Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1847: .Why remember you?

Han Qianyu didn’t have any appetite. After taking two bites of rice casually, he put down his chopsticks, “I’m finished, first

Go out and stroll around. "

She walked out the door with her mobile phone and stood on the porch, shivering a little by the cold wind, but her mind was very clear.

She and Pei Shengye actually did something like that. Seeing Pei Shengye's meaning, I am afraid this is not the end.

She is a girl, even a policeman, she can't beat an adult man like Pei Shengye.

Han Qianyu felt more and more that he could no longer stay in this Wensen Villa.

Her heart also changed very strangely, although she was angry that Pei Shengye kissed her, but she didn't hate it.

Could it be that I am also to Pei Shengye..."

Han Qianyu shook her head quickly and drove away the terrible thought in her head, no matter whether she was in this mind or not, she

It is impossible to be together with Pei Shengye.

Thinking of this, Han Qianyu took out the phone.

Called Team Zhao.

"Xiao Han, how are you in Wensen Villa? Xiao Yan didn't bother you, right?"

"Team Zhao, I wonder if another person can come over to take charge of the security protection mission of Wensen Villa?"

Team Zhao paused, then sighed: "Xiao Han, are you still having trouble getting along with that Mr. Pei?"

Han Qianyu thought of the kiss, his face flushed, he was short of breath, and gritted his teeth: "Mr. Pei and I have a lot of problems.

With differences and contradictions, the three views are also very different, so..."

"Xiao Han, you have a mission to go to Wensen Mountain Villa. Your main purpose is to protect Yueyue. I will let you go there.

By the way, it's not for you to be friends with that Mr. Pei. What do you care about his three views? "

After Zhao's team, he was speechless in Han Qianyu and couldn't say a word.

Yes, she came to Wensen Villa to protect Yueyue. It has nothing to do with Pei Shengye. If he is not good, she will ignore him.

It was a clamor to leave, but there was no silver in this place, which made people suspect that there was something invisible to her and Pei Shengye.

People’s secrets.

"Team Zhao, I just think this thing is a bit weird."


"The group of people before, always wanted to catch Yueyue and leave, but this time, the person who committed the crime actually managed to get Yueyue down from the stairs.

Here, this is obviously different from the group of people last time. I suspect that it was two groups of people committing the crime. "

"So what are your plans?"

"I suggest to move Yueyue to a safe place and apply for police protection, but Pei Shengye disagrees, Zhao

Team, look at this..."

"I understand what you mean, so I will contact Mr. Pei as soon as possible and tell you the result."

"Then trouble you, Team Zhao."


Early the next morning, a group of police rushed to Pei Shengye's house.

"What happened?"

Han Qianyu frowned.

Pei Shengye was reading the newspaper on the sofa, glanced at Han Qianyu faintly and said: "You didn't let Team Zhao come to persuade me,

Yueer move to a safe place? I thought about it one night yesterday. Under the premise that the enemy is not clear, this

It is indeed a good way. So I agreed, and I will hand over Yue'er to the police today. "

Han Qianyu was relieved, Pei Shengye was so stubborn that he agreed.

Yueyue was called down from upstairs, Pei Shengye looked at the little guy, frowned and said, "Go over there to listen to uncles and aunts.

Don’t mess around. "

"I know, Dad,"

Yueyue looked calm and didn't cry or make trouble.

"Will Uncle Yan Hui come too?"

A trace of jest drifted across Pei Shengye's eyes: "Yes, of course."

Yueyue nodded in relief, and then continued to say to Pei Shengye: "Then Dad, you have to come on! I'm waiting for you

Good news! "

The little guy gave Pei Shengye a cheering gesture.

Pei Shengye nodded with a smile on his face, and then ordered the servant: "Go and help the young master pack his luggage."

"Okay, sir." Then, a servant took Yueyue upstairs.

