Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1886: .Overturn the vinegar jar

She also knows that Pei Shengye was left out of the cold due to work issues recently. Just married and just like this, there is indeed something wrong with it.


After this case is over, just apply for a vacation with the bureau and stay with Pei Shengye and Yueyue for a while.

Thinking of this, Han Qianyu's mood became clearer. She took a deep breath and rubbed her tired arm, then

Walk towards the villa.

Han Qianyu went up the stairs lightly and pushed open the door at the entrance. When she didn’t see Pei Shengye’s body in the house

Yingshi sighed slightly, thinking that it was so late that he should be asleep.

However, when she opened the door of the room, she found that the room was full of lights, bright as day, and Pei Shengye was tall

The figure was standing by the window, the scarlet on the fingertips was extinguished.

She frowned slightly. In her impression, Pei Shengye basically did not smoke.

What's more terrible is that the direction Pei Shengye looked at seemed to be... the gate where Zhou Tao sent him back just now?

In other words, did this man see the way she chatted with Zhao Tao just now?

Han Qianyu couldn't help but "chuckle", put down the bag, then walked in his direction and asked: "Why?

Still up late, standing by the window smoking? "

Pei Shengye raised his hand to extinguish the cigarette in the ashtray, then turned around, watching Han Qianyu walking in front of him, his face

It is the meaning of tiredness that cannot be concealed. Therefore, his thin lips are slightly lifted, and his tone is low. He can't hear the happy and angry question: "For

Why is it so late today? "

Han Qianyu was so tired that he pulled a chair and sat there, feeling that his whole body was released instantly, his eyes half

Mi’s response: "It’s not because you asked me for a day off yesterday, the two-day mission was moved to one day, and the case

I finally made some progress. Everyone is working overtime. Do you think I can leave alone at this time? "

Pei Shengye looked at Han Qianyu’s extremely tired appearance, and raised the volume and said, “Since I’m so tired, this

It doesn't matter if you don't do work, besides, don't you have a task hanging on your body now? Why do you want to take over

Service? "

Han Qianyu was tired and wanted to fall asleep immediately, and explained weakly: "Although there is a person hanging on my body

But I help my classmates, it is only my personal decision, and has nothing to do with the tasks assigned by the bureau. "

"So you would rather tire yourself out every day for an insignificant college classmate? And let him deepen

Send you home at night? I think you are very energetic. "Pei Shengye's face already has a faint mockery.

Han Qianyu was a little awake, "Pei Shengye, what do you mean by this?"

"Why? Speaking of your sore spot, didn't you just talk and laugh with Zhou Tao? Why did you get tired when you came to me?

Can't open your eyes? "

Han Qianyu heard that Pei Shengye’s tone was a little bit overwhelming, she really couldn’t have the strength to quarrel with him, so she

Trying to explain: "He sent me home because it was too late, I couldn't get a taxi, and I told you before,

I owe him a favor, and he asks me for help. I can't help but agree! "

However, Pei Shengye sneered, and those Momo eyes were full of sarcasm in response: "It's just because it's big

Learn from classmates, so you just work so hard? Or it’s because you’ve been with him before, even... you slept with him,

Until now, thinking about the old feelings, I will try my best again and again..."

Han Qianyu's pupils dilated instantly.

Pei Shengye’s words are getting colder and colder: “I’m still thinking about who would have **** with Officer Han’s staunch personality.

This is my Zhou Tao..."

The rest of the words came to an abrupt end with a crisp sound of "pop!"

Han Qianyu didn't know when, got up from the chair, raised his hand, and threw away Pei Shengye who was still talking.

Slap, directly put the rest of his words to a full stop.

Her shoulders trembled violently, and her pupils were filled with shocking bloodshot eyes.

It was like a beast that had been touched by the scales, furious and full of unwilling humiliation.

"Do you think that's the way you think, right? You've always thought that way, right? That's why you treat me again and again

And the explanation of the three is ignored, because you think in your heart, I have slept with other men before?

Just because it's not the first time when I am with you, so do you think I am the kind of casual woman? "

"If that's the case, why should you marry me? President Pei is a man of the dragon among the people, the great cause of the Pei family

Great, only you hook your fingers, not a bunch of clean and good girls waiting in line to marry you, why bother to go to my house

Proposing marriage, pretending to be affectionate! "

Every word of her words, like a knife, poked at Pei Shengye's heart.

Han Qianyu glared at him, his pupils shrunk, and the hands hanging on both sides of his body clenched into fists because of the force, with sharp fingers.

A pierced her palm, but she didn’t feel any pain. She only felt the pain in the heart.

She can't breathe.

Looking at Pei Shengye, whose eyes were drooping in front of him, his lips were silent, Han Qianyu continued to say in a cold voice: "You continue to speak, say me

How do you hang out with my college classmates all day long, hook up with me, and tell you how I was outside to you

Cuckold on Holy Eve, you say! "

"Enough! Stop talking!" Pei Shengye suddenly roared, kicking over the chair where Han Qianyu had just been sitting on.

Han Qianyu looked at the chair he was kicking, his eyes suddenly became sore, his eyes were warm, and he said, "Pei

Holy Eve, I hate you! "

After speaking, she turned and ran out, closing the door.

Behind him, Pei Shengye stared at the back of Han Qianyu's departure, his face gloomy and terrible.

A servant heard the movement, and when he came upstairs to see that the chairs in the house fell apart and wanted to come in and pack up, he heard Pei Shengye’s tone cold.

Said: "Get out!"

The servant hurriedly left, fearing that he would be a cannon fodder.

Pei Shengye took a deep breath, suppressed the surging emotions in his heart, turned around, and saw Han Qianyu running from the yard

After going out, the slender figure appeared especially thin in the dark night, and he suddenly felt regretful.

Why should I irritate her so much, it’s just that I feel sorry for her, come back so late every day, and her eyes are getting worse

For her dark circles, why can't you communicate with her well, have to stimulate her?

He didn't mean to say those things, he never disliked Han Qianyu... It's just that he was jealous, seeing Han Qianyu

All the smiles and time were given to that man, even between them...

His heart seemed to be overturned and sour.

All the regrets finally reached the top at this moment, Pei Shengye reached for the car key and quickly walked out of the room

At the door, the dark figure quickly dissolved into the night.

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