Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1894: . Care about your son

Han Qianyu is helpless, he is still a kid, even if he knows he should be beaten when he made a mistake, he was really beaten by his father.

After a meal, how can you not feel wronged?

Han Qianyu helped him deal with the wound, and then comforted him for a while, until the little guy cried enough and fell asleep tiredly

Only then got up and tiptoed away.

Back to the bedroom, Pei Shengye was on the phone with someone, which seemed to be a matter of work.

Han Qianyu took the book, sat on the bed, and looked at it absently.

After a while, Pei Shengye returned after calling.

"Sorry, a customer, may be traveling for a few days next week."

Han Qianyu lightly raised his head and glanced at him, and soon dropped his head again, turning over the book in his hand.

"What's wrong? Angry?"

Pei Shengye walked over, reaching out to hold Han Qianyu's wrist.

Han Qianyu frowned, ducked back, and gently avoided him.

Pei Shengye's hand paused in the air, and it took a long time to slowly retract it.

"What's wrong with you? Can I not take my work home and deal with it in the future?"

Han Qianyu still doesn't speak, a book is almost finished.

Pei Shengye was helpless: "How is Yue'er?"

Han Qianyu paused, closed the book abruptly, raised his head, and asked angrily: "President Pei is a busy man, finally

After finishing work, take time out to care about your son? "

Pei Shengye frowned.

Han Qianyu smashed the book in his hand on Pei Shengye's body, and said angrily, "Are you crazy? Pei Shengye, Yue

Yue made a mistake, but why do you put such a heavy hand? The child is arrogant and expensive. how do you

Promised me? ? What you mean by being measured is to beat Yueyue like that? "

Pei Shengye: "I have collected my strength."

"You!" Han Qianyu didn't want to quarrel with him, but turned his head in anger, clasped his chest, and didn't look at him.

"Well, what is he afraid of a boy spanking, don't feel bad about him, you will get used to him."

It's okay for Pei Shengye not to comfort him. Han Qianyu is even more angry with this saying: "I don't feel bad for anyone who feels bad? Could it be that you feel bad?

I think you are more concerned about your work, you see, you can think about going on a business trip next week, and you don’t even think about asking about your injuries.

How is it? "


"Okay, I'm going to bed, tomorrow I will go to change the dressing for Yueyue, I will take time off to take care of Yueyue at home these days,

It’s good for Mr. Pei to work at ease. "

After Han Qianyu finished speaking, he pulled the quilt and covered himself tightly.

Seeing her like this, Pei Shengye finally got into the car lightly, holding Han Qianyu in his arms.

There was no word for a night, and Pei Shengye was already gone the next morning. Han Qianyu looked at the empty seat beside him.

Reluctantly shook his head.

Asked for leave from the police station. Han Qianyu washes well, and hurry up to see Yueyue.

Yueyue hadn't gotten up yet, after a night of rest, there was a little blood on her face.

Han Qianyu only breathed a sigh of relief.

I was planning to change the dressing for him while he was sleeping, but I didn’t expect that after taking off the little guy’s pants, I realized that the wound was

Of course, the medicine has been changed.


The little guy seemed to be awakened.

"Yueyue, has anyone changed your medicine for you?"

"I don't know... Mom, what time is it?"

"Well, it's seven in the morning."

"Ah, I'm going to get up." Yueyue said and was about to get up.

"Don't move! Don't get up so early today if you have injuries."

"No, the house rules were not copied yesterday... Dad will be angry when he comes back."

"I will explain to him."

"No, I want to finish copying."

"Then I will copy it for you, you rest?"

"No, Dad can see the handwriting, and I will punish it even harder then."

Thousands of Korean:...

Han Qianyu was completely helpless.

This little guy is really as stubborn as Pei Shengye.

Yueyue’s cheeks are extremely pale, and her red face is not bloodshot at the moment, and there is a layer on her forehead.

With dense sweat, half of his little head was buried in the pillow, lying on the bed, breathing together, obviously pained.

Han Qianyu was distressed, angry and regretful.

