Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1890: .It should be me

Therefore, Yueyue took Han Qianyu's hand and said: "Mom, look at that suit, it will look great!"

Han Qianyu originally planned not to try it, but seeing the little guy said so seriously and looks expectant, Han

Qian Yu turned his head and whispered to the clerk: "Excuse me, can I try that set of wedding dresses again?"

The shopping guide immediately responded politely: "Of course."

And here, after the shopping guide left with Han Qianyu, Pei Shengye looked at the little guy sitting next to him and said: "You are everywhere

They all look like me, so why are their aesthetic concepts so low-interest? Where does that wedding dress look good? "

Especially the one-shoulder design will definitely reveal a lot. Only he can appreciate the beauty of his wife!

The little guy disagrees and said: "Obviously, I chose the one that looks better, and my mother likes it better. Dad, your aesthetics

There was a problem with reading. "

Pei Shengye really didn’t expect that since Han Qianyu came to Yueyue, even if she was a little bit courageous, it might be possible.

It has something to do with the reason why Han Qianyu would reprimand him if he speaks loudly to Yueyue.

He is planning to educate this child well, and let him know what is the rule, the Korean language is already there.

Walked over from the fitting room this time.

At that moment, Pei Shengye's eyes were almost completely attracted when he saw Han Qianyu.

The shopping guide on the side even kept complimenting: "This wedding dress is really suitable for you. Your body belongs to

The more slender type, the one-shoulder design, spit out the two points of your collarbone, and its small waist design,

It also perfectly embodies your slim waist. "

Han Qianyu looked at himself in the mirror. Indeed, this wedding dress is more suitable for him than the last one.

When Yueyue saw Han Qianyu walking out in this wedding dress, she immediately walked up to her and said, "Mom, wear

You in this wedding dress really look like a fairy. Don’t listen to your dad. He is old and has a very earthy vision. I hate it.

You have to wrap it into a ball! "

After he finished speaking, he turned his head specially and asked with a clear smile on his face, Pei Shengye, who had been looking at Han Qianyu: "Yes

Right, dad? "

Pei Shengye: "Where am I getting old?"

"You are almost thirty. You are the oldest in our family. And, Dad, you also think mom wears this one, right?

Correct? Your eyes light up just now. "

Han Qianyu instantly looked gossiping, "Really? Really shine?"

Pei Shengye’s ear tips are reddish, with his hands in his trouser pockets, as if he was stabbed in the painful spot, and he turned it unnaturally.

I lost my head and looked away lightly: "Long-winded."

When Han Qianyu saw him here, he thought of and laughed helplessly, turned his head and said to the clerk, "Or just this one, help me install it.

come on. "

Pei Shengye turned his head back, opened the honorable Jinkou, and made a negative answer: "No, it's just

That one is better. "

This wedding dress is really as he imagined. There are too many exposed places. Her back basically belongs to that.

This kind of hollow state, beauty is beauty, but he doesn't like it.

But Yueyue whispered to Han Qianyu: "Mom, Dad is afraid that you will steal his limelight. Obviously you wear this

Pieces, more like fairies. "

Even the shopping guide persuaded: "Yes, indeed this wedding dress is more suitable for this lady."

Pei Shengye directly interrupted the discussion of this group of people.

"I want both."

Han Qianyu is wondering.

Pei Shengye suddenly hugged Han Qianyu's waist, took her to the big dressing mirror in the store, and gently moved her head

On her bare shoulders.

The picture reflected in the mirror caused Han Qianyu to freeze his breath instantly.

She is wearing a holy wedding dress, and Pei Shengye also happens to be a set of straight suits, with a strong contrast between black and white, only

It feels solemn and sacred.

Seeing her in a daze, Pei Shengye smiled softly in her ear.

"You look beautiful in this one, but I don’t want you like this to be coveted by other men at the wedding.

Covet... I bought this wedding dress, and I will only allow you to wear it to me in the future. "

Han Qianyu's face blushed quickly, embarrassed and helpless, "Are you too bad for money..." The marriage of this shop

Each piece of yarn is unique and luxurious, and it is already very expensive.

Pei Shengye has to buy two more to go back...

Pei Shengye's slender fingers gently stroked Han Qianyu's beautiful and **** back, and smiled lowly: "My

There is no shortage of money. "

Han Qianyu was completely speechless. Forget it, she is not paying the bill anyway, just let him make a fuss.


When returning to Wensen’s villa, Han Qianyu just got home, and the phone on her body vibrated. She glanced at the caller ID.

Show, it is Yan Hui.

As soon as I swiped the answer button, I heard Yan Hui on the other end of the phone eagerly asking: "Sister, I’m on Chunhui Road today.

At a bridal shop, I saw a beauty who looked super like you trying on a wedding dress. I was on a mission at the time, so,

Didn't go down to confirm it, just explain it honestly, is it you? "

Han Qianyu chuckled when he heard the words, but did not deny: "It should be me."

At this time, Pei Shengye walked in from the door, Han Qianyu took the phone and stood up and walked to the balcony.

Yan Hui on the other end of the phone suddenly wailed: "This is too fast! The wedding is about to be held so soon, Sister, pick up

You just married yourself in the case, why didn't I encounter such a good thing? "

Han Qianyu chuckled slightly, and then said: "Okay, just your mouth. It's time to find a wife.

That’s it. "

"Don't! I live in dire straits every day. Don't talk about finding a daughter-in-law, I can live

Very good. "

"Jin Nasha's attitude towards you is still the same?" This makes Han Qianyu feel strange. According to Jin

Miss Nasha’s temper, Yan Hui is a person who knows how to judge the situation, why can’t she flatter this lady?

"It's better than before."

As soon as the voice fell, Yan Hui said in a hurry: "Oops, she called, and the senior sister won't tell you more.

Yes, I will answer the phone first, and there! Remember to notify me when getting married! "

Han Qianyu smiled helplessly: "Don't worry, I will definitely hand you the invitation."

As soon as the phone was hung up, she was taken into a warm embrace.

"I'm so tired and I'm still talking and laughing with your little brother, it seems that I'm not tired enough."

Han Qianyu was just about to explain. He was gagged by Pei Shengye.

When she was in love, Pei Shengye gasped slightly in her ear and said, "Actually, you wear the second set of wedding dresses. You are indeed like a fairy.

In this way, the beautiful wants people to pull you down from the light, ravage you, and love you. "

Early the next morning, Han Qianyu was rummaging around in the house. The servant who pushed the door saw that she seemed to be looking for something.

So he asked: "Madam, what are you looking for?"

As Han Qianyu opened the drawer and looked at it, he said, "Ring, my ring is missing, strange, I clearly remember

Yes, I seemed to wear it on my hand yesterday, why is it missing? "

The servant thought for a while and said, "Will you fall into the young master’s room? You will often go to the young master’s room.

In time, maybe it was when playing with him, maybe he just took it off. "

Han Qianyu thought about it for a while, and there was such a possibility, so she walked out of the room and then moved towards Yueyue’s room

Walked between.

After entering, she rummaged around, but after searching for a long time, she didn’t see the sign of the ring. She took a look around the room.

The furnishings in the room finally fell on the desk.

The place where she usually sits with Yueyue the most is this desk. Yueyue likes to read books, so she often

Accompany reading.

As she walked over, she squatted down, and then began to look for the corner, hoping that the ring might fall through the gap.

However, she did not find the ring, but found a slightly smaller bottle.

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