Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1880: .Marriage Certificate

1880.Marriage certificate

Han Qianyu's tongue is about to be knotted, just as he was about to say something, Pei Shengye next to her already held her hand and continued to say

Go down.

"The two elders have only Yu'er and one daughter. I can understand how uncle and aunt's love and affection for Yu'er.

With a slight grievance, I have transferred the three properties under my name to Yu'er, as well as my Pei Group

Ten percent of the shares. This is the real estate and share transfer contract. Please take a look at it. "

Wen Rui handed over several contracts immediately.

Han's mother and Han's father concluded the contract and looked at them silently.

Han Qianyu gently moved his wrist, lowered his voice and said anxiously: "Pei Shengye, what are you doing?

I am not with you for your money, you don’t need..."

"I know you are not for my money, but I just want everyone to know who is the most important thing for me.



"Okay, don't do it." Pei Shengye smiled softly: "Besides, after getting married, all my things were originally

It's yours, and giving it to you in advance is just to reassure your uncle and aunt. "

Han Qianyu's throat seemed to be blocked, and his chest became warm with Pei Shengye's words.

It turned out that he was so considerate.

Pei Shengye's approach was simple and rude, and Han Mu's face immediately softened a bit.

She put down the contract in her hand and asked, "Do your parents know Xiaoyu?"

Han Qianyu obviously wanted to stop his mother from asking questions, but his mother stared back.

Her stupid daughter is completely dizzy now. She is anxious if she doesn’t ask her future mother-in-law how to get along.

Marry yourself out. If Bae Shengye’s mother is an unreasonable wealthy lady, the future day of Han Qianyu

Can you live well?

She has to help her daughter to check.

"You proposed marriage today, didn't you still tell your parents?"

Pei Shengye gently curled her lips and said: "I discussed with my parents yesterday about the proposal, and they are very supportive.

Hold me, and said that the wedding will be handled by them. My parents and Yu'er have met before, I think

They will get along very happily. I married Yu'er, and my parents also said that my mother gave Yu'er a vacation

In the villa, my father sent a car, and they also booked a restaurant. They wanted to invite my uncle and aunt to meet and discuss with Yu'er.

What to do with the wedding. "

With what Pei Shengye said, the mother Han was completely speechless.

The ability to take out such a generous gift shows that the Pei family attaches enough importance to Xiaoyu.

Mother Han's heart was finally completely let go at this time.

She stiffened her back and her voice was soft: "Don't blame me for being cautious. This is related to my daughter's lifelong happiness.

I can't ignore it. Since the attitude of your Pei family is here, I will not object to your affairs. change

God, ask your family to come out for dinner and discuss what to do with the wedding. "

Father Han also said, "We both have pensions, and we also have savings over the years. These houses and cars are given to me.

It's useless, you guys, just treat it as a dowry, and take it back with you young couple. "

As soon as Han Qianyu wanted to speak, she saw that Mother Han had already nodded softly at herself, turned upstairs, and after a while

Bring back the account book.


Han Qianyu's eyes turned red uncontrollably.

"The hukou is already given to you. You and him should take the time to get the marriage certificate."

Han Qianyu's nose was sore, tears rolled out of her eyes.

"Mom, I won't get married, I won't leave you."

"Don't be foolish."

Mother Han handed the household registration book to Pei Shengye.

"Pei Shengye, I only have a daughter, Xiaoyu, you have to be nice to her."

Pei Shengye held the thin account book, but felt that the weight in his hand was not heavy.

"Auntie, don't worry, I should use my life to protect her."

When Han Qianyu walked out of the Han family's door, tears were still falling.

Pei Shengye helped people into the car, very helpless: "I cried when I asked for a kiss. It's really going to be the wedding.

God, can you still do it? "

Han Qianyu was wiping tears with "uuuu".

This woman rarely shed tears. At this moment, when Jin Doudou fell, the crying Pei Shengye's heart would melt with it.

"Don't cry, it's not that you won't come back again." Fingers gently wiped the tears at Han Qianyu.

"What do you know? It's not that your Pei Shengye's registered permanent residence was on my household registry."

Han Qianyu was a little angry.

Pei Shengye frowned: "I know you are reluctant to bear your parents. Once married, you can still come back at any time. I also thought about it.

Yes, Winson Villa is too far away, I asked you to buy a small villa near your parents’ house, we will move to live there,

You can go back anytime, OK? "

Han Qianyu wiped his eyes: "Really?"

"Well, let's get the certificate first, and then I will let Wen Rui do it."

"Are we going to get the certificate today?"

"Otherwise, what day do you want to delay? After receiving the certificate, we will pick up Yueyue, and the family of three will have a good meal and celebrate

a bit. "

Pei Shengye took Han Qianyu directly to the Civil Affairs Bureau, because there are not many people today, and Pei Shengye is going there.

Before, Wen Rui had also said hello in advance, so as soon as they entered, they basically did not delay, so they went in and started

Let the staff handle it.

The staff who gave them the marriage certificate, after seeing Bae Shengye and the Korean ID card and household registration book, should

He should have heard of Pei Shengye, so he looked at Han Qianyu with envy and said with a smile: "Miss Han really has

Blessing. "

Han Qianyu smiled embarrassedly. Indeed, in the eyes of outsiders, as Pei Shengye, he and him

Marriage is indeed a big advantage, after all, his family is rich.

Pei Shengye stretched out his arms around Han Qianyu’s waist, looked at her, and responded softly: "If you can marry her,

My blessing. "

The staff member is more envious of Han Qianyu's such good luck.

After the two people left the Civil Affairs Bureau, Han Qianyu held two red marriage certificates in his hands.

Kind of unreal feeling.

Did she marry herself like this? Obviously she was still single before taking up this task, but she did not expect that,

After receiving this task, she not only married someone, but also had children.

Pei Shengye looked at Han Qianyu who was walking all the way and holding the marriage certificate and didn't know what he was looking at, but the corners of his lips were slightly

Gou replied, "What's wrong? Any questions?"

Han Qianyu shook his head: "No, it just feels unreal."

Pei Shengye stretched out her hand and flicked her forehead, then smiled and said, "Now what? Is it real?"

Han Qianyu clutched his head, feeling the real pain just now, then raised his eyes to look at Pei Shengye next to him, stunned.

Stunnedly asked: "Where shall we go next?"

Pei Shengye's eyes were full of small smiles. Today's Han Qianyu really looks very different from usual.

He stretched his arm around her and led her to the car parked on the side of the road: "Mrs. Pei, we should pick up ours now

Son now. "

Soon, they took Yueyue out and entered the restaurant, because today is the day when Bae Shengye and Han Qianyu get the certificate.

So, Pei Shengye specially booked a restaurant in advance.

As soon as I entered, the manager immediately gave a warm welcome: "President Pei, please here."

After being taken into the prepared box, Han Qianyu was amazed looking at the extremely beautiful Bund scenery by the floor-to-ceiling windows.

Sound, the decoration inside is very expensive at first glance.

And Yueyue, who originally held Han Qianyu, pulled her hand and asked: "Xiaoyu, today you and dad don’t seem to

Too the same. "

Although the two people usually seem to be very close, but today’s Korean Qianyu will be from time to time

Blushing, even watching his father blush.

Han Qianyu suddenly thought of the two marriage certificates in the bag, so his face blushed slightly, and he explained in a low voice, "How come."

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