Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1846: . What to pretend!

"For me?"

Han Qianyu took it, opened it, and found that inside was a diamond bracelet, shining, with dazzling dazzling inlays

Diamonds are very valuable at first sight, extremely expensive

She looked at Pei Shengye in a puzzled way, "What do you mean? Give it to me?"

"if not."

Pei Shengye took it for granted, "Put it on."

Han Qianyu was holding the expensive bracelet and was a little frightened: "No, Bae Shengye, what do you mean?"

The last time I gave her jewelry because of her birthday, this time I was incapable of doing anything, so what?

Can't you say that he doesn't need money, so if you want to give something to others, just give it to others?

Pei Shengye frowned: "I confessed to you."

In Pei Shengye's view, since he confessed, the relationship between this woman and him is different.

Spending her money is a matter of course.

Only then did Han Qianyu understand what Pei Shengye meant, and quickly said: "Wait, Pei Shengye! You confess that it belongs to you

Things, I didn't think I wanted to agree. "

She closed the jewelry box as she said, and handed it to Pei Shengye respectfully, "I can't take this thing, you

Still take it back? "

Pei Shengye didn't answer, and stared at Han Qianyu with a pair of eyes: "You didn't understand what I said last time?"


"Then what do you mean?"

Han Qianyu's heart was blocked and his eyes reddened: "Shengye, do you think it's about business? You pay for it.

With an attitude, the other party will cooperate with you obediently? "

Oh Pei Shengye lowered his head and looked at Han Qianyu quietly.

Han Qianyu sat on the sofa to the side, threw the ring aside, breathing quickly, "You confessed to me, but I

Between emotion. "

"What does it mean to have feelings?"

Pei Shengye asked directly.

"It's the kind of feeling that I am willing to give everything for you."

"I haven't?" Pei Shengye frowned: "You were kidnapped at that time, and I wanted to save you regardless of my life."

"This..." Han Qianyu was at a loss for a moment.

"I believe that if whoever is me is in danger, you will do the same. I don’t understand. In everything you say, there is more

Is a person's life more important? "

Han Qianyu was confused and gasped quickly, trying to explain: "No, that's just where my duty...

It's different. You wanted to save me, but it was just because I had an accident for Yueyue... You don't want to owe me favors, right? "

Pei Shengye said: "No."


Pei Shengye's eyes were suddenly determined, "I said no, even if there is no Yueyue, I will do that."

Han Qianyu was stunned, his head "buzzed" as if it was stuffed, but he couldn't figure it out.

"But between us..."

"Still no feelings?" Pei Shengye interrupted Han Qianyu's words, walked to her side, and gently held her

Wrist, "I read from the book that feelings can be cultivated, and there are not a few people who love after marriage."

"People like you will marry first and love later?"

"Why not." Pei Shengye curled his lips, "I am very busy. I have very little free time. I have to spare time first.

Going to fall in love... Don’t you think it’s too much trouble? "Pei Shengye's face is deep, "If you want to cultivate feelings, we will

You can go to bed and cultivate slowly. "

Han Qianyu's eyes widened in horror, "What are you talking about?"

"That's what I read in the book."

"Can you read less messy books in the future? It's all fake!"

Han Qianyu pushed people away.

I was going outside in a panic, God, if she was with Pei Shengye again, she would definitely go crazy.

Who knows that Han Qianyu was in a hurry, didn't pay attention to the way under his feet, and got tripped like this.

Seeing that she was about to fall, Pei Shengye hurriedly reached out and helped her, but the two of them were soft underneath.

Rolled twice on the blanket.

Pei Shengye smiled: "The mouth is not honest, but the body is very honest. I don't think you want to wait until the evening.

Start? "

Han Qianyu now knows what jumping into the Yellow River is not clear.

Her face was so hot that she was lying on Pei Shengye’s strong chest, just wanting to get up quickly, "This is just a

misunderstanding. "

Pei Shengye stretched out his hand to pinch her waist, but didn't move her.

Han Qianyu struggled, her body kept moving, and then she noticed that Pei Shengye's body seemed to be harder.

