Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1849: .Don't be angry!

Han Qianyu waved his hand indifferently and said, "No need to be so troublesome, I just eat a little bit of support. Later

Just run two steps at night. "

I also blame her for her greedy mouth, she has to eat so much, now it's okay, her belly is bloated.

Seeing Han Qianyu's refusal, Pei Shengye finally asked, "Are you sure you don't need it?"

The other party nodded with absolute certainty: "It's really not necessary."

Pei Shengye finally did not insist.

After eating, Han Qianyu went outside for a lap. After returning, he just entered the room and planned to take a shower, but he just left.

When I went to the bathroom door, I found my stomach hurts slightly.

She suddenly snorted in her heart, thinking that it shouldn’t be that miserable, so she happened to be prophesied by Pei Shengye

The emperor is right?

But as the pain in her stomach became more pronounced, her heart became heavier and heavier.

Why is it so coincidental that the stomach hurts when it says it hurts, without a sign?

Is this the present report?

God, can you be more cruel to her?

Han Qianyu can't stand it, she ran to the kitchen and asked for a cup of hot water. After the hot water, I felt a little pain.

Pain, she just put down the cup, only to feel a chill drifting behind her, she looked back hurriedly.

Pei Shengye stood behind, his eyes deep.

"Do you walk without a sound?"

As soon as Han Qianyu spoke hard, she felt pain in her abdomen and her voice became a little low.

Pei Shengye lowered his head and threw something over, "Come with me to the gym."

Han Qianyu looked at him and was stunned.

Boxing gloves?

"What are you doing in a daze? I have read your information, you have participated in a boxing club, this thing can't trouble you, fight with me."

Han Qianyu has practiced boxing for several years, and his skills are not bad, otherwise he would not rely on his own strength at that time.

Yiyue rescued Yueyue.

But with Pei Shengye, Han Qianyu was still very bottomless.

Judging from her understanding of Pei Shengye these days, this man has nothing bad at it.

Han Qianyu followed Pei Shengye to the gym anxiously. There was a boxing ring behind the gym, and Pei Shengye took off.

After finishing the shirt, he stepped on the high platform with his naked and thin upper body, took the glove and put it on his hand.

When Han Qianyu saw his posture, his heart couldn't help but "cock".

This proficiency is an expert at first glance.


She will not be beaten to death by Pei Shengye tonight.

Pei Shengye threw a piece of clothing over and placed it directly on Han Qianyu's head.

He put both hands on the fence on one side, leaned over and smiled at Han Qianyu domineeringly, full of ambition: "Why,

Officer Han is scared? "

"How is it possible!" Han Qianyu raised his head, "I will let you know my abilities tonight."

"The tone is not small." Pei Shengye curled his lips sarcastically, but nodded again: "But I like it. This is like me.

Woman. "

Han Qianyu blushed: "Who is your woman? Don't talk nonsense."

"The woman I like is no different from my woman." Pei Shengye looked right.

Han Qianyu was too lazy to pay attention to him, threw his clothes aside, and tucked the chin of his loose clothes into his pants.

He quickly tied his gloves and turned on the ring.

She raised her eyelids and asked Pei Shengye, "How to fight?"

Pei Shengye said: "If you beg for mercy, I will stop."

Han Qianyu sneered: "Mr. Pei is also very loud, but I am the opposite of you. Your arrogant appearance, really

It's so annoying! "

Han Qianyu put on a momentum as he spoke.

Pei Shengye stepped back to the right, and the two began to make moves on the ring one by one.

After only two or three moves, Han Qianyu's heart was cold.

She could tell that Pei Shengye didn't exert all his strength.

Perhaps because he was a woman, he didn't even take the initiative to attack, he was all on defense.

Han Qianyu threw a left uppercut, but Pei Shengye easily tilted his head to avoid it.

The glove was facing the glove, and Han Qianyu's arm was numb.

"Police Officer Han, you have to go faster."

Pei Shengye smiled slyly, and pushed his fist forward, and the huge strength pushed Han Qianyu onto the fence.

"The strength should be greater."

"Don't talk nonsense! Watch the punch!"

