Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1895: .Add a child

Pei Shengye frowned.

Han Qianyu smashed the book in his hand heavily on Pei Shengye's body, and said angrily: "Are you crazy? Pei Shengye, Yue

Yue made a mistake, but why do you have to make such a heavy hand? Children are arrogant and expensive, what should I do if they are broken? how do you

Promised me? ? What you mean by being measured is to beat Yueyue like that? "

Pei Shengye: "I have collected my strength."

"You!" Han Qianyu didn't want to quarrel with him, but turned his head in anger, clasped his chest, and didn't look at him.

"Well, what is he afraid of a boy spanking, don't feel bad about him, you will get used to him."

It's okay for Pei Shengye not to comfort him. Han Qianyu is even more angry when he says: "I don't feel bad for anyone who feels bad? Could it be that you feel bad?

I think you are more concerned about your work, you see, you can think about going on a business trip next week, and you didn’t even think about asking about your injuries.

How is it? "


"Okay, I'm going to bed, tomorrow I will go to change the dressing for Yueyue, I will take time off to take care of Yueyue at home these days,

It’s good for Mr. Pei to work at ease. "

After Han Qianyu finished speaking, he pulled the quilt and covered himself tightly.

Seeing her like this, Pei Shengye finally got into the car lightly, holding Han Qianyu in his arms.

There was no word for a night, and Pei Shengye had already disappeared the next morning. Han Qianyu looked at the empty seat beside him.

He shook his head helplessly.

Asked for leave from the police station. Han Qianyu washes well, and hurry up to see Yueyue.

Yueyue hadn't gotten up yet, and after a night of rest, there was a little blood on her face.

Han Qianyu only breathed a sigh of relief.

I was planning to change the dressing for him while he was sleeping, but I didn’t expect that I took off the little guy’s pants and discovered that the wound was

Of course, the medicine has been changed.


The little guy seemed to be awakened.

"Yueyue, has anyone changed your medicine for you?"

"I don't know... Mom, what time is it?"

"Well, it's seven in the morning."

"Ah, I'm going to get up." Yueyue said and was about to get up.

"Don't move! Don't get up so early today if you have injuries."

"No, the house rules were not copied yesterday... Dad will be angry when he comes back."

"I will explain to him."

"No, I want to finish copying."

"Then I'll copy it for you, you rest?"

"No, Dad can see the handwriting, and I will punish it even harder then."

Thousands of Korean:...

Han Qianyu was completely helpless.

This little guy is really as stubborn as Pei Shengye.


After coming out of Yueyue’s room, Han Qianyu wanted to go to the kitchen to cook some light breakfast for Yueyue, but suddenly

I heard a whisper from downstairs.

It turned out that it was a few servants who were gathering together and talking quietly.

"What? Really, did you see it with your own eyes?"

"No, Mr. Pei still took the feather duster from my hand and went directly to the young master’s room. I

I listened carefully, and the young master was beaten and cried. "

"Oh, how come there is such a thing...this...this is the first time Mr. Pei beat Young Master, right?"

"Yes, no matter how strict the young master was before, I haven't done anything before. How come this time..."

"And I haven't heard that Young Master made any mistakes."

"Hey, what mistakes can the young master make so obedient and sensible? If my son is half obedient to the young master, I will dream

Can wake up with a smile. "

"Why did the gentleman hit the young master suddenly? Isn't this too strange?"

"I heard it was like this." The voices of the servants became even lower, and the Han Qianyu ears on the corner of the stairs couldn't help it.

Then it stood up.

Fortunately, she is a policeman, and her ears are smarter than ordinary people, so she can hear those people's conversations clearly.

"It was the wife who said something about the young master in front of her husband, and the husband beat the young master."

"What? Is there such a thing?"

"Yes, otherwise, why do you want to beat the young master if Mr. is so good."

"My wife doesn't look like this kind of person, and my husband actually did this?"

"What do you know, stepmother, can there be any good people? And have you never heard that sentence? With a stepmother, naturally

There is a step-father, besides, the wife has no children now. When the wife has a child herself, the young master is afraid

It is more sad. Just wait and see. "


The voice downstairs gradually disappeared.

Han Qianyu stood still, angry and funny.

What stepmother and stepfather, she is Yueyue's mother, where's the stepmother...

What's more, even if she is a stepmother, she is a hundred times better than Pei Shengye's father.

Han Qianyu felt annoyed and panicked when he thought of Pei Shengye’s son being beaten up like that and completely ignored him.

There was a faint pain in my stomach.

Han Qianyu reached out and pressed it.

"Madam, are you okay?"

The housekeeper just came down from the stairs and saw Han Qianyu covering his stomach, thinking it was uncomfortable.

"Are you feeling unwell, I'll help you go there for a rest and find a doctor?"

"No need." Han Qianyu waved his hand quickly, "I was mad at Pei Shengye."


"He beat Yueyue like that, why be your dad!" Han Qianyu walked downstairs with the housekeeper, "Housekeeper, you are

Has Pei Shengye been working for a long time? "

"Yeah, I am an old man from Pei’s family. I grew up watching my husband. When I arrived at Pei’s house, my husband was more

It's a bit smaller. "

"Then Shengye Pei is not good to Yueyue?"

