Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1881: .Male female?

Yueyue shook her head after carefully observing Han Qianyu and said, "Small language, lying is not an adult behavior."

Han Qianyu suddenly felt that the little guy is really smart, and he is so difficult to fool at such a young age.

Pei Shengye, who had ordered the meal over there, came over and asked with a smile, "What are you talking about?"

Yueyue was the first to jump out and say: "Dad, I just asked Xiaoyu, why do you feel like you are talking to Xiaoyu today?

The relationship between days is different. "

Pei Shengye didn't want to hide the little guy, but reached out and took Han Qianyu's hand, and the corner of his lips was very gentle.

Xiaoyu said with a smile: "Because from today, Xiaoyu is a member of our family."

Suddenly, Yue Yue seemed stunned: "A member of our family?"

When Han Qianyu saw the little guy's eyes widened, he thought he was upset, so he suddenly felt like an explanation, but

I heard Pei Shengye continue to say: "Yes, so in the future, you can't call her a whisper for all ages, do you understand?"

Yueyue turned her head and looked at Han Qianyu standing beside her, and when Han Qianyu came into contact with Yueyue’s gaze, she instinctively avoided


She was actually a little scared, and Yue Yue would not accept her.

But suddenly I heard Yue Yue call out: "Mom."

At that moment, Han Qianyu's whole body was stiff.

After the little guy called his mother, his eyes were red in an instant, and then he pretended to be strong and wiped his tears to continue

Said: "In the future, our family must stay together well, and I can also tell other friends that I also have

Mother's person. "

Han Qianyu’s heart became sore in an instant, her eyes suddenly swelled and she loosened Pei Shengye’s hold.

Holding her hand, then walked to Yue Yue, squatted down, took his small body into her arms, and whispered: "Yue Yue

Yue, I'm sorry, but my mother is not good. "

If it hadn’t been the year when the mother sent the child out, maybe after so many years, Yueyue wouldn’t be said to be right behind her back.

Mom's child.

Yueyue, like a little man, comforted Han Qianyu and said, "Mom, don't cry, I will protect mom from now on.

Mom, I will never let anyone bully my mother, even if my father bullies you, I will protect you! "

Pei Shengye, who was on the side, looked at the mother and son holding each other at first, and was very moved. After all, two people can

He was very pleased to be a family without any complaints.

But Yueyue, this little guy, turned quickly.

After talking in the box for a while, the ordered dishes came.

During the period, Yueyue has always looked happy, and the little guy has never been so happy.

Han Qianyu also took good care of Yueyue because Yueyue changed her mouth today, and helped her throughout the whole process.

Yueyue peeled the shells of the seafood, and asked gently what he wanted to eat from time to time, but she didn't eat anything.

Pei Shengye put the peeled crab meat into the plate in front of Han Qianyu, and then said: "Don't just look at

He, you can eat a little by yourself. "

Han Qianyu didn't think there was anything: "I have always eaten, the children are important."

Pei Shengye did not agree very much: "You will spoil him like this. What he wants to eat must be let him do it himself.

Pei's family, but there has never been a child with clothes to stretch out his hand and open his mouth. "

Han Qianyu just wanted to refute, and it happened that the mobile phone placed aside vibrated.

After Han Qianyu took a look, he wiped his hands with a wet towel, then picked up the phone, stood up, and walked to the door

Outside, I slid down the answer button: "Hello."

On the other end of the phone, a strange voice came: "Qianyu, it's me, Zhou Tao."

When Han Qianyu heard this, her brows were slightly frowned, and her mind turned quickly. Only then did she remember that this was her police officer in college.

School classmates.

"It's you, what's the matter?"

"In fact, this matter is also very embarrassing. Everyone hasn't seen each other for so long, and they still need your help." Zhou Tao was on the phone.

The tone on the other end was quite polite.

Hearing that, Han Qianyu is quite good at talking: "You can tell me first, what can I do to help."

"Thank you so much, it's like this..."

When Han Qianyu came out from the door, all the big and small eyes in the house fell on her, she was a little embarrassed

He scratched his hair and said, "Excuse me, I might have to go out."

Pei Shengye bluntly refused: "No!"

Yueyue also looked at Han Qianyu over there and said, "Today is the day when mom and dad get the certificate. It's rare for a family to eat together.

Do you have to leave first for the meal? "

Han Qianyu walked to the hanger, picked up his coat, and continued to explain: "It's really urgent. I can't help but

Okay, go and deal with it first, you continue to eat, don't worry about me, I will come back soon. "

After speaking, she raised her hand and glanced at the watch. It should be too late, so she put on her coat in a hurry, and then

Said to Pei Shengye: "I will call you then."

Immediately after that, regardless of whether Pei Shengye even got up from the chair, he stared at her coldly, just like that.


After Han Qianyu left, Yueyue saw Pei Shengye’s face looking very bad, and said softly: "Dad, we want

Go find mom?"

It took a long time for Pei Shengye to say, "No, she will be back by herself."

In the middle of the night, Han Qianyu dragged her exhausted body and returned to the Wensen Villa. She watched the entire villa

I fell into darkness and thought everyone was asleep, so I planned to go upstairs in the dark.

But she just walked to the top of the stairs with her waist down, suddenly the whole living room was brightly lit, and then she heard

Come Pei Shengye's unexplained voice: "Where are you going?"

Han Qianyu turned around and saw Pei Shengye sitting on the sofa staring at him with bad eyes, as if he had waited until Xu

The long-time cheetah feels like waiting for its prey to enter its territory.

She swallowed immediately, and then replied with a grudging smile: "Then what, I just want to go upstairs."

Pei Shengye, who was sitting on the sofa, patted the place next to him, his tone was light: "Come and sit."

Han Qianyu immediately felt that something was obviously wrong with Bae Shengye today. She knew that he must be unhappy, so,

She walked over slowly, planning to go over it later and admit her mistake, and Pei Shengye should forgive her.

It is.

After walking over and sitting down, Han Qianyu didn’t wait for Pei Shengye’s troubles, and quickly explained: “It’s a college classmate.

Suddenly contacted me and said that there was a case that could not be dealt with, and then asked me to come over and help, you know, I am famous

Everyone thinks I am very good, so they invite me to go. "

She was actually very guilty of boasting, but she couldn't help it. In order to convince Pei Shengye, she had to be a prince.

Pei Shengye only asked: "Men's and women's?"

Now, it was the turn of the Korean language to get stuck.

She remained silent until Pei Shengye's eyes were swept over, and she responded with an octave lower voice instantly: "Men."

"But I promise! It's really just an old classmate from college. He graduated from the police school like me.

Then he was assigned to the police station. He happened to have a tricky case in his hand. I did something similar before, so he

Will invite me over, nothing else. "

Han Qianyu explained anxiously, afraid that Pei Shengye would not believe the same.

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