Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1905: .Guess it

Fu Tingye was startled.

After a while, he was laughed amusedly, "Who said I would sell you?"

"That--," Tang Moran squeezed the knife and fork in his hand, "Then what do you want to do to me?"

Fu Tingye took a sip of the coffee on the table in a leisurely manner, and looked at her with his eyes, "What do I want to do with you...

guess. "

Tang Moran's heartbeat was disturbed by his attention.

She shook her head, "I can't guess."

Fu Ting smiled at night, "You like to guess my mind so much, how come you can't guess it."


Is this mocking her cleverness last night?

Tang Moran was stunned, "Uncle Fu, my brain is stupid, I won't guess randomly in the future."

Fu Tingye was very satisfied with her answer, "It’s good to be stupid, eat breakfast, I won’t treat you well, just

It's just a different place to live. ""

Tang Moran breathed a sigh of relief.

After lowering her head to eat a few bites of breakfast, she pretended to smile again and asked cautiously, "Uncle Fu, can I know if you want

Where do I live? "

"You can see my place every day."


Tang Moran's smile gradually solidified on his face.

"Not happy?" Fu Tingye's tone became colder.

"Ah, no, I'm happy, I'm so happy, haha." Tang Moran grinned exaggeratedly and pretended to be

That kind of laughed twice.

You can squeeze bitter gourd juice from the bitter heart.

Seeing him twice a month, she was like an enemy.

See you every day...Oh my god~~~~


a week later.

Tang Moran packed up his luggage and followed Zuo Nan to the new premises.

The car drove for two and a half hours.

Drive from the west of the city to the east of the city.

The air conditioner was just right, and it was another summer afternoon, and Tang Moran was almost asleep sitting in the car.

In the sleepy room, a white building flashed in his eyes.

She rubbed her eyes, woke up, and looked out regularly, only to see a Chinese style on the hillside in the distance.

The mansion, the blue tiles and white walls, are stacked on the wrong side, and the surrounding walls are out of sight. This Chinese house is different from the European style

Gorgeous, it looks more noble and solemn, and has a faint and cold and arrogant feeling.

What an imposing house.

Is this the new residence that Fu Tingye arranged for her?

It's too proud.

"This is the old house of the president's house." Zuo Nan said next to him.

"Old House!" Tang Moran was surprised.

She thought he just took her to his other properties, just like the private estate he was in before, after all, like him

There are so many houses for such chaebols.

But he actually took her back to his house...

"Ran Ran, do you know that you are the first woman the president brought home." Zuo Nan turned his head, there was something in his tone that could not be said.

The meaning.

Tang Moran was taken aback by what he said, " could I be his woman? At best, I am a debt

As an excuse, he probably watched him nearby because he was afraid that I would run away. "

She hurriedly explained, panicking inexplicably.

Zuo Nan smiled and said nothing.

Seeing him smiling, Tang Moran became more upset.

The car drove along the fence for ten minutes before finally entering the magnificent gate.

The inside is exquisite.

Green spaces, courtyards, flower beds, and various valuable old trees are dotted with it.

Zuo Nan drove the car into the courtyard of the house on the left.

The two got out of the car, and Tang Moran followed him inside.

The yard is very large, and the moment I stepped into the house, a cold air rushed to my face, and the dark gray main color was indescribable.

Cold hard and depressed.

It's like an ice cellar.

Does Fu Tingye mostly live in this house?

Zuo Nan took Tang Mo upstairs and pushed a room aside, "This is your room."

After Tang Moran went in, she found that her room was very warm and girly, and it was obviously rearranged.

It's pretty good to her!

"You will live in this room from now on. The maid will bring you three meals a day, and I will pick you up when you go out. Here, the courtyard

You can move around at will inside, but don’t run around outside. You can’t cope with other people in the president’s house. Especially don't go

The southernmost yard, where the Second Young Master lives, has a weird personality and hates strangers at home the most..."

Zuo Nan explained while helping her put the luggage in the locker room.

Tang Moran listened carefully, remembering one by one in his heart.

Zuo Nan settled down and Tang Moran left.