What exactly is Shengye Bae doing?

Beat the child like this, is this what he said to be measured? Knowing this would happen, she would not tell Pei Shengye.

Han Qianyu half-kneeled by the bed and gently wiped the sweat from Yueyue's forehead with a tissue: "Yueyue, what do you think?

How? Does it hurt? "

Yue Yue didn't speak.

"Mom gives you medicine, it may hurt a little, so bear with it."

Han Qianyu gently took off Yueyue’s little pants, even though her movements were extremely gentle and careful, but

Yueyue still couldn't help "sobbing" in pain.

Han Qianyu's heart twitches.

"Sorry, I shouldn't have told him."

Han Qianyu sighed softly.

Yueyue's little head moved, and her voice became dumb: "It's okay, Mom, it just hurts a little bit. It will be fine in a few days...

Don't be sad. "

"I just regret it."

After taking off his pants, Han Qianyu saw Yueyue’s white and tender buttocks, all the sticks.

Traces of whipping.

Vivid, shocking.

Han Qianyu couldn't help but his eyes were red.

"I made a mistake and should be punished, Yueyue understands that I won't blame you and Dad."

On the contrary, Yueyue comforted Han Qianyu.

"Xiaoyu, you are a policeman, don't cry, I am a man, this injury is nothing serious."

Han Qianyu rubbed his eyes, unscrewed the medicine bottle, and began to apply medicine to Yueyue: "You can't do this again, from the building.

It's dangerous to fall down the ladder. You are also great. How did you come up with this method! "

"Not anymore. Anyway, you are my mother."

"In short, you are not allowed to do this dangerous thing again!" Han Qianyu said harshly, "Otherwise I will be very angry with you."

"Mom, don't be angry, I really know I was wrong."

Han Qianyu looked at Yueyue's soft appearance, and her heart melted again, gently rubbing the medicine on Yueyue’s wound, Yueyue

Biting his teeth, the fine sweat immediately poured out again.

"It hurts, right?"

"It doesn't hurt that much..."

Pei Shengye is a tolerant person, and the children he teaches are also tolerant, Han Qianyu is very helpless.

"Yueyue, no matter what your father usually tells you, but with mom you will always be an ordinary

Child, do you understand? "

"You can cry, you can laugh, you can say that you don’t like to do something. Mom hopes you can be less excellent

Point, be a more real kid. "

Han Qianyu can't stand Pei Shengye the most and teaches Yueyue as an adult, "It's all like this, how can it not hurt?"

Yueyue's eye circles instantly turned red.

Han Qianyu touched his head: "Cry if you want to cry, I won't laugh at you."

Yueyue's tears rolled in her eyes twice, and finally rolled out.

With his head buried in his arms, he cried out with a twitch.

Han Qianyu is helpless, he is still a kid, even if he knows he should be beaten when he made a mistake, he was really beaten by his father.

After a meal, how can you not feel wronged?

Han Qianyu helped him deal with the wound, and then comforted him for a while, until the little guy cried enough and fell asleep tiredly

Only then got up and tiptoed away.

Back to the bedroom, Pei Shengye was on the phone with someone, which seemed to be a matter of work.

Han Qianyu took the book, sat on the bed, and looked at it absently.

After a while, Pei Shengye returned after calling.

"Sorry, a customer, may be traveling for a few days next week."

Han Qianyu lightly raised his head and glanced at him, and soon dropped his head again, turning over the book in his hand.

"What's wrong? Angry?"

Pei Shengye walked over, reaching out to hold Han Qianyu's wrist.

Han Qianyu frowned, ducked back, and gently avoided him.

Pei Shengye's hand paused in the air, and it took a long time to slowly retract it.

"What's wrong with you? Can I not take my work home and deal with it in the future?"

Han Qianyu still doesn't speak, a book is almost finished.

Pei Shengye was helpless: "How is Yue'er?"

Han Qianyu paused, closed the book abruptly, raised his head, and asked angrily: "President Pei is a busy man, finally

After finishing work, take time out to care about your son? "

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