Han Qianyu is carrying the handle at the police academy, and the campus boxing contest also won the first prize of the prize. How can you let Pei Shengye pick

Provocation, he was so irritated, the whole person was as if he had been beaten with blood, his fists were fast and hard, and every punch took ten

The strength of the points hit Pei Shengye's face.

The airtight offense really tore off Pei Shengye’s defense, and his fist hit Pei Shengye’s nose, forcing Pei

Holy Eve also took two or three steps back.

Han Qianyu blew his gloves, "haha" smiled twice, "It seems that Mr. Pei has to be faster!"

Pei Shengye did not exert all his strength. He had practiced boxing since he was a teenager, and honestly opposed Han Qianyu's level.

Yes, you can ko with your eyes closed, so it's only 30% of the level.

However, he did not expect that Han Qianyu could actually hurt him.

Pei Shengye wiped his nose with his wristband and saw a faint blood color.

He became interested and smiled in a low voice, "Interestingly, you are the first person who can hurt me on the ring."

"Thanks for the compliment."

Pei Shengye smiled again and didn't say anything, but just reopened his posture, Han Qianyu's expression was not very good.

Because, she clearly felt that the aura of this man suddenly changed.

Like a sleeping lion, suddenly awakened.

There was danger and aggression that made people breathless.

Sure enough, Han Qianyu panicked after fighting again.

Pei Shengye began to attack.

Although I can find out that Pei Shengye has already controlled his strength and speed, those fists still make Han Qianyu unable

Parry, she fell into a passive defense almost instantly, and was forced to retreat step by step from this side of the ring to another.

On the outside, his body slammed into the soft enclosure.

Han Qianyu has never been so useless before, punching out a counterattack, but he is directly blocked by Pei Shengye, sweat runs down Pei Shengye’s

The head rolled down, slid through the beautiful Adam's apple, abdominal muscles, and finally disappeared in his waist.

"Why, didn't I have enough tonight? Just so little strength?"

"Go! Don't underestimate me!"

Han Qianyu stood up straight, preparing for a new attack.

The defense just used up most of her strength, and now her arms are sore, and the steps under her feet are also

It started to be messy and lost the rhythm.

But his eyes were like wolves, staring at Pei Shengye sharply.

But at this moment, there was a sudden twitch in his abdomen, Han Qianyu was involved in the pain, only feeling a whirl in his ear.

When the wind stirred, Pei Shengye’s fist slammed over, and the whole person took a hard hit, with a "boom--"

On the stage.

It turned black.

"Korean Thousands!"

The vague consciousness was up and down, and there was a "buzzing" call in her ears. She heard Pei Shengye calling him in panic.

first name.

When the darkness in front of her disappeared, she saw Pei Shengye kneeling next to her on one knee. The glove had been taken off and she threw it aside.

Holding her shoulders, her eyes were gaping, angry and anxious.

"You stupid woman, why are you distracted when you punch?!"

The punch just now, with the strength of Han Qianyu, was completely hidden, so Pei Shengye also confiscated his strength, did not think

By the time, this woman stood there blankly without knowing what she was thinking.

What is she doing? !

Han Qianyu's cheeks swelled quickly at an alarming rate.


Pei Shengye ripped off Han Qianyu's gloves viciously, then slammed him up and hurriedly stepped off the ring.

Put it aside on the chair.

"I'm fine..." Han Qianyu looked at him in a hurry, and said with a smile: "I am distracted by myself, and also

It didn't hurt..."

Pei Shengye went to the side of the freezer to find an ice pack, turned his head and glared at her viciously, "You shut up! I spent a few percent

Don’t I know the strength? Want you to say it! "

"Don't be angry." Han Qianyu thought he was too fussy: "Fisting doesn't hurt, you see, you also have a runny nose.


"I am a man, are you compared with me?"

Pei Shengye came back with an ice bag.

"I will do it myself."

Han Qianyu is going to grab the ice bag in his hand.

Pei Shengye blocked her hand, squeezed Han Qianyu’s chin, fixed his head to prevent her from moving, and then slowed down the ice bag

Apply the ground to Han Qianyu's swollen face.

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