Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1870: Suddenly get angry

Han Qianyu's voice stammered in response: "Yes...Yes."

Pei Shengye did not notice her abnormality, but picked up a cup and poured a glass of warm water for her, and then handed it to her.

Qian said: "Come on, drink."

Han Qianyu looked at the glass of water hesitantly, but did not answer it.

Although Pei Shengye promised herself, but when he saw her taking medicine blatantly in the villa, I am afraid he would not

Be happy.

Han Qianyu was thinking about how to prevaricate Pei Shengye, Pei Shengye suddenly held her hand and gently put the box of contraceptives

He took it loosely in his hand.

Thousands of Korean: "..."

Pei Shengye threw the medicine into the trash can and gently touched Han Qianyu’s head: "This medicine is bad for your health, don’t

Eat again, I took measures last night, don't worry. "

Han Qianyu's cheeks instantly burned red.

At this moment, the servant knocked on the door and came in, and then said, "Miss Han, someone is looking for you downstairs, saying that it is your junior."

When Han Qianyu heard it, he immediately said, "You let him wait, and I will come down immediately."

After speaking, she said to Pei Shengye, who was standing in front of her and looking at her: "I'll go to the bathroom to wash up first. Are you waiting for me outside?"

Pei Shengye turned to sit down on the sofa and picked up the book "Crime Psychology" that Han Qianyu had read last night.

Then, he said quietly: "It doesn't matter, I am here waiting for you, and we will go down together later."

When Han Qianyu saw this, he couldn't say anything, so he nodded and said, "Okay, then I will go wash first."

When I opened the book, I saw a lot of comments in Korean.

In one case, Han Qianyu was given a big star.

It was a story of a woman who lost her memory but got involved in a case.

Pei Shengye gently rubbed the paper with his fingers, Han Qianyu...... Are you concerned about this case?


Although Yan Hui felt that he should never come to Han Qianyu at this time, but he really couldn't bear it!

When Han Qianyu saw Yan Hui, he looked at his blue nose and swollen face. It looked funny and ridiculous. She couldn't bear it.

She smiled and asked, "Yan Hui, what's wrong with your face?"

Yan Hui's face was so swollen that it was not easy to even speak, so he could only vaguely cry to Han Qianyu:

"Senior Sister, please help me, I'm really going to be broken by playing."

After Yan Hui's mouth leaked and said all these things, Han Qianyu's face was full of unstoppable smiles.

Intentional question: "So you mean, Jin Nasha deliberately punished you again?"

Yan Hui instantly nodded his head with righteous indignation: "Isn't that, you don't know, that snake-hearted woman

Son, how vicious it is, oh my mouth. "

He covered his mouth and groaned.

Han Qianyu really wants to laugh, but for the fact that Yan Hui is always bullied by Jin Nasha, she never

I haven't heard the Zhao team mention it. "

But looking at Yan Hui’s face full of injuries, Han Qianyu felt that it would be better to arrange Yan Hui by his side.

After all, Yan Hui had been treated specially by Jin Nasha because of him.

However, before that, she wanted to ask Pei Shengye's opinion.

Therefore, she turned her head and smiled and planned to ask Pei Shengye’s opinion, but when she looked up, she found that Pei Shengye had been looking at her.

Ji, those dark eyes seemed to be searching for something.

Such gaze made her feel a little frightened, and she suddenly shook her heart, and then asked, "What are you looking at me for?"

Pei Shengye explained lightly: "It's nothing, just want to see whether Officer Han has grown a

Deceptive face. "

In this case, Han Qianyu frowned slightly. She didn't like Pei Shengye's yin and yang tone, but,

Now, after all, it was to deal with Yan Hui's affairs, so she didn't discuss too much with him, but asked:

"I want to persuade Team Zhao to transfer my junior brother back to me."

Pei Shengye looked at her deeply, and then suddenly stood up from the sofa without warning, condescending, lightly speaking.

He wrote: "It's up to you, don't ask my opinion."

After speaking, he left straight and went upstairs.

Han Qianyu looked at Pei Shengye, whose face suddenly changed, and felt very strange. He was obviously fine before, why?

Suddenly say you change your face and you change your face?

Yan Hui also seemed to have noticed something wrong, and asked cautiously: "Senior Sister, am I going to add numb to you?

annoyed? "

Han Qianyu immediately frowned and said, "What nonsense are you talking about? What is troublesome and not troublesome. Okay, shut up your mouth, no

If you want to talk about this, you go back first, and I will call Team Zhao today to mention you. "

Yan Hui immediately looked at Han Qianyu very moved and said: "Sister, I am so touched, I know you

I won't care about me. When I transfer back to you, I will honor you. "

Han Qianyu just listened to these words casually, and did not expect Yan Hui to repay her.

After Yan Hui left, Han Qianyu wanted to ask Pei Shengye what was going on first, but later thought about it, or

First call Team Zhao to ask.

After she dialed Team Zhao’s cell phone, Team Zhao’s voice came from the other end: "Xiao Han, how come you can give me time?


"Team Zhao, I actually called you today to ask you about something." Han Qianyu is straightforward, but

It was obvious that it was not said.