The housekeeper paused, then smiled and shook his head to explain: "Nothing! Our husband is just stricter with the young master.

That's all, after all, it is the husband's biological son and the first child. There is no reason why being a father does not hurt. "

The housekeeper poured a glass of warm water for Han Qianyu from the table, and continued: "The year the young master was two years old, he gave birth to a very strict

Serious illness, the husband stayed with him for more than a week without eating or drinking, and the whole person was haggard. Wait until the young master becomes ill.

Well, I fell along with me. Last year, the young master had chickenpox, and he couldn’t get out in the room.

I have never had chickenpox, and I am not afraid of being infected. I go in with my little master every day..." The butler sighed as he said.

Tone: "In fact, in recent years, it has not been easy for your husband, since he was a child, he has liked freedom, and he doesn't like rules and regulations.

Restricted, one day suddenly there was a son, and he became a father in a hurry. He had a kiss for feeding and changing diapers.

Try to do it yourself, madam, you have to be more tolerant of your husband, he is not a god-man, there will always be some bad things. "

Han Qianyu didn’t expect this to happen. He didn’t feel like it for a moment. He thought of something and asked, “This morning, too

Pei Shengye changed the dressing for Yueyue? "

"Yes, the sir got up very early, changed the medicine for the young master, and instructed the kitchen to do light treatments to help the wound heal.

food. "

Han Qianyu's heart shrank again.

It seems that she really misunderstood Pei Shengye.

It is said that father’s love is like a mountain, maybe Pei Shengye is really... not very good at expressing himself.


Han Qianyu went to Yueyue's room to deliver breakfast, the little guy was still burying his head in copying his house rules and instructions.

"Yueyue, let's eat something first."

Yueyue put down the pen, took the hot porridge Han Qianyu handed over, and ate in small bites.

"Why are you working so hard..."

Han Qianyu looked at the neatly lined beautiful lower-case letters, and then thought of the turtle crawling characters when he was in school.

There's no room for self-confidence.

When she was as old as Yueyue, she would never sit down at the desk for ten minutes, and Yueyue actually took

Wounded, I copied over an hour's home instructions here...

Han Qianyu didn't know whether he should feel that he was too scumbag or that he should feel that Pei Shengye was a powerful gene.

"Yueyue, you are still a child, but you don't need to work so hard..."

With Pei Shengye's ability and current status, he has paved an absolutely smooth path for Yueyue's life.

"No." Yueyue's eyes were determined: "I want to protect my mother, so I want to become stronger."

Han Qianyu was a little moved, "Mom is a policeman."

What she meant was that she could protect herself, but the little guy shook his head. There was another reason.

"I know, so one day, I don't want my mother to be injured because of protecting me. I also want to be my mother's policeman."

Han Qianyu was startled, and the mouth of his heart was hot and hot. He put all the pen and paper in front of Yueyue away, "Baby, how are you?

So good, reward you, this family precept is not copied. "

"But Dad..."

"Don't worry, I am your father's family motto, and I will take care of him."


Pei Sheng went home at night, and Yue Yue was already able to get out of bed. He limped step by step and handed the family instructions to Pei Shengye.

Pei Shengye flipped through it at will.

His brows frowned: "Is this a hundred times?"

"No, only fifty times."

Pei Shengye's face was cold: "What did I say?"

Yueyue glanced at Han Qianyu secretly.

Han Qianyu got up and looked at Pei Shengye coldly, "Pei Shengye, you follow me upstairs, I have something to judge you."

After speaking, Han Qianyu went upstairs without looking back.

Pei Shengye glanced at Yueyue, then walked over and knocked on his head: "You will be suing your mother, right?

How can I pack you when I come back. "

Yueyue whispered: "You have to come back first."

Pei Shengye: "..."

Han Qianyu waited for Pei Shengye to enter the house and closed the door.

"I told Yueyue to copy only fifty times." Han Qianyu raised his head; he reached out and clicked on Pei Shengye's chest.

Every word: "Say, are you, very, have, thought, see?"

Pei Shengye smiled and grabbed her finger.

"No, you have the final say, okay?"

"You are not allowed to call Yueyue again."

"This is also the first time for me." Pei Shengye frowned: "As long as he doesn't make a mistake in principle, I will definitely not move him."

"It's pretty much the same."

Pei Shengye smiled and took Han Qianyu into his arms, and lowered his head to kiss her hair.

"Sergeant Han, is this making me a family rule?"

"Yes, I will print it tomorrow. If you make a mistake in the future, you will copy it along with it."

Pei Shengye smiled and didn't speak, his hands were already restlessly piercing into Han Qianyu's clothes, and the fire was everywhere.

"You... don't..."

Han Qianyu's breathing increased instantly, and the roots of his ears were rapidly reddening visible to the naked eye.

Pei Shengye gently bit Han Qianyu's ear and whispered: "Do you know what Yueyue just said to me?"


"He said I might not be able to come back to find him to settle the account, I think... what he said may be right."

As soon as the voice fell, Pei Shengye had already hugged Han Qianyu and threw it on the bed.

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