Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1851: .Ashamed

"Yeah, don't lovers go on a date?"

"Oh." Han Qianyu nodded blushingly.

"Good night then."

"good night."

When Pei Shengye left, Han Qianyu immediately got into the quilt and covered himself tightly.

I didn't know what was stuffed in my head, "buzzing".

She actually agreed to Pei Shengye's confession?

From this moment on, the relationship between her and Pei Shengye is no longer a simple employer and protector.

But a couple?

They will hold hands, hug, kiss, and even...

Han Qianyu's face grew hotter.

She fell asleep in a mess, and when she woke up again, it was already the next morning. There was

Seven or eight calls from mothers.

She was afraid of something urgent, so she quickly called her mother back—

"Mom, what's the matter so early in the morning?"

"Xiaoyu, where are you now? Are you still busy?"

Han Qianyu paused, and quickly said, "Yes, I'm still on the mission."

Mother’s voice suddenly became sharper: "Don’t lie to me, Xiao Yan told me everything. He said

On that side of Pei Shengye alone! "

Han Qianyu's face instantly turned ugly.


"Xiaoyu, you really disappointed mom!" His mother's voice fell in Han Qianyu's ears word by word.

"How many times have mom told you, you don’t want to provoke people like Pei Shengye, why are you deaf?

Who is it? who are you? "

"Mom, you misunderstood, Pei Shengye and I..."

"What's wrong with you and Pei Shengye? Mom is here, and you have eaten more salt than you have traveled! You think I can't

Come out, you have nothing to do with Pei Shengye? "


Thousands of Korean words are instantly lost.

Yes, how did she forget that the relationship between her and Pei Shengye only started last night, so it's different.

Han Qianyu frowned tightly.

Mother’s accusations kept coming: "I don’t know, what’s so good about Pei Shengye that can fascinate you?

No, are all men in the world dead? Make you want to run to him? "

"Mom, stop talking."

"You are an unmarried little girl who lives in another man’s house every day. You don’t want to see what it looks like when you spread it out.

I want to see if anyone pokes me and your father's backbone to watch the jokes of our old Han family. "

Han Qianyu's face instantly paled.

The fingers holding the phone turned blue slightly.

"You hurry back to me!"

Han Qianyu took a deep breath, "Sorry, Mom, I can't go back."

"what did you say?"

"Mom, Shengye Pei is now my boyfriend. I said I won't go back. I am already such a big person.

Own choice and judgment. "

"Small words!"

"I know what you are worried about. Although compared to Pei Shengye’s family, our family is indeed a commoner, but Pei Shengye and I

Getting along with each other is equal. I don’t feel like I’m inferior because I don’t have the right and status.

Pei Shengye wasn't that kind of person by asking for everything before him. "

"Enough!" The mother seemed to be out of breath, short of breath, and she spoke intermittently several times: "Anyway...

So I do not agree with you and Pei Shengye, if you have to be with him...I...I don't think you are a daughter. "

Han Qianyu's eyes suddenly cold, and can no longer help it: "Do you really like Pei Shengye or are you afraid to let me know?

Dao, I had a one-night stand with him and gave birth to the child Yueyue? ! "

Han Qianyu only felt that the whole person was a lot easier.

There was a long silence on the phone, and it took a long time for my mother’s horrified and disturbed voice, "You... how do you

Would... how would you know? "

"Your daughter is a policeman, don't you think I will investigate by myself?" Han Qianyu smiled somewhat self-deprecatingly.

"I have to thank you, if it weren't for your abnormal behavior in Pei Shengye's affairs, one has to doubt it.

I really don't want to investigate it. "

"Small words..."

"Mom, I know what you are worried about. I can’t remember what happened back then. As far as I know, Pei Shengye should also

I can’t think of it. No matter what, there is still Yueyue among us. Since he has feelings for me now, I too

Don't hate him, why should I refuse to form a family with him? "

"How can you be sure that he really didn't know?"

"If he knew, with Pei Shengye's IQ, he would have recognized me long ago."

Han Qianyu sighed, "Just leave this matter alone, I will handle it with Pei Shengye, regardless of the final

I don't regret the result. "

After speaking, Han Qianyu hung up.

She took a deep breath, opened the door and went out, and saw Pei Shengye standing at the door, frowning at herself.

Han Qianyu was startled: "You didn't go to the company?"

She just told her mother, did he hear it?

Pei Shengye's brows tightened, and he reached out and tapped on her forehead lightly.

"Idiot, are you a fish? Only seven seconds of memory. I just told you yesterday that I will go on a date with you today.

Did you forget it? "

Han Qianyu said "Oh", yes, it seems that this is indeed happening.

She is really confused.

"You just seemed to be calling someone."

He asked, apparently he didn't hear what she was talking about, and Han Qianyu sighed slightly, "Well, my mother."

Han Qianyu frowned: "She knows I live in your house now."

Pei Shengye understood the attitude of Han Qianyu’s mother, and asked, "Do you need me to explain to you? I can ask Team Zhao

Help you panic. "

Han Qianyu shook his head directly, "No."


"I said no." Han Qianyu stuck the broken hair behind his ears and smiled brightly, "No need to lie, I have

Tell her that I and you are now together. "

Pei Shengye was startled, and then a deep smile appeared in his eyes.

"you are very brave."

"Why not be brave to be your Bae Shengye's woman?"

Han Qianyu raised his chin and asked for credit: "How about it, did I say that, did you particularly satisfy you?"

"Reluctantly just passed." Pei Shengye took Han Qianyu's hand and gently kissed her forehead:

"Good morning, the first morning you became my girlfriend, it was really wonderful."

The tips of Han Qianyu's ears couldn't help being slightly red.

Ma Dan, who told him that Pei Shengye didn’t understand these things, this sweet and sour love story was just going to come out of his mouth.

Is human life good? !

For the next two or three days, Pei Shengye did not go to the company, but spent all his time with Han Qianyu.

Han Qianyu was dragged by him to wander around the fun places in the city, and he ate all kinds of delicacies. On this day, the two of them went climbing together.

Shan, when he got home, Han Qianyu's legs were trembling.

Pei Shengye directly hugged the person up, hurried upstairs and put them on the bed, without waiting for Han Qianyu to sit up and wash

After taking a bath, Pei Shengye's sturdy body was directly pressed up.


"I want you."

Pei Shengye's forehead touched Han Qianyu, his eyes were red and his voice was hoarse, "Can you?"

Early the next morning, Han Qianyu opened his eyes and found himself lying in a man’s arms, his face slightly faint.

Hong, she was a little shy and afraid to raise her head.

And Pei Shengye, who was holding her arm, realized that she was awake, and said: "Wake up?"

Han Qianyu hid his head in the quilt without saying a word, Pei Shengye took the lead to sit up, seeing Han Qianyu deliberately shut

With tight eyes and a slight smile in her eyes, she deliberately teased her: "Since we don't want to get up, then we will do something

Meaningful things. "

Han Qianyu, who had closed his eyes, immediately opened his eyes, then wrapped himself in a quilt, and kept moving back.

He didn't even know where to look, and he stammered in response: "I... I'll go to the bathroom first."

Pei Shengye didn't mean to move or stop her when he sat there.

Seeing that he was still sitting there, Han Qianyu suddenly said with embarrassment: "I want to put on clothes, you close your eyes first."

Really, so ashamed.

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