Tang Moran hung his clothes in the cabinet and strolled around every corner in and out of the room.

I will live here in the future, and I don’t know when I can leave. It is necessary to get familiar with the environment.

They come, the security.

Take one step as one step.

As long as you don't make big creditors unhappy, you can live safely.


At 6 o'clock in the evening, the servant brought dinner.

There is only one pair of tableware.

It seems that Fu Tingye will not come back for dinner today, or go home at night.

That would be the best.

The dinner was delicious. Tang Moran ate a lot, mainly because Fu Tingye felt more relaxed when she did not come back.

It was dark in summer very slowly, and Tang Moran took a shower.

She sat down on the wicker chair in front of the yard pond, blowing the cool south wind comfortably, and stayed until it was completely dark.

Go back to the house.

Eleven o'clock at midnight.

Probably because of changing the bed, Tang Moran suffered from insomnia and could not sleep over and over again.

I got up from the bed and was bored. I remembered that there were many good books in the study during the day, so I planned to find them.

Take the book back to the room and read it.

She walked out of the room in her pajamas.

The huge room was quiet, and she was alone. She walked into the study, turned on the lamp inside, and picked it on the shelf.

I chose a book and turned over a few pages. I thought it was pretty good, so I wanted to take it back to my room.

After coming out of the study, after walking a few steps, I heard the sound from the stairs.

Tang Moran panicked.

He is back……

She hurriedly ran into the room with the book, trying to get back to the room before he came up.

Unfortunately, it was still a step late. As soon as she arrived at the door of the room, Fu Tingye appeared in the corridor.

It's hard to pretend not to see it!

"Uncle Fu, you are back!" Tang Moran greeted with a smile.

Fu Tingye didn't answer the conversation, and walked a few steps forward, shaking his body.

He stopped, beckoned to her, "Come here."

Even though Tang Moran was not very happy in his heart, he still passed. Who made him a major creditor she could not offend.

Approaching, I can smell a lot of wine.

Are you drunk?

"Uncle Fu, are you okay, can you still go?" She pretended to be concerned, her eyes swept across his face.

He seemed sober, his face was not red, and he didn't seem to be drunk.

"Help me back to the room." Fu Tingye breathed in a dark voice, and a strong alcohol squirted from his thin lips.

"Okay." Tang Moran didn't dare to refuse, and obediently approached him, reaching out and supporting him.

When I touched his arm, I couldn't stop feeling nervous.

For her, this has broken the safety distance.

However, the next second, Fu Tingye pulled his arm out of her hand and put it on her shoulder.

The distance pulled closer in an instant.

Her cheeks almost touched his chest.

Tang Moran struggled subconsciously, and he pressed her shoulders again and again, and her knees couldn't help but bend.

Seeing that she was about to kneel down, she hugged his waist like a conditional launch.

The smell of cologne mixed with the smell of alcohol rushed into her brain.

In front of him was a warm white shirt.

Looking up, there are a pair of dark and blurred deep eyes.

"Yes, sorry--"

She stuttered and loosened his waist.

With all his strength, he took up his arm.

"Do you know where my room is?" The breath of heat hit her ears.

"I know." Tang Moran nodded, not looking at his face.

The heartbeat is fast.

Maybe it's not suitable for being so close to the opposite sex.

Fu Tingye patted her face, "Let's go then."

Tang Moran gritted his teeth and supported him to walk to his room. Fortunately, his room was right in front, and it was only a few steps away.

Obviously he can go in by supporting the wall himself, but he has to let her help.

His room is super big.

She helped him to the bed, "Uncle Fu, I will help you lie down."

She moved his arm off her shoulder.

His body leaned toward the bed, and his big palm "accidentally" took her waist, so that she was already standing firm.

He also fell on the bed.

"Ah----" Tang Moran whispered in shock.

Then, there was a pain in his chest.

The girl's soft and plump chest pressed against his rocky chest.

Because she was already asleep, she didn't even wear a corset.

Separated by two layers of thin fabrics, they fit closely together, and the girl's unique fragrance poured into his belly.

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