But Han Qianyu, who had a panoramic view of all of this from the side, felt strange, what dumb riddles were both father and son playing? What

Why don't you come on?

Soon, Yueyue’s luggage was packed, and then immediately afterwards, a policeman walked up to Pei Shengye and looked very hospitable.

Angrily said: "Mr. Pei, we will take the child away first. Don't worry, we will take good care of him."

Pei Shengye nodded with satisfaction and said, "I have work."

When the child was taken away, Han Qianyu also planned to pack up things, and then left, but unexpectedly, she

Just when he was about to go back to the room from the living room, Pei Shengye stopped her behind him: "Where is Police Officer Han going?"

Han Qianyu’s response as it should be: “Of course it was back to the police station. Now that Yueyue has been taken away, I naturally want to

Go. "Her duty is to protect Yueyue. Now that the little guy has left, she naturally has no questions when she leaves.


However, the smile in Pei Shengye’s eyes grew thicker, and his tone contained a slight smile in response: "I’m afraid that Officer Han will leave.

No, I have applied to your team Zhao for 24-hour personal safety protection by the police, and Team Zhao has also agreed. "

Han Qianyu thought whether she had heard it wrong, she looked at Pei Shengye in disbelief, and then took out her mobile phone.

I want to dial the number of Team Zhao, but the phone number has not been dialed yet.

Tong, she wants to speak, but Team Zhao has already spoken out first: "Xiao Han, you will continue to protect Pei Xian from now on.

Sheng, he has applied for a protection order with us. "

Han Qianyu immediately refused: "Team Zhao, I think other people can do this task, not necessarily me."

Team Zhao said, "Xiao Han, you also know that in our police force, you are the most capable and well-known.

Yes, since Mr. Pei has spoken this time, we naturally can’t be sloppy, so you can bear it again and stay for a few more days.

Maybe in the next period of time, Mr. Pei feels that his life safety has been stabilized, so he will let you come back?"

Team Zhao tried to give Han Qianyu cakes to soothe her restless emotions.

But Han Qianyu knew very well that Team Zhao was definitely fooling her. Therefore, she said with a firm attitude: "Team Zhao, I think

Mr. Pei’s children need my protection more than Mr. Pei. "Anyway, she doesn't believe it, she will be back in two days


"Don't worry, Mr. Pei’s child, I have sent more capable people to protect him, you just have to take care

Just protect Mr. Pei. Okay, I have a meeting here, so I won’t tell you anymore. Goodbye. "Team Zhao is anxious

After speaking in a hurry, he cut off the phone.

The remaining Han Qianyu stared at the phone, feeling that the blood pressure in his head was soaring.

Hanging up the phone, Pei Shengye, who was sitting on the sofa in front of him, looked at her with a smile on his face and even picked up the

Take a sip of the coffee, then put it down and said, "Officer Han, please give me your advice."

Not long after the police took Yueyue away, Yan Hui also received an order to leave Wensen Villa before leaving.

Before, Yan Hui looked at Han Qianyu reluctantly and said: "Sister, I can't bear you."

Han Qianyu now feels that Pei Shengye is absolutely deliberate, and transfers the people around her one by one to make it convenient for him


Therefore, she looked at Yan Hui in front of her, frowning her eyebrows, and then replied: "After I go back, I will follow other people.

Study carefully, don't slack off, you know? "

Yan Hui is a big boy, his eyes are slightly red, it seems that he is really reluctant to speak Korean.

Han Qianyu looked at his red eyes, and immediately asked: "I can't come back, you cry

what? "

Yan Hui said slightly choked; "I'm afraid Senior Sister will forget me."

Han Qianyu just wanted to say, how could he have forgotten, and it’s not that he has a bad head, but he suddenly said something behind him.

A chilling voice: "Why does she remember you?"

Turning his head, he realized that Pei Shengye didn't know when, he was standing at the top of the stairs, looking right here with bad eyes.

The fundus of the eyes floated with obvious coldness.

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