Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1889: .If you don't believe me, ask your son

Han Qianyu quietly waited for the sentence to be pronounced and generally continued: "In fact, when I first knew it, I planned to tell

You, but later, you said you liked me and wanted to be with me. After the relationship between the two of us changed,

But I was worried again, whether behind, you would suspect that I had ulterior motives from the beginning and deliberately approached you. "

She has even waited, Pei Shengye’s doubts and anger, but she waited quietly for a long time, but always

Did not wait for Pei Shengye's questioning and doubts.

But just fell into a warm embrace, which belongs to this man alone: ​​"How stupid you are, why

Obviously knowing all this, but it is just a silent suffer? "

Han Qianyu leaned against Pei Shengye's arms, his voice was dull, and hugged him back: "Because I'm afraid you will misunderstand me, afraid you

Knowing that I will be very angry after I am Yueyue's real mother. "

That was something she never dared to think about, and today, if it weren’t for Pei Shengye’s first time with her

Noisy, she wants to dispel his doubts, maybe she will not tell the truth.

"Fool, how can I be angry? It's too late to be happy." He kissed her forehead lightly.

Han Qianyu felt Pei Shengye's close kiss fall, and raised his head to respond.

Early in the morning of the next day, when Han Qianyu had planned to continue to the bureau to continue to investigate clues to Zhou Tao, Zhou Tao’s telegram

But the words came over suddenly, telling her with great joy that the murderer had been caught.

It turned out that the two murderers had been caught yesterday. Zhou Tao asked Han Qianyu about the injuries on his hand.

When Han Qianyu was about to say, the phone was taken away by the man lying beside him, and then the man directly addressed the phone.

Impatiently said: "She is not available."

After speaking, he turned off the phone, then threw it aside, stretched out his hand to pull Han Qianyu down and lay in his arms.

He said in a low voice, "Sleep with me. Today is the weekend."

Han Qianyu originally wanted to refuse, but seeing that Pei Shengye had closed her eyes, she thought about Zhou Tao’s case.

The case has been closed, and there will be no problem if I don't go to the bureau today.

So, she closed her eyes again.

When she opened her eyes again, she found that Yue Yue did not know when she was lying next to the bed. The little guy watched her wake up and smiled.

Squintingly said: "Mom, you finally wake up!"

Han Qianyu rubbed his eyes and sat up, reaching out to stroke the little guy's head and asked, "How long have you been here?"

Yueyue said: "It should be almost an hour. I have been waiting for my mother to wake up."

Han Qianyu was a little surprised: "Why don't you wake me up?"

"Because my father said, my mother was very tired during this time. Last night I was even more tired, and I was injured. I need a good rest.

Rest, let me not disturb you. "Yueyue is really naive, and I didn't even hear it. What did Li hide in the words of Pei Shengye?

What meaning.

She blushed, and then said to Yueyue: "You go down and wait for mom, I will come down soon, OK?"

The little guy nodded obediently: "Okay, then I will wait for my mother first."

After speaking, he immediately ran to the door of the room. Before leaving, he said to Han Qianyu: "Goodbye, mom."

When Han Qianyu came out of the room, he saw Pei Shengye sitting on the sofa and Yueyue sitting beside him at a glance.

"Did you not go to the company today?" Han Qianyu thought it was almost noon, and Pei Shengye should have gone to the company.

"No, I have more important things to do." Pei Shengye put down the financial newspaper in his hand, looked at her and said with a smile.

Han Qianyu didn't understand, so he looked at her with a little doubt: "What's the matter?"

But Pei Shengye sold it off and said, "You will know when you go."

After eating, Pei Shengye drove out with Yueyue and Han Qianyu.

Han Qianyu still found it strange. Both father and son were smiling along the way, making her feel unexplainable.

There is a strange feeling of being sold by them and counting the money.

"Yueyue, aren't you going to tell your mother?" Han Qianyu tried to make the final seduction.

But in the end, Yueyue smiled and said, "Mom will know soon!"

Lure failed!

Soon, the car stopped, and Han Qianyu looked at the shop outside, which looked very impressive, but was very curious.

Strange, from the outside, but you can't tell, this is a shop that sells anything.

After she followed Pei Shengye and Yueyue all the way in, she discovered that this turned out to be a private custom-made bridal shop.

As soon as she entered, she felt like being in the kingdom of dreams.

Inside is a large sea of ​​flowers, all kinds of flowers that are rarely seen on the market can be seen here, and

In each flower booth, a corresponding wedding dress was displayed.

Each one is very beautiful and attracts attention.

The shopping guide lady followed behind and introduced her to the meaning behind each wedding dress, as well as the words of these flowers and


In the end, under the selection of Pei Shengye and Yueyue, they chose a total of five wedding dresses for Han Qianyu to try on.

Han Qianyu saw that he couldn't get rid of it, and then he understood why Yueyue looked at herself happily early in the morning.

And Pei Shengye didn't tell himself, but where to take him.

It turned out to be because of this.

Since he couldn't refuse, Han Qianyu didn't refuse any more, but with the help of shopping guide, put on the first wedding dress.

When Han Qianyu puts on her wedding dress, standing in the changing room, she always feels that something is unnatural. The shopping guide who changes her clothes is down.

He praised without hesitation: "Miss Han, you are really beautiful in your wedding dress!"

Han Qianyu plucked up great courage and walked out of the changing room. When she came to the waiting area, she looked

The moment Pei Shengye stood up on the sofa instantly, he immediately smiled in a jealousy: "It seems a little weird."

She feels like she doesn't feel good anywhere.

After all, I used to be in a capable police uniform in the police station. Even plain clothes are suitable for easy work.

Sports clothes, some good sisters of Han Qianyu before have laughed at Han Qianyu is not feminine at all, minus it

Hair can be considered half a man.

Nowadays in a wedding dress, Han Qianyu really feels weird everywhere, very uncomfortable.

However, Pei Shengye stared at Han Qianyu for a long time, and the deep pupils that were usually invisible to people were glowing.

The light in the eyes, suddenly, the corner of the lips outlines a slight smile, and he does not hesitate to compliment himself: "Very beautiful and beautiful."

Han Qianyu thinks that someone with such a poisonous tongue as Pei Shengye can't say anything good, even if it is praise, it must be

Yan himself, I still don't know how to dislike it.

Therefore, he turned around without hesitation and walked towards the dressing room: "I'd better go inside and change it, really too

Strange. "

But before taking two steps, he was caught by Pei Shengye, pulled into his arms and embraced her, speaking softly and strongly: "I

Having said that, it's beautiful. I never lie. "

He has always disdain to lie, of course, for his identity, there is nothing that requires him to lie.

"If you don't believe it, you can ask your son and see what he says."

After speaking, he turned his head, looked at Yue Yue who was sitting on the sofa, and recruited him: "Pei Chenyue, come here."

Yueyue obediently walked to the two of them, and then Pei Shengye asked: "Is mom beautiful in this wedding dress?"

Unexpectedly, the little guy shook his head.

Suddenly, Pei Shengye frowned slightly and was about to speak, but the little guy pointed to another set of light green words

Shoulder wedding dress said: "I like the one my mother wears. Although this one is already pretty, but wearing that one,

Like a fairy! "

After a long time, it turns out that the aesthetic concepts of the two fathers and sons are different.

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