faint smile and joking laughter.

"Hard mouth."

Han Qianyu's face instantly turned red.

Pei Shengye talked to Han Qianyu again. Something is not good. Han Qianyu is really annoying. More importantly, as a

The elite policeman in the police station was just like that, a man locked his neck and covered his eyes, his body and sight were completely affected.

Although he knew that this man was not malicious or dangerous to him, Han Qianyu was still very uncomfortable.

"Pei Shengye, have you finished talking about your nonsense? Don't let me go!"

After speaking, Han Qianyu stabbed back with his elbow.


Pei Shengye spit out three words gently in Han Qianyu's ear, and his hand loosened.

Han Qianyu's eyelashes trembled, light poured in, everything in front of him became clear and clear.

Where are the doctors and nurses.

Looking down, the injury on his leg had been dealt with.


He just said so much boring nonsense, is he trying to find a topic with himself to attract her attention?

Han Qianyu’s heart banged twice and went to find Pei Shengye subconsciously, but saw that the man was already sitting on the bed, stretched out

The hand tucked the quilt for the sleeping little guy on the bed.

Han Qianyu's palms were sweaty, he hesitated, walked over and said "thank you" softly.

As soon as the voice fell, Han Qianyu's cell phone rang.

At first glance, it was another call from my mother.

Han Qianyu frowned, did not answer this time, but simply turned off the phone.

Pei Shengye took a faint look, then retracted his gaze, touched Yueyue's small face, and said coldly: "Wait for the housekeeper to return

Come, I will let him drive you back. "

"No need to."

Han Qianyu shook his head.

"Go back, I don't want to lose the reputation of abducting ignorant women."

"I said, no need." Han Qianyu's tone became more determined. After speaking, he pulled a chair and sat down on the edge of the bed.

This action told Pei Shengye that she would not leave.

Pei Shengye quipped: "You are like this, people who don't know think you are Yue'er's mother."

Han Qianyu's heart stopped and he lowered his head quickly, his throat seemed to be blocked, without saying a word.

Pei Shengye sat in the ward for a while and answered a phone call. After a while, a couple in their fifties hurried.

Hurried over.

"Aye, how is my baby Yue'er?"

"Nothing, I'm still asleep now."

Pei Shengye's mother Lu Wenmei turned red when she saw the little guy on the bed. She walked to the bed and wiped her tears distressedly.

Pei Shengye’s father was a little more dignified while worrying, and even if there was an outsider in the room, he scolded his head and face.

Pei Shengye: "Your own son, you don’t need to think about protecting yourself. He was kidnapped today and he will fall from upstairs tomorrow.

How did you become a father after coming down? He's all such a big person, and he doesn't have any sense of responsibility? "

"Yue'er, I will bring your mother back tomorrow, and you will take care of your own affairs!"

Pei Shengye was scolded and frowned.

Han Qianyu is really embarrassed on the side, although the child on the bed is her own, but it is still their Pei family after all

Family affairs, moreover, Han Qianyu faintly felt a little dangerous when Pei Shengye, who was invincible, was scolded so badly by his father.

With Pei Shengye’s awkward temperament that she still loves to bear hatred, she won’t look back and will be given to by the angry Pei Shengye

Quit it?

There is only one thought left in Han Qianyu's mind, and that is - run quickly.

Before the family had fully noticed themselves, they sneaked out.

Just as Han Qianyu cautiously moved to the door of the ward, Lu Wenmei, with red eyes, said "Oh".

"Who is this girl?"

Han Qianyu was caught on the spot, and he felt like he wanted to die.

"Auntie, hello, I am... from Shengye Pei..."

"Ah, are you Ah Ye's girlfriend?"

Lu Wenmei smiled delightedly.

"Huh?" Han Qianyu was stunned, paused for several seconds, and then shook his head frantically: "No, auntie, you misunderstood, I don’t

Yes, actually I am..."

"Oh, you little girl, don't be shy." Lu Wenmei walked over enthusiastically and took Han Qianyu's hand.

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