Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1887: .Transfer

When Yan Hui was dozing off in the guard box at the door, he suddenly heard the sound of the door opening. He raised his eyes and saw Han

Qianyu unexpectedly appeared before his eyes in a awkward manner.

Yan Hui glared at her, thinking that he saw a ghost in the middle of the night: "Senior Sister, why are you here so late?"

Tonight it was his turn to be on the night shift. He thought there was nothing to do, so he slept a little here and took a nap.

But unexpectedly, Han Qianyu would come over.

Han Qianyu lay on the soft recliner, stretched out his hand to pull two pieces of paper, and pushed his nose out, so it was dirty.

Throwing the paper into the trash can, and then said to Yan Hui: "It's nothing, I just miss you, so come and see you."

It is impossible for Yan Hui to believe this nonsense, so he wrapped his winter clothes tightly.

Then he said: "Sister, don’t lie to me. Who doesn’t know that you are as busy as the top every day. See you all day long.

The beginning and the end, even our Zhao team praises you in front of us every day, saying that you are young, promising, and motivated.

Let us learn more from you. "

However, when he looked at Han Qianyu's red eyes, he asked in surprise, "Senior Sister, have you cried?"

Han Qianyu is already exhausted and exhausted now. If it were normal, she would have slapped herself in the palm. So, she half

Lifted his eyes, stared at Yan Hui and said, "Which eye did you see me crying? Is that cold? Okay, take care of you

I’ll sleep for a while. "

"Sister, no, I haven't said anything yet..." When Yan Hui wanted to say more, he found Han Qianyu sitting on the recliner.

She has closed her eyes, her breathing is gradually long and even, she seems to be extremely tired, there is a faint blue shadow under her eyes, and her brows

Wrinkled tightly, something seems to be bothering her.

Yan Hui scratched his head and muttered: "Why don't you go home to sleep so tired, you have to sleep here."

But Han Qianyu has fallen asleep, she is really tired.

Early the next morning, Han Qianyu woke up before going to work.

When she opened her eyes, the sky was already bright, Yan Hui was sitting there, supporting her chin with her hands, where it was obvious

Dozing off.

Han Qianyu raised his hand and glanced at his watch, then walked to Yan Hui, raised his hand and knocked him: "Wake up, it's dawn."

Yan Hui immediately woke up from his dream and hurriedly sat down and said, "Sister Jin, I didn't doze off."

But after waiting for a long time, he didn't seem to give his head a bit. He looked up strangely, but he saw the face.

When the former Han Qianyu looked at him with a smile, he suddenly breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Senior Sister, it's you.

Scared me. "

He just remembered the incident that Han Qianyu came over last night, but then he asked: "Yes, yesterday

What are you doing tonight? Why did you come here in the middle of the night? You and Bae Shengye are married, shouldn't you live in

Pei Shengye's house? "

If you run out in the middle of the night, nothing will happen, right?

Han Qianyu explained lightly: "It was too late yesterday and I didn't want to disturb them, so I just came over to you.

Just one night. "

When Yan Hui wanted to ask anything else, Han Qianyu had already walked out of the guard box.

When Zhou Tao and Han Qianyu were investigating clues in an abandoned factory on the outskirts of the city during the day, they found Han next to him.

Qian Yu seemed to be in a wrong state, yawning all the time, and seemed to be in a wrong state.

Just like now, he watched as he was obviously walking behind and asked Han Qianyu who was distracted: "Qianyu, are you too tired?"

But Han Qianyu didn't seem to hear him, and he kept wandering.

At this moment, no one thought that two gangsters holding daggers would suddenly come up in the dark, those two gangsters

It should have been ambushing here long ago, and rushed up one by one.

Han Qianyu was initially distracted, but suddenly he felt a person rushing up from behind, and instinctively blocked it with his hands.

He was caught off guard by the opponent's knife.

The pain in her hand was so obvious that she frowned.

When Zhou Tao on the side saw this, he immediately asked worriedly, "Qianyu, are you okay?"

Han Qianyu shook his head: "I'm fine, these people should be related to the case we are investigating this time, none of them

Can let go. "

After speaking, she rushed up.

After a fight, the other party seemed to be pretty good at reaching out. Although Han Qianyu wanted to keep people behind, the other party

She had a knife in her hand, and she was injured again, so in the end, the two of them were allowed to run away.

As soon as the other party left, Zhou Tao walked over and asked with concern: "How about your hand?"

Han Qianyu glanced at the wound on his hand. It’s okay, it’s not deep. It should be fine after a few days of raising: "It’s okay, it’s a small injury

That's it, just go back and bandage. "

Zhou Tao persuaded, "Or go to the hospital?"

Han Qianyu shook his head and said, "It's really unnecessary. We all graduated from the police academy. Have you forgotten the previous training?

This small injury makes a fuss about going to the hospital. Do you think the instructor's punishment is not deep enough? "

Like when they were in the training camp before, wounds worse than this abound, and she was not so squeamish.

Zhou Tao took a look, but in the end he said nothing.

Because of Han Qianyu’s hand injury and new clues today, Zhou Tao took the lead in returning to the game, and Han

Qian Yu also rushed back to her branch to deal with the wound.

As soon as she went back, she saw Yan Hui who had already come to work, winking and gesturing at her. She was surprised.

Weirdly asked: "Yan Hui, what's the matter with you? Is something uncomfortable?"

Yan Hui said a few words to her silently, and pointed behind her.

Han Qianyu turned around strangely, and then saw Team Zhao standing behind her looking at her.

Han Qianyu thought that who was standing behind him, made Yan Hui so frightened that he didn't even dare to speak to him.

This is Team Zhao.

She put her injured hand on the back, and then said to Team Zhao: "Team Zhao, if something happens, I will come back first."

Team Zhao looked at her and nodded, and then said: "You come in, I have something to say to you."

Han Qianyu heard the words and followed Team Zhao into the office. After entering, Team Zhao asked her: "That Zhou Tao

How is the case going? "

Han Qianyu explained: "It's okay. Today we were attacked by two people. It should be related to this case.

The people involved, but they are very good at making them run away... Damn it, but I don’t think it will take long.

It should come to the end. "

If it weren’t for today, the appearance of these two murderers might continue to be investigated, but it is precisely because of

Because of the appearance of these two people, the case has made new progress and a turning point has occurred.

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