Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1904: .Return the money to you

"...What are you talking nonsense!" Tang Moran was speechless.

She couldn't bear to see her elder brother so down and haggard, but he slandered her like this how he spoke.

"Don't worry, I'll leave after I'm finished. You sit down first." Tang Yuzhe clicked on the opposite sofa.

Even though Tang Moran was anxious, but in order to let his brother leave as soon as possible, he could only sit down and said, "Let's talk."

Tang Yuzhe fell silent, took a puff of cigarette, and said, "Ran Ran, we can't pay off the debt we owed Fu Tingye.

What did you lose in the past few years? I owed a lot of money some time ago. Dad doesn’t know yet. Our Tang family completely

It's over. "

Tang Moran was agitated when he heard it, "Then—, is there no other way?"

"There is another way."


"Go and seduce Fu Tingye."

"what did you say!!!"

Tang Moran whispered in disbelief.

Seduce Fu Tingye? !

Is he crazy?

Seeing his sister's emotions, Tang Yuzhe hurriedly calmed down, "I heard about me, you live with Fu Tingye now, as long as you spend

Think about it to seduce him. Once you climb into his bed, we will not only have to pay off the debt, but also ask him for help.

Busy, so that the Tang family can come back to life, this is our only way out. "

"..." Tang Moran almost suffocated, "I want to seduce you, I'm not a prostitute, I won't go!"

"Smelly girl, why are you so selfish! Do you want to watch our family die?"


"Believe me, Fu Tingye agreed to hold you as a hostage at the beginning, and he liked you somewhat in his heart. As long as you are willing

Work hard, and he will fall in love with you for a while. "

Let Fu Tingye fall in love with her?

Tang Moran couldn't help laughing, "Brother, you really think too much. He Fu Tingye has women, and he likes them.

It's a breast-rich and fat-butt type, like me, if you go naked and lie on his bed, he doesn't want to..."

After finishing the last word, the side door in the box was suddenly pushed open.

The two brothers and sisters who were in dispute looked over at the same time.

I saw Fu Tingye standing there, watching them in his spare time, as if he had come to watch the play specially.

Tang Moran's face turned pale.

He... when did he come?

He heard all their conversations?

Fu Tingye walked over from the door, and there was no one behind him.

When he came to them, he stood still, his eyes flowed from Tang Moran's face to Tang Yuzhe's body, his expression lazy and proud.

Long time no see, Master Tang. "

"Fu, Mr. Fu..." Tang Yuzhe panicked.

"Do you miss my sister?" Fu Ting Yeqing raised his eyebrows.

"Yes, yes, yes, I...I miss my sister, let me see her." Tang Yuzhe followed his words.

"Have you finished reading it?" Fu Tingye smiled slightly, with a kind face, showing murderous intent.

Tang Yuzhe shuddered, his face was terrified, "After reading it, I'll be right away."

He said as he walked forward, he didn't even say goodbye.

Before leaving, he looked at Tang Moran forcefully with hinting eyes.

Tang Moran did not respond to him.

When her elder brother left her sight, she cast a worried look at the door, for fear that Fu Tingye would catch the person again.

"I won't embarrass him." The heat source approached, and her hot breath spread on her face.

Tang Moran stiffened.

The heart was beating, she did not raise her head, but lowered her head a little, "Thank you, next time... next time, no

There is such a thing again. "

Fu Tingye squeezed her chin, bent down her tall body, and stared at her.

Black eyes are deep and curious.

Tang Moran was very nervous, his eyes dodged from left to right.

If the seemingly hot air makes her nervous, it feels uncomfortable as if someone scratched the soles of her feet.

"I have heard what you said just now." The magnetic voice that was deliberately lowered was an indescribable sensuality.

Tang Moran's face turned pale first, then reddened in shame.

"Uncle Fu, my brother is crazy, you must not take those words seriously, they are all wrong." She explained,

Embarrassment was written on his face.

"It's not entirely wrong." Fu Tingye breathed.


What do you mean?

Tang Moran was a little confused, looking at the beautiful face that was close at hand, but becoming more and more incomprehensible, she mobilized all the brain cells.

Think about the meaning of his words.

In the end, she faltered and guessed, "Uh, Uncle Fu was referring to, what type of woman do you like, those few sentences

Am I right? "

Fu Tingye's handsome face instantly sank.