Team Zhao seemed to have known it a long time ago. He smiled and said, "If I guessed right, you should be talking on the phone.

Was it for the kid Yan Hui? "

Han Qianyu did not deny, but smiled and asked: "How did you know?"

Team Zhao on the other end of the phone smiled and said, “During this period, Jin Nasha and her little apprentice, that is, Yan Hui’s

I have heard of the glorious deeds of Zi. Recently, the police station has been full of troubles. "

"Is it so serious?" Han Qianyu didn't expect to make such a noise.

"Yes, I didn't know at the beginning, but later, when there were more people talking, I knew it." Team Zhao continued


On the contrary, Han Qianyu said: "If it is really inappropriate, it is better to transfer Yan Hui to me. After all, before

He followed me from the beginning. "

Team Zhao directly refused and said, "No, I think that Yan Hui's slick temperament has to be like Jin Nasha's.

The eldest daughter can cure him. "

"But every time he was beaten with a bruised nose and swollen face, or his whole body was hurt, would it be somewhat for Yan Hui?

Not fair? "

Although Team Zhao had never made any mistakes in arranging personnel, Han Qianyu still couldn't bear it.

"Xiao Han, in the police station, there is nothing fair or unfair. I just ask Jin Nasha to take the lead.

He, as for what he will do and what kind of results he will get, it is all on his own, and you cannot follow

Behind him for a lifetime. "

With a word from Team Zhao, Han Qianyu seemed to have completely awakened.

Yes, like them, they can do tasks at any time, pin their heads on their waistbands. If they don’t have the strength, it’s true.

It will be difficult to survive. Team Zhao thinks more thoughtful than her at this point.

"Team Zhao, I'm sorry, I was negligent."

In this regard, Team Zhao responded indifferently: "There is nothing serious about this matter, and you will do your best in the future.

Just leave it alone, understand? "

Han Qianyu agreed.

Han Qianyu, who hung up the phone, stared at the phone and looked at it for a while. He wanted to make a call and tell Yan Hui that he was incompetent.

It’s hard, but I was afraid that Yan Hui would ask her something, so after thinking for a long time, she edited a short

Let me know.

But Yan Hui did not respond after a while.

She put the phone in her pocket and went upstairs.

She stood at the entrance of the study, knocked on the door, and then asked softly: "Shengye, are you inside?"

But there was no response from the study. She was a little strange. After all, she watched him enter the study before.

Didn't you see him coming out of the study?

Is it possible that he is still inside, just unwilling to take care of himself?

At what point is she hiring again?

At exactly this moment, the servant brought up a cup of coffee. Seeing Han Qianyu standing at the entrance of the study, he smiled and called out

Call: "Miss Han."

Han Qianyu looked at the coffee the servant was holding, and asked, "Is this for Pei Shengye?"

The servant nodded; "Yes, Miss Han."

Han Qianyu suddenly stretched out his hand, took the tray from the servant's hand, and said, "Give it to me, I'll send it in for you."

The servant hesitated a little: "Is this not good?" After all, Han Qianyu was considered half the mistress of the villa.

But Han Qianyu disapprovingly took the tray from the servant’s hand and responded: “What’s wrong with this, you give

I'm the one. There is nothing for you here. Go down first. "

The servant watched Han Qianyu knock on the door of the study, and then walked in.

And Han Qianyu, who entered the study, put the coffee in front of Pei Shengye, only to find that he had been busy

In official business, no matter whether he heard him or not he just knocked on the door, but he gave him a move that he had not responded to, and had a reasonable excuse.

She curled her lips. In fact, she was a little unhappy in her heart, but she couldn't be too obvious, so she finished serving the coffee.

After the coffee, I just stood aside and did not leave.

Maybe it was because Pei Shengye, who had not heard the closing of the door, finally looked up.

At a glance, I saw Han Qianyu, who was standing on the side and never said a word. The expression in his eyes was still a bit chilling, but

Han Qianyu couldn't say why, so he could only ask: "Do you have any opinion on me?"

Pei Shengye responded with a very calm tone: "No." Very short three words, but after listening, it seems not

That's it, his attitude towards her suddenly became cold.

"Bai Shengye, you..."

"I'm very busy. Go out first."

Han Qianyu was stunned. Seeing Pei Shengye turned on the computer to prepare for office work, he didn’t want to continue to disturb him any more, and he bowed his head and left the room

Get out.

However, just as she stepped out of the door that closed the study, she suddenly heard the sound of smashing objects behind her.

She couldn't help but shudder.

In fact, she has rarely seen Pei Shengye get angry, basically not. Many times, he just has a poisonous tongue, but this

Once, it was really angry.

She was leaning against the door, not even knowing what to do next.

She suddenly felt a headache.

Throughout the morning, Pei Shengye did not come out of the study, and even lunch was brought in by the servants, especially

After the servant came out, his entire face was almost black, and he should have been very scared.

In the afternoon, soon there were rumors in the villa that Mr. Pei was in a terrible mood today, making everyone

Take a moment.

Han Qianyu stood in the living room, looking in the direction of the study on the second floor, her eyes were slightly complicated.

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