Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1879: .bride price

Han Qianyu frowned: "If the trust between us is to be established by such a contract, then there is really no

What's the point. "

Pei Shengye smiled, "Are you telling me trust now? Then would you not listen to my explanation and just turn your head and run?"

"I..." Han Qianyu's cheeks flushed. It took a long time before he was not convinced: "That kind of scene, whoever it is, will make mistakes.

Will it be good? "

Pei Shengye curled his lips, lowered his head and took out a handkerchief from his pocket.

In front of Han Qianyu, he unfolded a little bit.

There were a few broken biscuits in the handkerchief, but I could still vaguely recognize it. It was Han Qianyu who baked at home yesterday.

Come to give it to Pei Shengye.

The rabbit pattern above is still there.

It's a pity that the cookie was not delivered to Bae Shengye's hands, but was thrown to the ground by the extremely angry Han Qianyu

It was split into several halves.

Han Qianyu gave him a weird look, "What are you doing with this?"

"This is the first time you bake me cookies..."

Pei Shengye held the broken biscuit, walked two steps forward, and handed it to Han Qianyu's eyes, asking her to look at it.

The tall and handsome man actually looked a bit wronged.

"Look, I haven't eaten it yet, it's broken. You can bake it for me tomorrow."

"I want to be beautiful." Han Qianyu refused without even thinking about it. Before Bae Shengye could speak, he split his hand with a handkerchief and a cookie.

He grabbed it, crumpled it up, and threw it into the trash can: "After passing this village, there will be no store. I want to eat and ask someone to help.

You bake it. "

"Which other people besides you."

Han Qianyu got used to it and couldn’t stand him doing Tai Chi with himself on such trivial things, and he sat on a chair.

I didn't have a good temper: "Pei Shengye, don't change the subject, is it time to talk about cookies?"

Pei Shengye was silent for a moment, then nodded, pulled a chair and sat down in front of Han Qianyu, with a deep voice:

"Okay, let's talk about marriage."


Han Qianyu was about to vomit out blood.

"I have come to propose a kiss."

"My mother didn't agree."

"I will only use your mother's opinion as a reference. Her thoughts can't stop my decision of Pei Shengye."

Han Qianyu seems to have heard some joke: "You mean, even if my mother disagrees, you will force me to

Are you married? Pei Shengye, your tone is not small. "

Pei Shengye's expression was solemn, and he didn't mean to joke at all: "This is not a problem with a small tone, but I

Is there a question of this strength. "


Pei Shengye raised his hand and interrupted Han Qianyu's words: "I don't want to listen to your mother's opinion now. I said that

It is a reference, what I want to know now is, what do you think? "

Han Qianyu was startled, her ear tips were a little red, she quickly grabbed her ears, not wanting Pei Shengye to see the clues.

Pretending to be silly: "Haha, what ideas can I have."

Pei Shengye's brows frowned, and he reached out and held Han Qianyu's wrist, his voice was chilly: "Okay, don't pull it.

It’s not just one question, why bother to ruin your ears if you agree or disagree? "

Han Qianyu continued to pretend to be stupid: "Agree or disagree..."

Pei Shengye saw that Han Qianyu was still sloppy, his voice was a little higher, and his tone was much more serious and solemn than usual: "I

Pei Shengye, I want to marry Han Qianyu as his wife. Mingmei is marrying, and will remain loyal in this life. Miss Han Qianyu, would you please

Would you like to marry me and become Mr. Pei Shengye's only wife? "


Han Qianyu subconsciously wanted to say something.

But Pei Shengye suddenly covered his mouth.

She only had time to blink, when she heard Pei Shengye lower her voice, and whispered in her ear: "I know this

It may be difficult to answer the question. If you come directly to propose a marriage without discussing it with you, you are very confused, but Police Officer Han,

Promise me, use your mind and heart to think about it, and then tell me your answer. "

The surrounding suddenly quieted down, Han Qianyu could only hear his own heart, in the crazy uncontrollable "dongdong"

"Boom" beating.

That strength and speed gave her the illusion that her heart was about to jump out of her throat.

