Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1871: .Have you been to her?

"Miss Han."

Someone yelled softly, with a cautious voice, Han Qianyu raised his head and saw that he was the housekeeper.

Looking at myself with difficulty.

"what happened?"

"Mr. hasn't eaten since noon." The butler was full of grief, "I didn't move the lunch that I sent in.

Look, it’s getting dark outside here. How can your body hold up if your husband hasn’t eaten for so long? Can you

To persuade Mr.? "

Han Qianyu just wanted to refuse for a moment.

Who doesn't know that Pei Shengye is burning with anger now, so she shouldn't rush to send the head away.

Han Qianyu's face was embarrassed: "When I speak, he might not listen, right?"

The housekeeper shook his head: "Why? Ms. Han is Mr.'s girlfriend. Ms. Han speaks with the same weight as us.

It's not the same. If you go to persuade your husband, Miss Han, your husband will definitely eat well. "

After speaking, before Han Qianyu reacted, the butler stuffed a dinner plate into Han Qianyu's hands.


The housekeeper sighed quietly and muttered, "My husband, I was busy with work a few years ago, and my stomach was broken. The doctor specially ordered

I’ve ordered, three meals a day must be eaten on time. Don’t be sloppy. You said, if no one persuaded Mr.

What should I do if something went wrong again? Miss Han, don't you think? "

The butler deliberately said this to Han Qianyu. How smart is Han Qianyu, how can he not understand the meaning of a butler?

Si, seeing that the matter is over, I can only nodded and said helplessly: "Then I, then I will try, but don't hug

Too much expectation, I feel that I upset Bae Shengye..."

Han Qianyu knocked on Pei Shengye's door with a bitter face carrying the dinner plate.

Just after knocking, Pei Shengye's impatient voice came over.


Han Qianyu almost missed the bowl.

Unwillingly knocked on the door again-

Pei Shengye was even more angry: "Have you heard it?"

Then came the gradual sound of heavy footsteps.

Han Qianyu's heart was still hanging in his throat, and he saw Pei Shengye open the door with a dark face——

"It's okay, don't bother..." Seeing that the person standing at the door is Han Qianyu, Pei Shengye paused instantly, and his voice was softer.

Points, "Why are you?"

Han Qianyu raised his head and glanced at Pei Shengye dissatisfiedly, "Why, you don't seem to want to see me? Then I

It's not going to go... Ah! "

Before he finished speaking, Han Qianyu was pulled over.

The dinner plate in his hand was tilted, and some of the soup was spilled on Pei Shengye's clean white shirt.

"Dirty. What are you doing?"

Han Qianyu glared at Pei Shengye reproachfully.

"It's just a piece of clothing." Pei Shengye pulled people into the room, "Come in."

"I'm here to bring you food..."

Who is going in, Master Wan Tangtang Pei is still angry, isn't she the first unlucky person?

"It's hard for you to remember that your man didn't eat." Pei Shengye took the dinner plate in her hand.

Han Qianyu: "I didn't remember..."

Had it not been for the housekeeper to ask her to come, she would be too lazy to take care of her?

"You have a bad stomach, so eat three meals as usual."

Pei Shengye frowned, "Who told you that I have a bad stomach?"

"The butler said it."

Pei Shengye had a meal and suddenly smiled, "He lied to you. I am in good health and my stomach is fine."

Thousands of Korean: "..."

Didn't she worry for so long for nothing?

Han Qianyu was extremely depressed.

Pei Shengye didn't continue speaking, grabbing his chopsticks and eating slowly.

I have to say that this man looks good at everything, even eating, he is much more charming than ordinary men.

Han Qianyu stared at him and couldn't help being a little dazed.

Pei Shengye stretched out his hand and knocked on the woman's head, "Recovered, fool!"

Han Qianyu hurriedly sat up straight, thinking that he had just committed a **** in front of him, from the neck to the tip of his ears.

Burning red.

I quickly found a question and asked him: "Bai Shengye, can I ask you something?"

"what's up?"

"Um... I want to ask, didn't you expect to find Yueyue's mother in the past?"

How did Pei Shengye give birth to Yueyue with herself? She is in the dark when she has no memory and can't remember anything.

Even if she didn't believe it, Pei Shengye had no memory.

He is not curious at all, who is Yueyue's mother?

Pei Shengye was also taken aback by this question, his eyes sank three minutes, put down his chopsticks, and looked at Han Qianyu: "What do you do?

Come to think of it and ask this question. "

Han Qianyu smiled awkwardly, concealing the guilty conscience under his eyes, and said: "Just...interested to ask, after all, I

With our current relationship, if nothing happens, Yueyue will call me mom in the future, right? "

Pei Shengye nodded: "You don't need it, you can do it now."

"This is not the point." Han Qianyu shook his head and continued with Pei Shengye's words: "The point is, in case one day that woman

Are people back? After all, she is Yueyue's biological mother, and then..."

"Are you worried that she will threaten your status?"

Pei Shengye asked directly.

After Han Qianyu had a meal, he saw Pei Shengye smile, "You are too worried. I won't let this happen."

This answer is not what Han Qianyu wants to hear, but he is afraid to continue to ask questions, which will make Pei Shengye suspicious.

There was just a silent "um", and his eyes couldn't hide his loss.

Maybe it’s because Han Qianyu hasn’t spoken or been silent, so Pei Shengye raised his eyes and saw her sitting

There, he stretched out his hand to pull her into his arms, and smiled lowly: "Unhappy?"

Han Qianyu pushed him away, stood up from his arms, and explained lightly: "No."

Pei Shengye got up from the chair, walked to her, faced her, walked to her, and pressed his hands on her shoulders.

Bang Shang said: "This matter will not become an obstacle between us, do you understand?"

Han Qianyu felt very uncomfortable, she actually wanted to control it, but in the end, she couldn't help but look up in front of her.

Pei Shengye, then asked: "Don’t you know anything about Yueyue’s mother? I don’t believe it.

A woman who gave you a son, you would not investigate her. "

Pei Shengye is a little strange, why Han Qianyu must learn about Yueyue’s mother, but he still

Answer truthfully: "I was drunk that night. When I woke up, there was no trace of her."

"Have you been to her?"

"Since she can be so cruel enough to leave Yueyue at my door, how could I let her come back and continue to be Yueyue?

mother? Do you think she is worthy? "

But Han Qianyu grabbed the key point in his words: "You said that you were left at your door when Yueyue?"

Pei Shengye pursed his lips, with a cold expression on his face, and seemed unwilling to talk more about the topic of Yueyue's biological mother: "This

Let’s stop here, you don’t have to worry about her at all, because with me, she abandoned Yueyue at the beginning.

She has already lost her qualification to be Yueyue's mother. "

Han Qianyu was stunned.

how can that be possible? How could Yueyue be left at the door of Pei Shengye's house?

She stood there in confusion, and Pei Shengye saw that she hadn't spoken, so he stretched out his hand and made a sound in front of her.

Means: "I'm back to my mind, what are you thinking about? So absorbed?"

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