Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Chapter 1907: .Don't come to me

Because the old lady dislikes someone at home who takes the woman outside home.

Sure enough, after hearing this, the old lady straightened her face immediately, "Ting Ye, what girl?"

"I brought it back yesterday. She hasn't adapted to life here yet. When the time is right, I will bring her to see you.

Your. "Fu Tingye answered calmly.

"I heard what you mean, you--, is this planning to marry her?" The old lady was shocked.

"Grandma, this is my personal matter. I said it before. I will bring her to see you." Fu Tingye reiterated his humble remarks.

The language is undoubtedly tough.

The old lady heard what her grandson said, and she knew that if she kept on asking, this kid would not save her face.

I was upset in my heart, so I had no choice but to endure it first, "That's OK, I'll wait for you to bring her to see me."

The rest of the people were defeated after seeing the old lady's words, and turned away from their attention in angrily.

When the meal time came, the old housekeeper came to remind the old lady.

The old lady looked at the specially vacated space on the right and asked, "Will Jingting not come to eat?"

No one answered.

Everyone is lazy to talk about the second young master of the Fu family.

When his girlfriend dies, he becomes useless and hides at home all day long.

"Call him again." The old lady ordered the housekeeper.

"Yes." The butler nodded.

Fu Tingye gave another order at this time, "No need to call, let him go."

The housekeeper was embarrassed, looked at the young master, then went to see the old lady, waiting for her.

The old lady sighed and sighed, "Forget it, if you scream, it's for nothing, don't go, let's eat."

"Yes." The butler went down.


Tang Moran had dinner.

Thinking that Fu Tingye would come back after dinner in the main house for a while, this long night, even if she was alone with him across the wall,

She was inexplicably perturbed.

She walked outside and strolled around the yard uneasy.

Unconsciously, she walked from the front of the yard to the bamboo leaf forest behind the yard.

At sunset, the sky gradually dimmed, and the sky was indeed full of sunset clouds in the northwest. The sky was full of pink tones, which was very spectacular.

In the bamboo forest, a puff of white smoke floated.

She hadn't noticed, but the pungent tobacco smell made her unable to ignore it.

She looked towards the place of the white smoke, and saw a pair of long legs stretched out on the ground, black pants, black

The flip-flops looked like a man.

the man?

Didn't it mean that Fu Tingye was a man in the yard?

Who is this?

Tang Moran stopped, hesitating between retreating and bypassing.

Think about it, she still don't want to be extravagant and cause unnecessary trouble, just go back.

She turned to leave.

"Stop!" Suddenly there was a cold and stern shout behind him, with a deep voice and an anger.

Tang Moran shook his body in fright and settled there.

"Come here!" the voice came again.

"I didn't mean to interrupt." Tang Moran turned around, said, walking a few steps forward, and saw the man sitting in the bamboo forest.

Under the pink afterglow, an extremely beautiful man leaned against a bamboo in a decadent manner, with a cigarette between his fingertips, his eyes gloomy.

Shen Wuguang, it matched the sunset very well.

His skin is whiter than hers, and his lips are rosier than hers. At this moment, he is vomiting mist from that beautiful mouth.

He was wearing a loose black vest, his hair was messy, but his temperament was good, he felt like a downright nobleman.

Fu Jingting glanced at her, "New here?"

"...Uh, yes." Tang Moran didn't understand what he meant, but he didn't want to ask. I hope she will leave soon after she finishes talking.

"I warn you, don't tell the old lady that I am here, or I will choke your neck."

"……it is good."

Tang Moran complied, turned and prepared to leave, only to hear another impatience roar behind him, "Stand where you are!"

Tang Moran suffocated.

This man has a bad temper.

She had to bear with him, she turned around, her voice a little hardened and said, "Although I am sorry to hit

Bothered you, but you have no right to order me. "

After speaking, she turned and left.

After walking a few steps, I heard the person behind him seemed to get up and chase.

Tang Moran was scared now, and ran away.

The man chased after him.

When she ran to the pond in the front yard, the hair on the back of her head was grabbed and dragged back half a meter.

"Ah~~~~Help~~~~Help~~~~" Tang Moran screamed in fright.

