Pei Shengye smiled and said, "Why close your eyes? Where on your body I haven't seen?"

Han Qianyu's head buzzed immediately, and his words were uncomfortable: "Close your eyes first!"

She is temporarily unable to adapt to the change in her relationship with Pei Shengye.

Pei Shengye smiled helplessly and closed his eyes.

Seeing Pei Shengye closing his eyes, Han Qianyu quickly put on his clothes, and then walked towards the bathroom.

When she went into the bathroom, she looked at herself in the mirror, her face was red, she was really for such a stranger.

The born self is extremely uncomfortable.

The scenes from last night suddenly popped into her mind. She still remembered how he said under the bed

With the love words of those shameful people, he usually speaks very viciously and incomprehensibly, but he did not expect to be on the bed.

The performance is very different from usual.

She stayed in the bathroom for about ten minutes, and there was a knock on the door. Outside the door was Pei Shengye with a faint smile.

Voice: "Isn't it okay?"

Han Qianyu quickly responded: "It's alright, I'll be here soon."

After speaking, she immediately walked to the door and opened the door.

She didn't even dare to meet his eyes, she walked out like that, but just stepped out of the bathroom door, she was caught

Ye pressed against the wall and looked at her condescendingly, with emotions in her eyes, occasionally she could catch a glimpse of darkness.

The Adam's apple rolled slightly.

She didn't know what he was going to do, so she could only respond: "Why...what's wrong?"

He slowly lowered his head, the distance between the two people was getting closer and closer, and he was about to kiss as soon as he saw it. At this moment, the doorway

There was a knock on the door of the servant, and then, I heard the servant speak: "Mr. Pei, the company’s manager Xu came and said

I want to report to you. "

Han Qianyu pushed him away immediately, and then quickly said: "You go to deal with official business first."

Pei Shengye looked at her flustered and shy, her face flushed, and she was in a very good mood: "I will go out first, you will wait a while.

Remember to go downstairs for breakfast. "He spoke very softly.

She nodded obediently, and then watched Pei Shengye walk out.

After Pei Shengye left the room, Han Qianyu glanced at the messy bed, covered his eyes, and sat on the sofa.

Go up, really don't see.

How did she get into bed with Pei Shengye last night?

She was absolutely sure that if her mother knew that she had **** with Pei Shengye, she would probably kill herself.

She sat there for a while, then a servant came in to clean up the house, and did not say anything about the messy bed.

Well, just concentrate on doing the movements in your hands without squinting.

She glanced at it and felt it was too embarrassing, so she walked out of the room and went downstairs to have breakfast.

When the servant saw her, even her attitude and name changed: "Miss Han, breakfast is ready."

She remembered that the servants used to call her Officer Han, why did she call Miss Han?

Therefore, she hesitated a little, and explained to the servant: "You will call me Officer Han from now on."

The servant nodded, and then resumed his work.

She was sitting at the dining table and eating breakfast intently. The phone that was originally placed on her hand suddenly rang.

Slide down the answer button without looking at it: "Hey, who?"

"Sister, it's me." On the other end of the phone, Yan Hui's voice sounded familiar.

Han Qianyu took a sip of milk, but he did not expect that Yan Hui would still remember himself, so he asked: "Yan

Hui, how are you now? Did Team Zhao find you a new master? "

"I'm about to tell you about this, you can save me quickly, do you know who Zhao team assigned me to?"


"Jin Nasha! That eldest daughter, I heard that she seems to have a bad relationship with you, and she is still worried about whether

Because I’ve been with you before, so she will have some prejudice against me, she is really afraid of what comes, she really treats me

Have Stereotype! "It's really been this eldest lady who followed this young lady during this period of time, and he simply has a hard time talking!

In response to this, Han Qianyu suddenly chuckled.

She really did not expect that Team Zhao would actually assign Yan Hui to Jin Nasha. Indeed, Jin Nasha’s temper was

It's quite difficult, so it's normal for Yan Hui to complain.

She said a little soothingly: "Maybe after her eldest lady gets over her temper, she will be much better.

Personally, it's okay. "

Yan Hui immediately retorted on the phone: "Sister, you really don't know how badly I was cheated by her, you know

Yes, I followed her on the task, her eldest lady asked me to buy it like this before and after the run, completely treating me as

How about a rookie in the workplace! "

Han Qianyu actually wants to say that you are a rookie in the workplace.

However, she did not say this, but comforted him: "It will be fine after a while, she and me

There are many festivals, and your attitude will change immediately after you are treated as your own person later. "

She couldn't say anything about this, after all, Jin Nasha herself had a tense relationship with her, especially after experiencing Yueyue.

After that incident, she hated herself even more.

Yan Hui had to cry with Han Qianyu and begged: "Why don't you think that, please tell Team Zhao and let him change temporarily

Personally take me, when you come back from Wensen Villa, will you continue to take me?"

She heard Yan Hui’s words as if she was about to be tortured to death. She was really helpless, but it was not good.

Immediately refused, he had to say to Yan Hui: "That's OK, I'll help you ask questions then."

"Hole, thank you Sister, I know Sister you are the best to me."

After two people chatted for a while, they hung up the phone.

After Han Qianyu finished his breakfast, he sat on the sofa in the living room with his mobile phone, wondering what it should be like.

Go and mention this to Team Zhao.

The Zhao team always had his own consideration in doing things. He assigned Yan Hui to Jin Nasha's hands.

Own considerations.

If she rashly intervenes, whether it will cause some trouble, she can't predict for the time being.

So after thinking about it, she didn't dial the phone in the end.

But when she was sitting on the sofa, the butler at the door suddenly looked hurried, holding a package in her hand, watching

Looks like, who should have sent it by express.

She asked casually: "Butler, what are you holding in your hand?"

Upon hearing this, the housekeeper paused for a moment when he was about to go upstairs, then walked to Han Qianyu, explaining

"It's a courier. It was in the courier cabinet at the door early in the morning. There was no name or address on it, so

So I plan to show it to my husband. "

Han Qianyu squinted slightly, then reached out to the housekeeper and said, "Give me the courier."

This is an extraordinary period, and it is necessary to be more careful with such unidentified express delivery.

The butler hesitated for a while, and then asked, "Sergeant Han, will this be bad? If the husband knows, but


Han Qianyu said: "This is an extraordinary period. If the express is sent by criminals, Mr. Pei will appear.

What accidents, you and I shouldn't be able to afford it. "

The butler thought about it carefully, and it seemed that it was indeed the case, so he handed the package in his hand to Han Qianyu.

Han Qianyu pulled the courier away with his bare hands, and found only one photo in it.

In that photo, it was her back who appeared at a banquet, but she can’t remember, when did she have

Wearing such clothes and participating in such occasions.

This photo is probably related to the memory of her disappearance.

But now this photo was originally intended to be sent to Pei Shengye, then, what does the other party want Pei Shengye to know?

What can just be a photo?

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