Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1906: .bring home

Fu Tingye's breathing became heavy.

The big palm squeezed her waist, her eyes filled with scorching heat like a fire.

He rolled over and pressed her under him, his slender fingers stroking her cheeks and neck from her hair, his eyes seemed to be eaten

Like her.

"Little things, why are they so soft everywhere." The hoarse and ambiguous tone enveloped desire.

Tang Moran's brain was in chaos.

What is he doing!

Although she has never done that kind of thing, it doesn't mean she doesn't understand.

"Uncle Fu, it's time for me to go back to the room, you let me get up." She pushed him, her tone firm.

With his hands firmly pressed on the top of her head, Fu Tingye stared at her short mouth because of fear, and pressed a little bit.

Go down, get closer.

"Uncle Fu, if you drink too much, you should be sober, you can't be like this..."

Tang Moran shouted.

At the moment he kissed her, she tilted her head to the other side, letting his plunder be completely empty.

Fu Tingye’s thin lips pressed against her neck. Although he did not kiss Xiangze, the fragrance in the other place attracted him.

Look down the road.

Tang Moran escaped, panting, and suddenly a strong sense of acceptance came from his chest.

The whole body was shocked.

"Fu Tingye, let go of me, let me go, let me go, you pervert, you bastard, you are disrespectful..."

She struggled, already incoherent in shame.

A feeling of numbness runs through each of her meridians.

Just when she thought she was going to be eaten by him tonight, he suddenly pressed against her chest and stopped moving.

"Fu Tingye? Fu... Uncle?"

She called him twice.

Poke his head.

no response.

She pushed him away from her body with great effort, and she didn't care about slapped him while she was asleep, venting her anger, and fleeing with both hands and feet.

Get out of bed.

She didn't know if she was running or floating back to the room.

Sitting on the bed, she froze for a while.

Looking down, seeing the wet piece on the pajamas, recalling the hot temperature in his mouth, his tongue is

Her lips and teeth are like this... the more she thinks about it, the more embarrassed she becomes. She took off her pajamas and threw them away.


Sleepless all night.

I went to sleep dimly in the early morning.

My eyes were puffy when I got up.

Seeing the scorching sun outside, she felt in a daze that those things in her mind were dreams.

It must not be true!

But when she was fully awake, she was sure to be true.

She never thought that she would be done such a dirty thing by an elder, even though Fu Tingye is really not old, but...

But she called his uncle.

Could it be that you got drunk and admitted the wrong person?

This is very possible!

Tang Moran was thinking about it, lying at the window, not daring to go downstairs.

She couldn't look directly at his face now.

However, the unbelievable stomach was groaning at twelve noon.

I can't starve myself to death.

She pulled out a long dress and trousers, put it on, walked to the restaurant upstairs, and saw that the maid was taking away the breakfast and replaced it with a fine lunch.

But Tang Moran's focus is that there are two sets of bowls and chopsticks.

Suddenly there was an idea of ​​wanting to escape.

It's just that this idea didn't even have a chance to be implemented, someone had already entered the restaurant with a well-dressed appearance.

He looks clean and elegant in the beige home clothes, and there is a fresh fragrance after bathing.

Fu Tingye opened the chair and sat down.

Tang Moran forced himself to sit down with the embarrassment that was about to overflow in his heart.

"Good noon." She whispered perfunctorily, and took the rice in front of her into her mouth.

If she is not a hostage as a pledge, she must slap the rice on his face.

Fu Tingye's expression was indifferent.

Nothing is unnatural or uncomfortable.

He picked up some refreshing vegetables to eat, and casually said, "I drank too much last night. You helped me back to the room."

Tang Molan choked, nodded, and said "um" with his nasal sound.

Fu Tingye paused and said, "Nothing happened afterwards, right?"

This is an interesting question.

Tang Moran was choked again, and was choked to death by his question, just like eating a bowl of raw rice.

If she said yes, she would accuse him face to face.

If she said no, she would just knock down her teeth and invigorate the blood.

Regardless of whether she said yes or no, he now looked like he had completely forgotten.

As for whether he remembers or not, except for himself, the ghost knows.

Taking a deep breath, she gritted her teeth, suppressed the grievances and helplessness in her heart, and answered with a smile, "No!"

Fu Ting Ye looked at her deeply.

Tang Moran lowered his head to grill rice, and said nothing.

After a few bites, she said she was full, got up and left the restaurant.

Sitting in the rattan swing chair in the yard, she looked at the koi in the water, feeling bored.

She understands that in fact, she is not entirely angry about what happened last night, but more because of her own situation.

However, you can't even get angry.

in the afternoon.

Fu Tingye went out.

At three o'clock, Zuo Nan brought a black velvet brocade box over.

"This is what the president gave you."

"Oh." Tang Moran held it.

After Zuo Nan left, Tang Moran opened the box, which was a pink diamond necklace.

She was slightly surprised.

She is so familiar with this necklace. It was given to her by her father on her fourteenth birthday. It is worth more than three million yuan.

Later the company went bankrupt and used it to repay the debt.

It turned out that the debt was paid to Fu Tingye.

Tang Moran touched the necklace lightly, smiling involuntarily at the corner of his mouth, and then, as if thinking of something, he immediately felt

Another sink.

Sending her a necklace at this time meant that he remembered everything last night.

Otherwise he wouldn't give this to her suddenly.

So does he want to apologize or... have other meanings...

In the evening, Fu Tingye returned.

Tang Moran thought he was going to have dinner with him again, but he changed his clothes and left the yard.

Is he going out again?

No, he changed his formal clothes, not like going out.

When it was time for dinner, the maid brought Tang Moran dinner just like yesterday.

"Uh, that, Fu... Uncle Fu, is he coming to eat?" Tang Moran asked.

"Today is the family dinner day, the eldest master went to the main house for dinner." The maid replied.

Family dinner day...

Tang Moran muttered these five words in his heart.

She has never been out of the yard, and she doesn't know who lives in the house next to her.

Naturally, she would not ask more.

Main house.

In the restaurant, the lights are dazzling and the style is extraordinary.

A large carved round table made of nanjin wood is already filled with various exquisite dishes. On the south-facing position sits a young man

The older grandmother had thirteen people sitting on either side of her center.

Fu Tingye was sitting on the left of the old lady.

The others are his two uncles and an aunt, and the others are his aunts, uncles, and a group of cousins.


Each one is not a fuel-efficient lamp.

That year, Fu Tingye’s father died of a myocardial infarction. As the president, he had to choose between Fu Tingye and his two uncles.


Both of the two uncles wanted to be Fu's next president, and they both used insidious tricks and worked hard in the ears of the old lady.

Husband, who knows that when he finally voted on the board of directors, he chose Fu who was only twenty years old and seemed to have no chance of winning.

Ting Ye.

At that time, everyone could not understand what clever means Fu Tingye used. As long as the snipe and clam fight, the fisherman gets

Good luck.

Now, in just a few years, the company has undergone a major change in blood, and the family power has been completely disintegrated by him, and he has truly learned his


They all hate him.

No, within a few minutes of sitting down, the little aunt said pretentiously, "Ting Ye, I didn’t know it was yesterday evening.

It's not that I am blinded. I saw a girl walking out of your house. Who is she? "

As soon as she said this, the faces of the rest of the people lit up.

Just wait to see how he explains.

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