Is she insane!

Fu Jingting, who was annoyed by the sharp female shouts, jumped on his temples, frowning and yelling, "Shut up for me—"

The more violent he is, the more afraid she becomes, and the more intense the struggle and the call for help, "Help~~~~ Come on

Ah~~~~ Fu~~~~"

Fu Jingting couldn't stand it anymore, he picked her up like a chick, and let it go into the pond on one side.

"Plop--" There was a loud noise and water splashed everywhere.

Tang Moran's lips and nose were soon submerged by water.

The real horror overwhelmed her because she could not swim.

She waved her hands in the book, but the more she struggled, the more she sank.

The water is getting farther and farther away from her, and a red and white koi faintly swims over her...

After Fu Jingting finished throwing her, he walked aside, sat down with his back to her, and lit another cigarette.

Feeling that the shouts from behind were weak, he also felt that it was not right, and turned around, no one on the water.

"Hey—Little Maid—"

Outside the door, Fu Tingye was walking leisurely in the courtyard.

Seeing Fu Jingting standing by the pond and about to jump into the water, he ran over to hold him, "Go back to your yard and die for me."

"A new maid fell off." Fu Jingting pointed to the water.

"What's new..." Fu Ting was halfway through talking, and suddenly stopped, then let go of Fu Jingting, and jumped in without thinking.

Into the pond.

Tang Moran felt his eyelids heavier and heavier, and the aperture above his head became smaller and smaller.

Is she dying?

She didn't want to die.

In the silent sadness, the consciousness became chaotic. Suddenly, a face was pressed on top of the head, and in the blur, I only felt very bright

Jun, like Fu Ye...

Before I finished thinking about it, the waist was caught, and the person started to float up.

Fu Tingye took Tang Moran up from the water and carried it to the grass on the shore.

He patted her face, "Tang Moran--"

"Do you still know her name?" Fu Jingting sat on the sidelines and sat down relaxed when he saw someone rescued him.

Fu Tingye's expression was extremely solemn.

Seeing that she hadn't opened her eyes, she immediately took other measures to perform chest compressions and artificial respiration on her.

Tang Moran gradually woke up.

But when she opened some eyes slightly, she saw Fu Tingye, and somehow she subconsciously gave her eyes again


The thin lips pressed her lips, unexpectedly soft.

The scent of jasmine tea poured into her mouth for a while, very rich and delicate.

His lips rubbed her lips lightly, and her heartbeat instantly soared to 120 with a tingling feeling.

This is her first kiss!

The slender hand lying flat on the grass quietly pinched a handful of green grass.

Fu Tingye felt that she was going to get hot and straightened up.

Tang Moran took the opportunity to slowly open his eyes, pretending that he just woke up, "Uncle Fu——"

"Finally awake?" Fu Tingye looked at her blushing face, a smile flashed across his eyes, "Why did you fall into the water?"

"I am—" Tang Moran was about to say, glanced at him, but saw Fu Jingye sitting on the other side.

He has an expression that you can say if you want to die.

She moved to Fu Tingye's side, and told him firmly, "This neurosis threw me down."

Fu Tingye looked at Fu Jingting with a "kind" smile, "Don't come to my yard in the future."

There was a vaguely murderous look in his eyes.

"I'll come as I want, can you manage it?" Fu Jingting flicked away the cigarette **** in his hand, stood up from the grass, and looked down.

Said to Tang Moran, "It's called Second Uncle Fu."

Tang Moran:...

It took her brain for a few seconds to realize that this neurosis was the second young master of the Fu family.

He is Fu Tingye's younger brother.

God, I knew she didn't sue him just now.

Fu Jingting wiped her neck before leaving.

Tang Moran was really going to cry.

One Fu Tingye is already enough to make her uneasy, and there is another second young master of the Fu family who is nervous, God, you

Are you kidding me?

"From tomorrow, he won't be able to come in this yard." Fu Tingye said, bending over to hug her from the ground.

"I can go by myself." Tang Moran pushed his chest in protest.

"You are drowning, it is not suitable for strenuous exercise." Fu Ting said without changing his face at night.

What kind of strenuous exercise is walking? !

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