It took a full minute before Pei Shengye put down his hand, and his deep eyes fixed on Han Qianyu’s face, An An

Quietly waiting for her answer.

Han Qianyu is a little helpless. She and Pei Shengye have been stumbling all the way. After so many experiences, what is the answer?

What suspense?

With a long sigh in his heart, Han Qianyu nodded in embarrassment, "Yes."

Pei Shengye's lips immediately bend, and his palm is raised again, this time pressing against Han Qianyu's face.

"What are you doing?"

"Shhh, close your eyes."

Han Qianyu's eyelashes trembled, gently scratching against Pei Shengye's palm, itchy.

Han Qianyu was hot all over, and only felt that his whole body was hot. The whole figure seemed to be in a big steamer, even exhaling.

Qi is also hot.

She only heard the noise of the chair rubbing against the floor, and then there was a noisy "boom".

Bae Shengye, what are you doing?

Han Qianyu hurriedly took Pei Shengye's hand off.

The next second, Han Qianyu was stunned.

This noble man, who has always been aloof, is kneeling in front of him on one knee.

Quite, the folds of the trousers are noticeably delicate.

At this moment, Han Qianyu's heart that was still jumping wildly before seemed to freeze.

This kneeling of Pei Shengye seemed to kneel on her heart.

"What are you doing?"

Han Qianyu's face is red.

Pei Shengye frowned, as if a little depressed, "I didn't remember until you promised me... I seemed to have forgotten to propose.

Sorry, I didn't ask before, so forgive me. "

With that, Pei Shengye took a ring box out of his pocket and opened it. There was a pair of beautiful wedding rings inside.

Pei Shengye took out the women's model, took Han Qianyu's hand, and gently pushed the ring onto Han Qianyu's slender ring finger.

Han Qianyu was embarrassed, his blush was about to bleed, and he had to take off the ring if he said anything.

"You are not allowed to take it off. If you wear it, it is mine. You are not allowed to take it off without my permission."

Han Qianyu couldn't laugh or cry: "I can't wear this to work, right? I didn't say not to accept..."

Pei Shengye thought about it seriously, nodded, and compromised: "Then wait until you go to work and then stay home, not now."

After speaking, he took Han Qianyu's hand and kissed it on his lips, with a low voice: "You are very beautiful, Mrs. Pei."

Han Qianyu hurriedly replied after being blushed by the sound of "Mrs. Pei"; "Don't bark! My parents are still there

Sitting now. "

Pei Shengye put another ring into Han Qianyu's hand, motioning for her to put it on herself, and said: "I

Didn’t you say it all..."

Han Qianyu put the ring on Pei Shengye, muttering softly: "You don't really want to do that, do you?

Both are my parents. "

Pei Shengye hugged Han Qianyu's waist from the back door, and immediately pulled the woman from the chair into his arms and hugged him.

Tightly: "Just put your heart in your stomach and get ready to be your Mrs. Pei."

The two of them stayed upstairs for a while, and then under the urging of Han Qianyu, they went downstairs one after another.

The red cloud on Han Qianyu's face hasn't completely disappeared. Mother Han only took a look and knew that the woman was taken by Bae Shengye.

Now, his eyes became cold for a moment.


Han Qianyu looked at Mother Han anxiously, Han's father looked peaceful and proactively said: "Mr. Pei, you sit down first."

Pei Shengye took Han Qianyu and sat down opposite Han's father and mother.

"Uncle and Auntie, I came here today to propose marriage. These are my betrothal gifts to the Han family, including five existing houses.

Set, five million gold and silver jewelry, twenty million in cash, and six cars. "

Pei Shengye's tone was gentle, steady, and Han Qianyu was surprised and almost didn't jump off the sofa.

This... Is this Pei Shengye's betrothal gift to himself?

Pei Shengye is indeed rich, but Pei Shengye’s money is not brought by the wind, especially she knows that Pei Shengye has been

Participating in the development of a new project is when money is needed for financing, and the liquidity in hand is not so sufficient.

That’s enough, how can so much money be used as a betrothal gift.

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