Han Qianyu knew that her mother had never put herself at ease, so she nodded with certainty, and then said:

"Mom, I won’t regret it, I’m pretty sure now, but if I really listen to you today, tell you

Going back, I am very sure, I will regret it. "

Perhaps it was because Han Qianyu said too categorically, so in the end, Mother Han looked at her and said:

"Okay, I get it. Xiaoyu, don't blame me for not reminding you, you will regret it."

After speaking, she took a deep look at Pei Shengye, turned and walked towards the front of the road without any pause.

Looking at the back of his mother leaving, Han Qianyu knew that her mother was relieved. Although she let go of her harsh words, at least she

No matter what the mother’s so-called reminder is, but at this moment she and Pei Shengye are together

Start, be more comfortable.

And after watching Han Mu turn and leave, Bae Shengye reached out his arm and hugged Han Qianyu, and then asked, "Is it very heartfelt?

Uncomfortable? "

Han Qianyu shook his head: "No, I just feel a little sorry for my mother."

Pei Shengye raised her eyebrows and led her into the car: "Don't worry, I won't let her think that her decision today is wrong.

Far from it. 1 The day I won’t let you regret it, I will let you know that if you choose me, you will do it in this life

The most correct choice. "

After Han Qianyu got into the car with Pei Shengye, Han Qianyu looked at Pei Shengye, who seemed to be frowning, and immediately asked

One sentence: "What's wrong?"

Since he got into the car, his brows have been frowning, as if thinking about something.

"It's nothing."

The two have never quarreled. Although Han Qianyu did not inform Bae Shengye in advance about the contraceptive pill, she did not want children.

She still does not feel that she is wrong.

Han Qianyu took a breath: "Bei Shengye, I don't know why you want a child so much, but...

Duan, I just want to take good care of Yueyue, and you don’t want Yueyue to feel that you have me, you have a little brother and a little sister,

Just forget him. "

Pei Shengye didn't go into this topic any more, and nodded: "This topic will end here."

After all, there are drivers who are driving, and they just blatantly discuss these issues in the back seat, which is too reckless.

A little afraid.

On the next journey, Pei Shengye didn’t say anything, but took Han Qianyu back to Wensen’s Villa, but just

When I entered the villa, I saw Lu Wenmei coming.

When she saw Han Qianyu and Pei Shengye come in, she looked like her arms in arm, her mouth couldn't close in joy.

A: "Xiaoyu, where did you go and come back after a round of fun?"

Han Qianyu smiled a little embarrassedly and said, "Auntie, I always go back to the game and never play."

Lu Wenmei said, "You should pay more attention to your body during this period of time and not overwork, especially

In terms of diet, more attention must be paid. "

Han Qianyu reacted immediately after Pei Shengye’s tossing about it. What did Lu Wenmei think?

Thinking, so she quickly responded with a smile: "Auntie, I am in good health. I am not so squeamish.

Auntie had just left two days ago, and she also drank a lot of qi and blood. "

She was afraid of Lu Wenmei's misunderstanding, so she specifically mentioned her aunt period to let Lu Wenmei not misunderstand.

But I didn’t expect Lu Wenmei to be stunned after hearing Han Qianyu’s aunt had just left, and then asked: "What do you mean?

Yes, your aunt's period just passed? "

Han Qianyu looked at the disappointment and surprise in Lu Wenmei's eyes, almost instantly understood that it should be Lu Wen

Mei also heard about her pregnancy, so she came here today to see her and inquire about the situation by the way.

It's really funny to think about it, everyone knows that they are pregnant, but they don't know?

"Yes, auntie, is there any problem," she asked, with obvious doubts in her eyes.

Lu Wenmei's words were all stuck in her throat, and she couldn't say much, she just smiled and shook her head.

When Han Qianyu went upstairs to change clothes, she immediately pulled Pei Shengye aside and asked anxiously, "What's the matter?

Is Xiaoyu pregnant? How come now that my aunt just left? "

Pei Shengye did not ask why Lu Wenmei knew it, but just explained to her lightly: "You should have heard it wrong

Now, she has never been pregnant. "

All Lu Wenmei wanted to say choked in her throat, frowning and said: "How is it possible? This is impossible.

what! You two have been together for so long, how can there be no movement at all?"

Compared with Lu Wenmei's anxiety, Pei Shengye's mood has stabilized, but she comforted Lu Wenmei and said:

"Mom, don't worry, I and her are not married after all, so even if we are not pregnant, it is normal."

"Xiaoye, mom didn't mean that, but I just hope you can have a child who belongs to Xiaoyu and Xiaoyu sooner, mom

I also know that it is rare for you to meet a woman you like. Mother naturally hopes that you can be with her.

Cultivate a positive result as soon as possible. "

Lu Wenmei’s words were sincere, but it made Pei Shengye speechless. He was silent for a long while, but he was only

He responded: "Mom, I know, you don't have to worry about this matter."

Han Qianyu seems to be very resistant to the child’s affairs, and her character has always been stubborn.

Greater contradiction.

After he calmed down, he didn't want to tie up Han Qianyu with his children.

That's not his Pei Shengye style. In the hospital today, he was really taken away by anger.

After Lu Wenmei left, Pei Shengye found Han Qianyu who was sitting there watching "Criminal Psychology" from the room, and walked to

Sit down beside her.

Han Qianyu kept his eyes on the book, and then asked, "Your mother is gone?"

Pei Shengye saw that her eyes were always on the book in her hand, but she asked: "According to the truth, this book

You should have seen it when you planned to join the police. Why did you take it out again today? "

Han Qianyu didn’t notice it, but Pei Shengye took his topic away, and explained naturally: “Because every time

See, there will be different life feelings, and some other things can be felt. "

In this regard, Pei Shengye was quite interested in asking what she thought, or something else.

After Han Qianyu chatted with him for a while, he was a little sleepy and wanted to sleep, but Pei Shengye did not look like usual

In this way, I asked her to go to bed, but pressed her on the sofa, and said with deep eyes: "I decided to respect

Your thoughts, when you are willing to have children, I will be born again. But... it should be fulfilled other obligations. "

Han Qianyu just wanted to refute, but Pei Shengye had already kissed her lips and swallowed all her words.

Early the next morning, when Han Qianyu opened his eyes in a daze, he found that Pei Shengye didn’t seem to be around, she

He tilted his head and slept for a while, and then sat up from the bed with his sleepiness, lifted the quilt, and took advantage of the cold

Han Qianyu only awoke for a while when Yi was blowing his face.

Then, she put in the bag in this room from all the time, took out a box of pills, and glanced at the

Han Qianyu was a little worried about the amount of medicine used.

She is going to buy it again. Although these contraceptives are not harmful, every time Han Qianyu takes it,

All fearful.

As the saying goes, the more you are afraid, the more you will come.

She took the pill and just walked to the table, and when she was about to get the cup to pour water, the door was suddenly pushed without warning.

Open, so scared that she hid the box of pills behind her in an instant.

Pei Shengye, who opened the door, saw Han Qianyu wake up. In fact, he was quite surprised, but he saw that she seemed to be going.

With the appearance of a water cup, he walked towards her and asked softly: "Why, do you want to drink water?"

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