He loosened her chin, straightened up, and said with a serious expression, "If you dare to sneak up on your family, I will

You sold it to repay the debt. "

After speaking, he left coldly.

Tang Moran: "..."

Did she guess wrong?


Back in the box, Fu Tingye sat down again to continue playing cards.

Tang Moran sat in the corner again and stayed there.

At eleven, the scene was over.

Tang Moran saw Fu Tingye stand up, and followed him up, going over and standing beside him obediently.

The stunner who stuck to Fu Tingye’s arm all night suggested touching the back of his hand with his finger, "Mr. Fu, you are hungry.

? Why don't I accompany you to eat somewhere else? "

After listening to Fu Tingye, he didn't answer immediately, but turned his head to look at Tang Moran, "Are you hungry?"

Tang Molan was taken aback for a moment.

But his mind turned fast, and he quickly understood what he meant.

He points to her, let her be smarter and don't spoil his good deeds.

"Oh, I'm not hungry, Uncle Fu, go and eat with this sister. I just need to take a taxi and go home."

"..." Fu Tingye's complexion slightly solidified.

Tang Moran noticed the slight change in his expression, and seemed unhappy.

Was her answer not what he wanted?

What do you want her to say?

She grabbed her forehead, feeling a little at a loss and helpless, and had no choice but to bite the bullet and continue to guess: "Otherwise, I'll go eat together?"

"It's all gone."

Fu Tingye vomited indifferently, and went straight out, ignoring her.

Tang Moran looked innocent.

She can't eat if she doesn't, nor can she eat, how could he be so difficult to serve.

Some of the people in the box were suffocating a smile, some of their expressions were very meaningful, and the stunner’s face was so long that they kept treating her

Roll your eyes.

Tang Moran doesn’t usually think how stupid he is, but at the moment he feels like an idiot. He doesn’t even know this.

The meaning contained in human expressions.

Although she hated this feeling, she politely said goodbye before coming out of the box.

Outside, Fu Tingye was already sitting in the car.

He closed his eyes and leaned against his face blankly.

With arms around the chest, long legs folded, it feels like a stranger shouldn't be near.

Tang Moran pulled the car door and wanted to call him, but when he saw it, he didn't dare to call, and got in the car silently.

On the road, it was still quiet and depressed.

Tang Moran looked at the world surrounded by darkness, thinking of his situation, and suddenly despairing.

People say that companions are like companions to tigers, and that a big creditor is like walking on the tip of a blade of ice. God knows if you still can’t

Money, how would he deal with her.



Go back to the manor.

Fu Tingye got out of the car first, and Tang Moran walked behind.

After going upstairs, Tang Moran said good night and fled into his room.

The next morning.

The maid knocked on her room, "Miss, sir asked me to wake you up and go down for breakfast."

Tang Moran woke up from his sleep and paused for five seconds before he responded weakly, "Oh."

She got up and brushed her teeth, washed her face with water, and then she went downstairs.

Fu Tingye wore a light silver loose shirt and was sitting leisurely under the pavilion outside the house to eat breakfast.

He said he had breakfast, but he had already finished eating, and there was only a cup of coffee in front of him.

He was holding the tablet, his eyes drooping, his fingers flipping flexibly.

Tang Moran sat down to eat breakfast without disturbing him.

I took a bite of the bread. Before I swallowed it, a voice of no temperature came, "Pack the luggage these days.

Next, you have to live in another place. "

Change place!

Tang Moran's heart was shaken.

Was it because he knew that her family could not repay the money owed to him, so he had to resort to extraordinary measures?

"Uncle Fu, even if my family doesn’t pay the debts to you, I will find a way to pay them back. I won’t repay them, you believe

I! "She held a mouthful of bread and hurriedly explained.

Hearing this, Fu Tingye raised his eyes, with a slightly mocking smile on his expression, "You think of a way? Then you just talk

See, do you have a good way? "

"I'm going to make money. As long as you give me time, I will definitely pay you back the money I owe you."

"You have no capital, no ability, little girl, your words are not convincing."

"But... but even if you sell me, I won't be worth that much money."

Tang Moran closed his eyes and summoned the courage to shout.

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