The hot temperature spread to her skin little by little through the clothes.

Han Qianyu's scalp numb, who had never felt the excitement before, suddenly felt that the man in front of her was really her

The most dangerous person the police have encountered over the years.

As for his danger and offensiveness, Han Qianyu still has no solution.

She raised her upper body in dissatisfaction, frowning, "Pei Shengye, you can get up now, you still have to be so much...oo..."

Before he finished speaking, Pei Shengye suddenly pinched Han Qianyu's chin, stretched his neck and kissed Han Qianyu.

Han Qianyu's pupils dilated, as if struck by lightning for a moment, unable to move.

Bae Shengye is kissing her?

She was actually kissed by this man?

Han Qianyu blinked her eyes, the numb feelings made her react, and she raised her hand to face Pei Shengye’s face.

Hit over--

As soon as Pei Shengye grasped Han Qianyu's wrist, he literally blocked the slap, and the other hand turned to hoop Han Qian.

Yu's waist turned over and pressed Han Qianyu under him.

"Bai Shengye!"

"Hush." ​​Pei Shengye lowered his head, with his forehead against him, facing the tip of her nose, the hot breath intertwined, irritating

Han Qianyu's head was dizzy, and he felt that everything in front of him seemed to be covered with a layer of mist, and he couldn't see clearly.

"You let me go, I won't do this with you."

Han Qianyu's voice was a little flustered, and the breath he exhaled was hot, more like lighting Pei Shengye a fire.

"What's wrong with this kind of thing? We are all adults."

"I can't pull a casual man to do this kind of thing..."

"Am I a casual person to you?" Pei Shengye smiled: "Don't worry, I have nothing else but Yueyue.

woman. "


As Han Qianyu was about to say something, he sealed his lips again.


"do not……"

"I'll let you fight for a while, now concentrate on doing business."


Bae Shengye pressed Han Qianyu and kissed it for ten minutes, and finally fell in love after seeing Han Qianyu blushing.

Reluctantly let go of her.

He was not interested in this fact about men and women in the past, but I tried it today and it was unexpected

Not bad.

Although it was just a taste, it was enough to let him know the taste.

"I will let you go this time, and we will continue next time."

Han Qianyu raised his hand to his smiling cheek and slapped Pei Shengye severely.

"Papa--" With a crisp sound, five clear finger marks quickly appeared on Pei Shengye's face.

Pei Shengye was not angry. Instead, he stretched out his hand and squeezed Han Qianyu's hand, and gently kissed her white fingers: "Don't hit someone

Does it hurt? "

"How can it hurt to hit someone? It's not cool!"

Han Qianyu pushed Pei Shengye away fiercely, got up from the ground, glared at Pei Shengye, "Pei Shengye, what happened today

Love, I think it has never happened! Otherwise, at your own risk! "

"Just tell me what the consequences are. There will definitely be more next time."


"Assault the police! More than three years in prison!"

Han Qianyu tidied up his clothes and went out angrily.

Yan Hui was playing with Yueyue downstairs. Seeing the angry look of a lion in Han Qianyu, he rushed to Han Qianyu's side.

Concerned asked: "Sister, are you okay?"

"It's okay."

Han Qianyu didn't want to let people see what she and Pei Shengye had just done, and changed the subject, "Yueyue is okay? Is there

Can someone? "

"No, don't worry, Senior Sister!"

Han Qianyu nodded, just as he was about to say something, Pei Shengye also came downstairs.

A group of people began to eat dinner.

During the dinner, Han Qianyu was always far away from Pei Shengye. He didn't even look at Pei Shengye, just talking to Yan Hui.

Yan Hui's relationship with Yueyue has grown by leaps and bounds in the past two days, and he has forgotten the warnings he had given before, and put it to Han Qianyu.

A piece of chicken leg: "Sister, if you eat this, you look thinner."

As soon as the words fell, two equally sharp gazes looked over at almost the same time.

Yan Hui felt cold, her neck shrank, and quickly put the chicken leg back from the Han Qianyu bowl.

Pretending to know nothing, nothing happened, bowed his head and ate silently.

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