Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1902: .Collateral


The afternoon sun was scorching the earth fiercely, and there was no sound of wind in the manor.

By the lakeside in the back garden, a young girl in a sleeveless vest is sitting on the shore, her hair curled into a ball head, little hot

The trousers just cover the buttocks, a pair of snow-white delicate feet soaked in the water, two straight and slender legs.

That small face full of collagen is only the size of a slap, exquisite and pretty, innocent and **** like a cat.

She lowered her head and ate the ice cream, but stared intently at the phone placed aside, as if waiting for something.

In the distance, a maid ran up nervously.

"Miss, it turns out you are here, sir, he is back, and he is looking for you."

Hearing the words "Mr.", Tang Moran almost had a cardiac arrest in shock.

She handed the bowl to the maid, lifted her feet out of the water, got up, too late to dry, and went to the house barefoot

Ran away.

Three years ago, in order to save her father and the entire Tang family, she came to this gorgeous manor as a kind of mortgage deduction.

it's here.

At that time, her father and brother told her that he could take her back in at most one year, but now three years have passed.

Last week, her father secretly called her, saying that this huge debt may not be paid, and asked her to find a way to escape.

come out.

Escape... how easy it is.

Fu Tingye sent someone to "look after" her 24 hours a day. Even at school, there were people arranged by him.

He usually comes only once in half a month, and it is mostly in the evening. Why did he come at this time today?

Could it be that he knew that his father was secretly contacting her?

Back to the villa anxiously.

At the gate, the servants stood in a row, and the butler's face was not good-looking, obviously he had just received the reprimand.

In the living room, the atmosphere is depressing.

On the south-facing sofa, the man in a white suit sits calmly and gracefully. He has a noble temperament and brings his own

Huaguang. The three-dimensional face is as perfect as a knife, and it is handsome to make a woman dizzy, and a pair as deep as a starry sky.

The eyes are particularly charming.

At this moment, his face didn't have any special expressions, and there was no happiness or anger on his face.

"Uncle Fu." Tang Moran called him obediently, and sat on the sofa opposite him with his hands on his knees.

She looked up at him, then looked away.

She was a little afraid of him.

Although he is not fierce, he is very kind to her "hostage", not only for her to live in such a beautiful manor, but also for

She was in college, thinking that he really lost her business this time, but every time she faced him, there was no reason why

Zhang, dare not meet his eyes.

Especially being alone like this.

Fu Tingye stared deeply at the little face trying to keep calm, and asked in a light tone, "It's so hot.

What are you going to do outside? "

"I went to the lake, it’s cool to soak my feet in the water." Tang Moran replied, before he stopped, he paused and added another sentence.

"It's not good to always stay in the air conditioner."

She thought about this response on the way in.

"You have your reason." Fu Tingye seemed to smile.

It seemed to have insight into her careful thoughts but did not expose them.

Tang Moran closed his hands on his knees slightly, lowered his eyebrows and said in a low voice, "If Uncle Fu feels the most outside

Don't go, then I won't go. "

Fu Tingye's smile grew thicker.

Small things are quite clever.

He patted the position beside him, "Come and sit down."

"Huh?" Tang Molan lost his voice in surprise, raised his head and looked at it blankly. After two seconds, he said hurriedly, "No need, I

It's nice to sit here. "

"Come here!" Fu Tingye said again.

The difference is that this sentence is imperative.

Tang Moran resisted in his heart, but had to go there.

She stood up, walked to the opposite side, and sat down unnaturally.

She sat very lightly, for fear that she would be shocked by the "horror creatures" next to her, even holding her breath. She didn't sit down

The location where he took the photo was so close, even though she was 20 cm away, she still felt uncomfortable.

Now, sitting on pins and needles.

"Are you going to keep talking to me with a side face?"

The magnetic voice touched her ears.

Tang Moran turned his head and bit his scalp to face him: "Uncle Fu, you--, is there something wrong?"

She asked carefully, her mind was moving fast.

Fu Tingye lowered his eyes, looking up from the dirty and lovely toes, passing over the long and wanton

Beautiful legs, already developed very full breasts, thin white and soft swan neck, and finally stayed in the pink toot, let

People want to take a bite on her lips.

The eyes are like a wolf.

Tang Moran was even more uncomfortable by him, feeling as if he was naked.

Why does he... look at her like that?

She was awkwardly trying to escape. His next move caused her to explode in an instant, and her body was so stiff that she couldn't move.

He raised his arms to her, supported her small face with one hand, rubbed the corners of her mouth with his fingers, moving slowly and gently.

Ying, as if kissed by a kiss.

An electric current ran through her brain, numb all over her body.

He retracted his hand and looked at the creamy white liquid on his finger, "Ice cream?"

"...Yes." Tang Moran was embarrassed.

"It seems to be delicious," Fu Tingye said, put his finger on her thin lips and tasted it, looking at her with deep and bright eyes.

Very satisfied smile, "Well, it really tastes the same as I expected. It's sweet."


Tang Moran looked confused.

Then, her face flushed hot.

This is the ice cream on her mouth, why is he... like this, it feels like kissing him indirectly.

After a long while, she recovered from this sudden intimacy, "Fu...Uncle, you also want to eat ice cream

? I'll go to the kitchen to help you get a bowl. "

With that, she got up.

"No need," Fu Tingye breathed lightly, his chin lifted, his eyes settled on her face again, "Go and change.

Clothes, will accompany me out later. "

Accompany him... go out?

Where to go

Tang Moran's heart was raised, and he wanted to ask, but he was afraid that his guilty conscience would be revealed in his words.

As a result, I had to obediently agree, "Okay."

She turned and walked upstairs.


Back to the room, Tang Moran breathed a sigh of relief.

She rubbed her lips with the back of her hand, rubbing away the temperature and breath left by his fingertips.


The mobile phone tucked in the pocket of denim hot pants pressed against her thigh, although it vibrated.

Her nerves tensed again.

After quickly locking the door, she nervously took out her mobile phone to see that it was indeed a message from her family.

But this time it was not my father, but a message from my brother, which read: Tonight at 9 o’clock tonight, I will arrive at 26 Chengbei Old Street.

No. Yiweixiang Noodle House.

Tang Moran didn't even think about it, so he directly replied: I can't get out tonight, and don't send me another message in the near future.

My brother just wanted her to escape.

She also wanted to leave, but right now, Fu Tingye was sitting downstairs, how he acted rashly.

Just imagine, if she left ten more minutes below, this message would be discovered by Fu Tingye.

When the time comes, let's not talk about escaping, if she can't even go to school, she will be locked in the basement directly.

Less than two minutes after the message was sent, my brother sent another message: There is a very urgent matter and we must meet.

Very urgent matter?

whats the matter?

Tang Moran was disturbed by these six words, and his mind started to think wildly.

Biting her nails and thinking again and again, she picked up the phone, ready to reply.


"Tuk Tuk-"

Tang Moran reflexively turned off the phone and stuffed it into his pocket.

She pressed the heart that was about to jump out of her throat, and went to open the door.

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