Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1903: .The creditor is next door

Standing outside is Fu Tingye's personal assistant Zuo Nan, who is very handsome and has a friendly personality. What does she usually need

Well, all the trivial things are looking for him. In the past three years, I have seen him more often than Fu Tingye.

"Zuo Nan, hello." Tang Moran greeted calmly.

Zuo Nan smiled at her and said, "Miss Tang, the president asked me to come up and tell you that I will see the business partner later.

As a partner, let you dress as decently as possible and not too revealing. "

Tang Moran:...

If you hate her so much, why take her there?

He is not short of women, but he has scandals on the entertainment headlines every few moments.

I was upset, and I had to endure it, "Okay, I see, you go and tell Uncle Fu, I will choose an elegant

Body skirt. "

"Miss Tang, you are an uncle Fu. Our president is called old by you. He is only eight years older than you.

Already. It's almost the same as my brother. "Zuo Nan joked.

"How can it be, he is my father's friend, so naturally I want to be called Uncle." Tang Moran replied.

"Okay, just call what you like, I'll go down first."

Zuo Nan finished his message, and left.

Tang Moran closed the door again, took out the phone and took another look, then walked to the bed and put it under the pillow.

For safety's sake, don't take it with you.

She will contact her brother when she comes back today.


After taking a shower, I changed to a white sleeveless dress, which reached to the knees, and the style was simple and generous.

Such plain and elegant clothes could not stop her youthful beauty.

Tang Moran immediately went downstairs after changing.

Fu Tingye was still sitting in the hall.

I was reading a magazine leisurely and drinking coffee.

Seeing her come down, Fu Tingye heard the sound and looked sideways. When his eyes passed her slender white swan neck, he slightly

Condensed, "Will it be better if my hair is draped down?"

Of course not!

How hot it is to put it down on such a hot day!

Tang Moran retorted in his heart, letting go of her hair silently on the surface.

Then, he whispered a mother quietly in his heart.

The two walked out of the villa one after another and got in the car parked at the door.

The inside is very luxurious and spacious, completely separated from the cab, very private, and isolated from all noise.

The car drove out of the manor.

A cold fragrance permeates the quiet and enclosed space.

It should be a kind of enjoyment to sit in such a comfortable car in summer, but for Tang Moran, it is a kind of enjoyment.

Suffering, depressed, she was almost breathless.

She sat with an upright back, tilted her neck and looked out the window.

The temperature in the car is getting lower and lower, her nails are blue, her lips are white, and her bare knees and calves are almost stiff.

Can't move.

Can't help but glance at the air-conditioning outlet, fucking, 16 degrees...

Does he treat himself as frozen meat?

Tang Moran really wanted to adjust the temperature up, but he thought again, this is his habit, so he should not move.

As a "hostage", one should be able to bear it.

She quietly pulled her skirt down, trying to cover her knees that were about to lose consciousness.

"Is it cold?" The low magnetic voice melted into her ears.

"Huh?" Tang Moran turned his head a little frightened, and took two seconds to react, "Oh, a little bit."

After answering, she turned her head around.

He thought that he asked so, he should be compassionate to raise the air conditioner.

Five minutes passed, and he did nothing.

Oh, dare to love, he just asked.

Tang Moran rubbed his hands, staring at the 16-degree number, when will it arrive~~~

Just when she was anxious and unbearable, her legs suddenly warmed.

Looking down, a white suit was covering her lap.


Tang Moran opened his eyes wide.

Now, she was really "flattered".

The suit was the heat on his body, and her legs were warming here. Although it was warm, she felt shocked.

It seems that the clothes covered on the legs are not clothes, but a beast that eats people.

Fu Tingye is closing his eyes and resting. It seems that covering up the clothes is just his random act.


The car drove for another fifteen minutes and reached the destination.

Tang Moran picked up his coat from his knees and gave it back to him.

After getting off the car, there is a club in front of me.

Tang Moran turned her head and saw the street sign not far away, her eyes trembled violently.

This is Chengbei, and the old street is Chengbei Old Street.

The place where her brother asked her to meet is nearby.

Is it a coincidence or...

"What do you see so fascinating?" The warm breath spread behind her ears, and her scalp was paralyzed.

Fu Tingye stood beside her with her hands behind her back, bent over slightly, next to her head, and followed her gaze

Look with her.

"I didn't see anything." Tang Moran walked forward, hurriedly.

Fu Tingye retracted his gaze, with an imperceptible smile at the corner of his mouth.



Fu Tingye and several business predators drank red wine and talked about the project.

Every man has either a splendid wife or an enchanting lover.

Tang Moran didn't even know what kind of identity he was?

However, from everyone's eyes, she was certain that they all wanted to be crooked.

The embarrassing party made her eat all the time.

At 8:30, someone suggested playing cards.

When Tang Moran saw that the glamorous stunner brought by Mr. Cheng sat next to Fu Tingye, Mr. Cheng was not angry and even smiled.

Fu Tingye did not refuse either.

After playing for half an hour, the woman boldly put her hand on Fu Tingye's arm.

During this process, Fu Tingye never visited Tang Moran once, and had completely forgotten her existence.

Men are all big horns!

Tang Moran despised him in his heart.

She got up and went outside to breathe.

Standing in the hallway, a waiter in uniform walked past her and stuffed a piece of paper into her hand.

Quickly walked away.


Tang Moran spread out the palms of her palms, saw a note, squeezed her hands tightly, and walked quickly to the bathroom.

After confirming that there was no one, she opened the note, which read: Come to the second box on the left on the third floor!

The handwriting looks like brother's!

How did he know she was here.

The feeling of uneasiness expanded in her heart.

This is not right!

After tearing up the note, she walked out of the bathroom. She wanted to find a way to tell her brother to leave.

She randomly pulled a waiter along the way, stuffed a tip of 200 yuan, and asked her to go to the third floor to pass on the message, only that she could not make it.

Go, let him leave immediately.

Back in the box, Tang Moran sat down nervously.

Fu Tingye still played cards over there.

She watched him secretly, her beautiful and dazzling face was very leisurely, and occasionally teased the fairies around her, but she never saw him

What scheming does he have.

Is she thinking too much?

After a while, a waiter came in to deliver wine, walked to Tang Moran's side specially, and when he squatted down to pack his things, he whispered

Said one thing: Your brother is outside!

Tang Moran shook his heart.

She bit her head and stood up again and walked out.

Behind, Fu Tingye moved his gaze away from the card and glanced faintly in the direction she was leaving.

As soon as Tang Moran got out of the box, he saw that he was standing two meters away, wearing a dark blue T-shirt, with a beard, and very thin.

the man.


She opened her mouth, and no sound came from her throat.

Thinking that the name Fu Tingye was in the room behind her, she couldn't control so much, so she pulled Tang Yuzhe into the room next to no one.

In the box.

Tang Yuzhe sat on the sofa, took out the cigarette case and the lighter from his pocket, smoked one, lit it, and vomited relaxedly.

Fog up

Tang Moran frowned when he saw him like this.

She walked over, stood in front of him, and said anxiously, "Brother, didn't I let you go quickly? Why are you still looking

Me. "

At the beginning, I said that I could pay back the money in a year, and now it has been three years, and the creditor is sitting next door.

This won't go, and if it doesn't work for a while, it won't go.

"Why, after being raised by Fu Tingye for a few years, I don't even care about my brother?" Tang Yuzhe looked unhappy.

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