Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1848: .I don't know where the confidence comes from

When Yan Hui saw Pei Shengye, it was like a mouse meeting a cat. He immediately said to Han Qianyu anxiously, "Sister, I

Think of it, I still have some things to do when I go back, so what? I'll leave first. "After talking, drag the suitcase and stand

That is to walk outside, the speed is so fast that it is staggering.

Han Qianyu stared at the back of him leaving, and immediately shook his head. Yan Hui was good at everything, but he was too courageous, he was obviously a

The big man is as courageous as a mouse.

After waiting for people to leave, Han Qianyu turned his head and saw Pei Shengye standing behind him, his eyes as deep as ink kept falling on

I don't know what I am thinking.

She took a step back, and then asked, "What are you looking at?"

Pei Shengye touched his chin and responded with a smile but a smile: "What do you think I am looking at?"

Han Qianyu avoided the line of sight he was looking at, and his tone was not as clear as before: "How would I know." After speaking,

She was about to go upstairs, but was stopped by Pei Shengye.

"Did Officer Han forget that you should protect me here, where do you want to go now?" He stopped her, his eyes

There is a bright smile.

That kind of smile made Han Qianyu's heartbeat speed up inexplicably, and the feeling of being out of control was really too bad.

Therefore, she responded directly: "Mr. Pei, you are in your own home now, and you also have self-protection.

Ability, there is no need for me to follow you all the time, right? She asked back.

"What can I do? I feel that I don’t have any self-protection ability. Since Police Officer Han is a People’s Police

Observe, it is naturally obligatory to protect me, am I right? "Bae Shengye doesn't care about Han Qianyu's words, but instead speaks

Angrily responded as usual.

Han Qianyu thought that this was basically a sophistry, so she spoke to him with a little frustration: "Then Mr. Pei wants me

How to protect you? "

Pei Shengye raised his hand and glanced at the watch, the corners of his lips outlined a curve: "First, start with an afternoon tea."

In the back garden, on a small stone table, there are two cups of black tea, some pastries, and some others that are more in line with the Korean language.

Taste of sweets.

Han Qianyu prefers to eat sweet things, because it will make people feel better. For this, she used to train in the army.

When practicing, because of the constant pressure, she would often put a candy in her mouth.

It really calms my restless mood.

So now, she still hasn't changed this habit.

Looking at the tempting dessert in front of him, Han Qianyu glanced at it, swallowed his saliva, and then raised the one in front of him without squinting.

Take a sip of black tea, um, let alone, it's quite fragrant.

Seeing Han Qianyu sipping tea there, Bae Shengye pushed the dessert to her and said: "No, try these, very

Not bad. "

Han Qianyu pretended to be upright and raised his head: "No, I'm not hungry."

Pei Shengye was not in a hurry, just put those desserts on the table, and then took the documents sent by the servant and sat down.

Watching there, she didn't talk to Han Qianyu, as if she was just asking her to sit here with her and review the documents.

But this is a torment for Han Qianyu, because delicious food is right in front of her, but she can’t

Eating is really boring.

However, she was quite able to stand it, but she kept drinking the black tea in front of her.

However, not long after drinking, she felt as if she was going to the bathroom to solve it.

As soon as she stood up, Pei Shengye, who had been reading the documents, raised her eyes and asked, "Where are you going?"

"Toilet." She simply replied, and then hurriedly went. After all, it was cold and a cold wind was blowing.

Some can't hold back.

Pei Shengye didn't stop her either, just watching her leave, beckoning to the servant waiting not far away, waiting for the servant

When he walked over, he whispered: "More desserts and candies."

But the maid didn’t move much when seeing a table of pastries, and she also noticed that the Korean

Didn't move these: "Sir, do you want more?"

"Yes, some more."

The servant took the order.

When Han Qianyu came back from the bathroom, I looked at the table full of dazzling desserts and all kinds of desserts.

When the sweets were delicious, she swallowed her saliva unconsciously, and then sat down slowly.

He raised his eyes and glanced at Pei Shengye, who was sitting across from him. He had been reading the documents carefully, and he didn't want to look up at himself.

Meaning, so, her hand slowly stretched out into the candy tray in front of her.

However, when her hand was about to touch her, Pei Shengye suddenly coughed and moved, Han Qianyu

He immediately retracted his hand.

In fact, when she retracted her hand, she regretted it. Originally, Pei Shengye didn’t say that she could not eat these.

It's good for me, and I don't know what I am guilty of.

She spurned herself several times in her heart, and finally chose to bear it.

And after about a few minutes, Pei Shengye finally took his gaze away from the file and glanced at the dazzling array on the table.

Purpose Dessert asked: "Do you not like to eat these?"

Han Qianyu just wanted to say that he actually liked it, Pei Shengye directly waved and the servant came over and said: "Put these

All withdrawn. "

Thousands of Korean: "..."

When she reached her mouth, she swallowed abruptly and watched the servant holding the tray one by one.

She brought down the desserts, those delicious and good looking desserts kept attracting her attention.

She screamed crazy in her heart, it's really a waste!

"Are these desserts going to be kept in the refrigerator?" She asked, her eyes fixed on those desserts.

"No, I will dump it later." The servant smiled back and put the last piece of chocolate mousse cake

Take it away.

"Wait a minute!" Han Qianyu finally couldn't help but stopped the servant who was planning to take the cake away.

The servant turned around a little unknown, while Han Qianyu directly stretched out his hand and said to the servant, "You don’t need to take it away.

Yes, give it to me. "

The servant handed the cake to her in a daze, then watched her bring the cake back to the stone table, picked up the fork, and put a piece of it.

In the mouth, it is really delicious.

Seeing that she finally couldn't help it, the opposite Pei Shengye put down the file and asked with a smile: "President Han, it turns out

You like desserts. Wouldn't you say it would be fine?"

Han Qianyu smiled and replied without a smile: "Mr. Pei, I can't say everywhere, do I like desserts?"

"Although I won't talk about it everywhere, but you don't have to hide it from me. After all, the relationship between me and Police Officer Han

Department, it can be considered very superficial. "He spoke in a vague tone.

Han Qianyu thought of the previous kiss again, which was distraught but disturbed.

"Mr. Pei, the relationship between us is just a normal employer-employed relationship for the time being." She corrected him


Pei Shengye said: "It will change soon, I believe I have that ability."

Han Qianyu feels that Pei Shengye is really not an ordinary self-confidence, she is not sure about things, he does not know where

Coming confident.

After eating the small piece of dessert, the servant soon brought all the desserts that Bae Shengye deliberately removed to Han Qianyu Noodles.

Before, Han Qianyu was not polite, and he just ate.

So in the evening, Pei Shengye looked at Han Qianyu who was sitting at the dining table and barely moved his chopsticks and asked:

"Why don't you eat?"

Han Qianyu also burped in response: "I'm already full."

She really ate too much in the afternoon and she is still full now.

Pei Shengye was afraid that her stomach would accumulate food at night, so she asked her servant to prepare some digestive tablets and handed it to her, and then told:

"Take two Xiaoshi tablets, otherwise you may have stomach ache when you sleep at night."

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